/* * vseg.h - virtual segment (vseg) related operations * * Authors Ghassan Almaless (2008,2009,2010,2011, 2012) * Mohamed Lamine Karaoui (2015) * Alain Greiner (2016,2017,2018,2019) * * Copyright (c) UPMC Sorbonne Universites * * This file is part of ALMOS-MKH. * * ALMOS-MKH is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2.0 of the License. * * ALMOS-MKH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with ALMOS-MKH; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef _VSEG_H_ #define _VSEG_H_ #include #include /**** Forward declarations ****/ struct vmm_s; /******************************************************************************************* * This enum defines the vseg types. * Note : the KDATA and KDEV types are not used by the TSAR HAL, because the accesses * to kernel data or kernel devices are done through the DATA extension address * register, but these types are probably required by the I86 HAL [AG]. ******************************************************************************************/ typedef enum { VSEG_TYPE_CODE = 0, /*! executable user code / private / localized */ VSEG_TYPE_DATA = 1, /*! initialized user data / public / distributed */ VSEG_TYPE_STACK = 2, /*! execution user stack / private / localized */ VSEG_TYPE_ANON = 3, /*! anonymous mmap / public / localized */ VSEG_TYPE_FILE = 4, /*! file mmap / public / localized */ VSEG_TYPE_REMOTE = 5, /*! remote mmap / public / localized */ VSEG_TYPE_KCODE = 6, /*! executable kernel code / private / localized */ VSEG_TYPE_KDATA = 7, /*! initialized kernel data / private / localized */ VSEG_TYPE_KDEV = 8, /*! kernel peripheral device / public / localized */ } vseg_type_t; /******************************************************************************************* * These masks define the vseg generic (hardware independent) flags. ******************************************************************************************/ #define VSEG_USER 0x0001 /*! user accessible */ #define VSEG_WRITE 0x0002 /*! writeable */ #define VSEG_EXEC 0x0004 /*! executable */ #define VSEG_CACHE 0x0008 /*! cachable */ #define VSEG_PRIVATE 0x0010 /*! should not be accessed from another cluster */ #define VSEG_DISTRIB 0x0020 /*! physically distributed on all clusters */ /******************************************************************************************* * This structure defines a virtual segment descriptor. * - The VSL contains only local vsegs, but is implemented as an xlist, because it can be * accessed by thread running in a remote cluster. * - The zombi list is used by the local MMAP allocator. It is implemented as a local list. ******************************************************************************************/ typedef struct vseg_s { xlist_entry_t xlist; /*! all vsegs in same VSL */ list_entry_t zlist; /*! all vsegs in same zombi list */ struct vmm_s * vmm; /*! pointer on associated VM manager */ uint32_t type; /*! vseg type */ intptr_t min; /*! segment min virtual address */ intptr_t max; /*! segment max virtual address (excluded) */ vpn_t vpn_base; /*! first page of vseg */ vpn_t vpn_size; /*! number of pages occupied */ uint32_t flags; /*! vseg attributes */ xptr_t mapper_xp; /*! xptr on remote mapper (for types CODE/DATA/FILE) */ intptr_t file_offset; /*! vseg offset in file (for types CODE/DATA/FILE) */ intptr_t file_size; /*! max segment size in mapper (for type CODE/DATA) */ cxy_t cxy; /*! physical mapping (for non distributed vseg) */ } vseg_t; /******************************************************************************************* * This function returns a printable string for the vseg type. ******************************************************************************************* * @ vseg_type : type of vseg * @ return pointer on string ******************************************************************************************/ char * vseg_type_str( uint32_t vseg_type ); /******************************************************************************************* * This function allocates physical memory for a new vseg descriptor from the local cluster * physical memory allocator. ******************************************************************************************* * @ return pointer on allocated vseg descriptor if success / return NULL if failure. ******************************************************************************************/ vseg_t * vseg_alloc( void ); /******************************************************************************************* * This function releases the physical memory allocated for a vseg descriptor * to the local cluster physical memory allocator. ******************************************************************************************* * @ vseg : local pointer on released vseg descriptor. ******************************************************************************************/ void vseg_free( vseg_t * vseg ); /******************************************************************************************* * This function initializes a local vseg descriptor, from the arguments values. * It does NOT register the vseg in the local VMM. ******************************************************************************************* * @ vseg : pointer on the vseg descriptor. * @ base : vseg base address. * @ size : vseg size (bytes). * @ vpn_base : first page index. * @ vpn_size : number of pages. * @ type : vseg type. * @ cxy : target cluster for physical mapping. ******************************************************************************************/ void vseg_init( vseg_t * vseg, vseg_type_t type, intptr_t base, uint32_t size, vpn_t vpn_base, vpn_t vpn_size, uint32_t file_offset, uint32_t file_size, xptr_t mapper_xp, cxy_t cxy ); /******************************************************************************************* * This function initializes a local vseg descriptor from values contained in a reference * remote vseg descriptor. It does NOT register the vseg in the local VMM. ******************************************************************************************* * @ vseg : pointer on the vseg descriptor. * @ ref_xp : extended pointer on the reference vseg descriptor. ******************************************************************************************/ void vseg_init_from_ref( vseg_t * vseg, xptr_t ref_xp ); #endif /* _VSEG_H_ */