Changeset 408 for trunk/kernel/kern

Dec 5, 2017, 4:20:07 PM (7 years ago)

Fix several bugs in the fork() syscall.

17 edited


  • trunk/kernel/kern/chdev.c

    r407 r408  
    120120    uint32_t   lid;           // core running the server thread local index
    121121    xptr_t     lock_xp;       // extended pointer on lock protecting the chdev queue
    122     uint32_t   modified;      // non zero if the server thread state was modified
     122    uint32_t   different;     // non zero if server thread core != client thread core
    123123    uint32_t   save_sr;       // for critical section
    152152    lid = hal_remote_lw( XPTR( chdev_cxy , &core_ptr->lid ) );
    154     // enter critical section
     154    // compute server core != thread core
     155    different = (lid != this->core->lid) || (local_cxy != chdev_cxy);
     157    // enter critical section to make atomic :
     158    // (1) client blocking
     159    // (2) client registration in server queue
     160    // (3) IPI to force server scheduling
     161    // (4) descheduling
     162    // ... in this order
    155163    hal_disable_irq( &save_sr );
     165    // block current thread
     166    thread_block( CURRENT_THREAD , THREAD_BLOCKED_IO );
    157168    // register client thread in waiting queue
    160171    remote_spinlock_unlock( lock_xp );
    162     // unblock server thread
    163     modified = thread_unblock( XPTR( chdev_cxy , server_ptr ), THREAD_BLOCKED_DEV_QUEUE );
    165     // send IPI to core running the server thread
    166     if( modified ) dev_pic_send_ipi( chdev_cxy , lid );
     173    // send IPI to core running the server thread if required
     174    if( different ) dev_pic_send_ipi( chdev_cxy , lid );
    168     // block client thread
    169     assert( thread_can_yield( this ) , __FUNCTION__ , "illegal sched_yield\n" );
    171176chdev_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] (thread %s) deschedules / cycle %d\n",
    172177__FUNCTION__, local_cxy, this->core->lid, thread_type_str(this->type) , hal_time_stamp() );
    174     thread_block( CURRENT_THREAD , THREAD_BLOCKED_IO );
    175     sched_yield();
     179    // deschedule
     180    assert( thread_can_yield( this ) , __FUNCTION__ , "illegal sched_yield\n" );
     181    sched_yield("blocked on I/O");
    177183chdev_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] (thread %s) resumes / cycle %d\n",
    217223__FUNCTION__ , server , hal_time_stamp() );
    219             // block and deschedule
    220             thread_block( server , THREAD_BLOCKED_DEV_QUEUE );
    221             sched_yield();
     225            // deschedule
     226            sched_yield("I/O queue empty");
    223228chdev_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : thread %x resume /cycle %d\n",
  • trunk/kernel/kern/cluster.c

    r407 r408  
    4545#include <dqdt.h>
    47 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    4848// Extern global variables
    49 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    5151extern process_t process_zero;     // allocated in kernel_init.c file
    55 //////////////////////////////////
    56 void cluster_sysfs_register(void)
    57 {
    58         // TODO
    59 }
  • trunk/kernel/kern/cluster.h

    r407 r408  
    196196 * This function allocates a new PID in local cluster, that becomes the process owner.
    197197 * It registers the process descriptor extended pointer in the local processs manager
    198  * pref_tbl[] array. This function is called by the rpc_process_alloc_pid() function for
    199  * remote registration, or by the process_init_create() function for local registration.
     198 * pref_tbl[] array. This function is called by the process_make_fork() function,
     199 * or by the process_init_create() function.
    200200 ******************************************************************************************
    201201 * @ process    : [in]  extended pointer on the process descriptor.
  • trunk/kernel/kern/core.c

    r407 r408  
    112112        // handle scheduler
    113         if( (ticks % CONFIG_SCHED_TICKS_PER_QUANTUM) == 0 ) sched_yield();
     113        if( (ticks % CONFIG_SCHED_TICKS_PER_QUANTUM) == 0 ) sched_yield( "TICK");
    115115        // update DQDT
  • trunk/kernel/kern/do_syscall.c

    r407 r408  
    2929#include <printk.h>
    3030#include <syscalls.h>
     31#include <shared_syscalls.h>
    32 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    3334// This ƒonction should never be called...
    34 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    3536static int sys_undefined()
    41 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    4243// This array of pointers define the kernel functions implementing the syscalls.
    4344// It must be kept consistent with the enum in "shared_syscalls.h" file.
    44 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    4647typedef int (*sys_func_t) ();
    5960    sys_mutex,              // 9
    61     sys_undefined,          // 10
     62    sys_exit,               // 10
    6263    sys_munmap,             // 11
    6364    sys_open,               // 12
     105char * syscall_str( uint32_t index )
     107        if     ( index == SYS_THREAD_EXIT    ) return "THREAD_EXIT";      // 0
     108        else if( index == SYS_THREAD_YIELD   ) return "THREAD_YIELD";     // 1
     109        else if( index == SYS_THREAD_CREATE  ) return "THREAD_CREATE";    // 2
     110        else if( index == SYS_THREAD_JOIN    ) return "THREAD_JOIN";      // 3
     111        else if( index == SYS_THREAD_DETACH  ) return "THREAD_DETACH";    // 4
     112        else if( index == SYS_SEM            ) return "SEM";              // 6
     113        else if( index == SYS_CONDVAR        ) return "CONDVAR";          // 7
     114        else if( index == SYS_BARRIER        ) return "BARRIER";          // 8
     115        else if( index == SYS_MUTEX          ) return "MUTEX";            // 9
     117    else if( index == SYS_EXIT           ) return "EXIT";             // 10
     118    else if( index == SYS_MUNMAP         ) return "MUNMAP";           // 11
     119        else if( index == SYS_OPEN           ) return "OPEN";             // 12
     120        else if( index == SYS_MMAP           ) return "MMAP";             // 13
     121        else if( index == SYS_READ           ) return "READ";             // 14
     122        else if( index == SYS_WRITE          ) return "WRITE";            // 15
     123        else if( index == SYS_LSEEK          ) return "LSEEK";            // 16
     124        else if( index == SYS_CLOSE          ) return "CLOSE";            // 17
     125        else if( index == SYS_UNLINK         ) return "UNLINK";           // 18
     126        else if( index == SYS_PIPE           ) return "PIPE";             // 19
     128        else if( index == SYS_CHDIR          ) return "CHDIR";            // 20
     129        else if( index == SYS_MKDIR          ) return "MKDIR";            // 21
     130        else if( index == SYS_MKFIFO         ) return "MKFIFO";           // 22   
     131        else if( index == SYS_OPENDIR        ) return "OPENDIR";          // 23
     132        else if( index == SYS_READDIR        ) return "READDIR";          // 24
     133        else if( index == SYS_CLOSEDIR       ) return "CLOSEDIR";         // 25
     134        else if( index == SYS_GETCWD         ) return "GETCWD";           // 26
     135        else if( index == SYS_ALARM          ) return "ALARM";            // 28
     136        else if( index == SYS_RMDIR          ) return "RMDIR";            // 29
     138        else if( index == SYS_UTLS           ) return "UTLS";             // 30
     139        else if( index == SYS_CHMOD          ) return "CHMOD";            // 31
     140        else if( index == SYS_SIGNAL         ) return "SIGNAL";           // 32
     141        else if( index == SYS_TIMEOFDAY      ) return "TIMEOFDAY";        // 33
     142        else if( index == SYS_KILL           ) return "KILL";             // 34
     143        else if( index == SYS_GETPID         ) return "GETPID";           // 35
     144        else if( index == SYS_FORK           ) return "FORK";             // 36
     145        else if( index == SYS_EXEC           ) return "EXEC";             // 37
     146        else if( index == SYS_STAT           ) return "STAT";             // 38
     147        else if( index == SYS_TRACE          ) return "TRACE";            // 39
     149    else if( index == SYS_GET_CONFIG     ) return "GET_CONFIG";       // 40
     150    else if( index == SYS_GET_CORE       ) return "GET_CORE";         // 41
     151    else if( index == SYS_GET_CYCLE      ) return "GET_CYCLE";        // 42
     152    else if( index == SYS_GET_SCHED      ) return "GET_SCHED";        // 43
     153    else if( index == SYS_PANIC          ) return "PANIC";            // 44
     154        else if( index == SYS_SLEEP          ) return "SLEEP";            // 45
     155        else if( index == SYS_WAKEUP         ) return "WAKEUP";           // 46
     157    else                                   return "undefined";   
    104162reg_t do_syscall( thread_t * this,
    109167                          reg_t      service_num )
    111         int           error = 0;
     169        int  error = 0;
    113171    // update user time
    114172        thread_user_time_update( this );
    116     // enable interrupts
    117         hal_enable_irq( NULL );
    119174    // check syscall index
    120175        if( service_num >= SYSCALLS_NR )
    128183        }
    130 #if( CONFIG_SYSCALL_DEBUG & 0x1)
    131 printk("\n[DBG] %s : pid = %x / trdid = %x / service #%d\n"
    132 "      arg0 = %x / arg1 = %x / arg2 = %x / arg3 = %x\n",
    133 __FUNCTION__ , this->process->pid , this->trdid , service_num , arg0 , arg1 , arg2 , arg3 );
    134 #endif
    136185    // reset errno
    137186        this->errno = 0;
    140189        error = syscall_tbl[service_num] ( arg0 , arg1 , arg2 , arg3 );
    142     // disable interrupt
    143         hal_disable_irq( NULL );
    145191    // update kernel time
    146192        thread_kernel_time_update( this );
  • trunk/kernel/kern/do_syscall.h

