Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of WikiStart

Jun 12, 2008, 2:28:42 PM (17 years ago)



  • WikiStart

    v1 v2  
    1 = Welcome to Trac 0.10.4 =
     3<h1 style="text-align: center; color: blue; font-size: 300%;">Welcome to the ADAM project home page</h1>
    3 Trac is a '''minimalistic''' approach to '''web-based''' management of
    4 '''software projects'''. Its goal is to simplify effective tracking and handling of software issues, enhancements and overall progress.
     5<div id="mainnav" class="nav"><ul><center>
    6 All aspects of Trac have been designed with the single goal to
    7 '''help developers write great software''' while '''staying out of the way'''
    8 and imposing as little as possible on a team's established process and
    9 culture.
     10= What is ADAM =
    11 As all Wiki pages, this page is editable, this means that you can
    12 modify the contents of this page simply by using your
    13 web-browser. Simply click on the "Edit this page" link at the bottom
    14 of the page. WikiFormatting will give you a detailed description of
    15 available Wiki formatting commands.
     12 * SoCLib is an open platform for virtual prototyping of multi-processors system on chip (MP-SoC).
     13 * The core of the platform is a library of SystemC simulation models for virtual components (IP cores), with a guaranteed path to silicon.
     14 * The project is funded by the french ''Agence Nationale pour la Recherche''.
     15 * 6 industrial companies and 11 laboratories are working together to build this platform
     16   * [ Magillem Design Services]
     17   * [ SILICOMP]
     18   * [ STMicrelectronics]
     19   * [ Thales Communications]
     20   * [ Thomson R&D France]
     21   * [ TurboConcept]
     22   * [ CEA-LIST] Saclay
     23   * [ CEA-LETI] Grenoble
     24   * [ CITI] Lyon
     25   * [ ENST] Paris
     26   * [ INRIA Futurs] Saclay
     27   * [ IRISA] Rennes
     28   * [ Lester] Lorient
     29   * [ LIP6] Paris
     30   * [ LIS] Grenoble
     31   * [ LISIF] Paris
     32   * [ TIMA] Grenoble
    17 "[wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin] ''yourenvdir'' initenv" created
    18 a new Trac environment, containing a default set of wiki pages and some sample
    19 data. This newly created environment also contains
    20 [wiki:TracGuide documentation] to help you get started with your project.
     34= Technical features =
    22 You can use [wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin] to configure
    23 [ Trac] to better fit your project, especially in
    24 regard to ''components'', ''versions'' and ''milestones''.
     36The main concern is true interoperability between the SoCLib IP cores :
     37 * All simulation models are written in SystemC
     38 * All !SoCLib components respect the VCI /OCP communication protocol.
     39 * Two types of models are available for each IPcore : CABA (Cycle Accurate / Bit Accurate), and TLM-T (Transaction Level Modeling with Time)
     41= Availability =
     43 * All simulation models and most associated tools are distributed as free software.
     44 * The !SoClib documentation can be accessed [ here]
     45 * To actually download one or several !SoClib tools or component, you must register below.
     46 * For each SoCLib component, a synthesizable RTL model is available, in order to guarantee a path to silicon, but this RTL model is  NOT part of the SoCLib library, in order to preserve the IP providers business.
    27 TracGuide is a good place to start.
     51= Get your own copy =
    29 Enjoy! [[BR]]
    30 ''The Trac Team''
     53If you haven’t already done it, please register to create your account !
    32 == Starting Points ==
     57<form method="post" action="">
     58  <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
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     60      <td align="right" valign="center"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">E-mail:</font></td>
     61  <td>
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     63  </td>
     64<td height="32">&nbsp;</td>
     65<td height="32"> <input type=submit name="register" value="Submit request"></td>
    34  * TracGuide --  Built-in Documentation
    35  * [ The Trac project] -- Trac Open Source Project
    36  * [ Trac FAQ] -- Frequently Asked Questions
    37  * TracSupport --  Trac Support
     71Please note that this e-mail will be your login ID!
    39 For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex.