= What is really ADAM ? =
ADAM stands for "Adaptive Dynamic Architecture for MP2SoCs". It is a prospective research project accepted and funded
by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)
that directly addresses the hot topic of MPSoC self-adaptability to altered operating
conditions, like loss of performance, appearance of faulty hardware resources, and
temperature overhead. The architectures targeted by ADAM are MP2SoC, Massively
Parallel Multi-Processor systems on chip (more than one hundred of processing elements)
containing homogeneous functional blocks (all blocks can perform the work requested by
the application), but structurally heterogeneous (with different and process dependent
performances, electrical and timing characteristics and reliability). Taking simultaneously
these problems into account is mandatory to ensure the reliability and competitiveness of
embedded systems to come.
Three French laboratories with international reputation have joined their effort
to propose a unified approach to the self-adaptability in MP2SoC issue. Considering a standard
2D mesh hardware architecture with a Network on Chip interconnecting clusters containing
processing elements and local memories, the proposal can be summarized as a three steps
process : non-intrusive online monitoring, online diagnosis/test, and online remapping.
The main contribution of the ADAM project is to make these three steps finely interact
through the use of onchip dynamic event databases: local databases of formatted/historized
events and a global database of architecture instant maps, or architecture audited views
classified by event types.
= Project links =
* [wiki:partners Project partners] '''CEA-LETI, LIRMM, LIP6''' [[BR]]
Presentation of the project partners and names of participants
* [wiki:projectstructure Project structure][[BR]]
The project description and structure in terms of workpackages
* [wiki:deliverables Project deliverables and schedule][[BR]]
The project deliverables and schedule
'''Last modification 04/10/2011'''
* [wiki:resources Project resources][[BR]]
Project resources, pdf files, documents, ...
= Project contact person =
Project managed by François PECHEUX
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6
Equipe SoC
Maison de la pédagogie
4, place Jussieu
75252 PARIS CedeX 05
courriel : francois.pecheux@lip6.fr
Téléphone : +33 (0)1 44 27 52 53
Fax : +33 (0)1 44 27 72 80
bientôt juillet
If you need write access or for any other problem please contact [mailto:francois.pecheux@lip6.fr?subject=ADAM%20Request François Pêcheux].