    r407 r408  
    3030#include <thread.h>
    32 /********************************************************************************************
    3333 * This function calls the kernel function defined by the <service_num> argument.
    34  * The possible values for servic_num are defined in the syscalls/syscalls.h file.
    35  ********************************************************************************************
     34 * The possible values for service_num are defined in the syscalls/syscalls.h file.
     35 * It does NOT enable interrupts, that must be enabled by the kernel function
     36 * depending on the implemented service.
     37 **************************************************************************************
    3638 * @ this        : pointer on calling thread descriptor
    3739 * @ arg0        : kernel function argument 0
    4143 * @ service_num : kernel service index
    4244 * @ return 0 if success / return non zero if failure.
    43  *******************************************************************************************/
     45 *************************************************************************************/
    4446reg_t do_syscall( thread_t * this,
    4547                  reg_t      arg0,
  • trunk/kernel/kern/kernel_init.c

    r407 r408  
    122122vfs_ctx_t            fs_context[FS_TYPES_NR]                 CONFIG_CACHE_LINE_ALIGNED;
    124 // These variables are used by the sched_yield function to save SR value
    125 __attribute__((section(".kdata")))
    126 uint32_t             switch_save_sr[CONFIG_MAX_LOCAL_CORES]  CONFIG_CACHE_LINE_ALIGNED;
     125// TODO remove these debug variables used dans sys_read()
     127#if CONFIG_READ_DEBUG   
    129128uint32_t   enter_sys_read;
    130129uint32_t   exit_sys_read;
    343342// This function allocates memory and initializes the chdev descriptors for the 
    344 // external (shared) peripherals other than the IOPIC, as specified by the boot_info,
    345 // including the dynamic linking with the driver for the specified implementation.
     343// external (shared) peripherals other than the IOPIC, as specified by the boot_info.
     344// This includes the dynamic linking with the driver for the specified implementation.
    346345// These chdev descriptors are distributed on all clusters, using a modulo on a global
    347 // index, identically computed in all clusters: In each cluster, the local CP0 core
    348 // computes the global index for all external chdevs, and creates only the chdevs that
    349 // must be placed in the local cluster.
     346// index, identically computed in all clusters.
     347// This function is executed in all clusters by the CP0 core, that computes a global index
     348// for all external chdevs. Each CP0 core creates only the chdevs that must be placed in
     349// the local cluster, because the global index matches the local index.
    350350// The relevant entries in all copies of the devices directory are initialised.
    831831    // all CP0s initialize the process_zero descriptor
    832     if( core_lid == 0 ) process_reference_init( &process_zero , 0 , XPTR_NULL );
     832    if( core_lid == 0 ) process_zero_init( &process_zero );
    834834    // CP0 in cluster 0 initializes the PIC chdev,
  • trunk/kernel/kern/printk.c

    r407 r408  
     456void puts( char * string )
     458    uint32_t   save_sr;
     459    uint32_t   n = 0;
     461    // compute string length
     462    while ( string[n] > 0 ) n++;
     464    // get pointers on TXT0 chdev
     465    xptr_t    txt0_xp  = chdev_dir.txt_tx[0];
     466    cxy_t     txt0_cxy = GET_CXY( txt0_xp );
     467    chdev_t * txt0_ptr = GET_PTR( txt0_xp );
     469    // get extended pointer on remote TXT0 chdev lock
     470    xptr_t  lock_xp = XPTR( txt0_cxy , &txt0_ptr->wait_lock );
     472    // get TXT0 lock in busy waiting mode
     473    remote_spinlock_lock_busy( lock_xp , &save_sr );
     475    // display string on TTY0
     476    dev_txt_sync_write( string , n );
     478    // release TXT0 lock in busy waiting mode
     479    remote_spinlock_unlock_busy( lock_xp , save_sr );
     484void putx( uint32_t val )
     486    static const char HexaTab[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
     488    char      buf[10];
     489    uint32_t  c;
     490    uint32_t  save_sr;
     492    buf[0] = '0';
     493    buf[1] = 'x';
     495    // build buffer
     496    for (c = 0; c < 8; c++)
     497    {
     498        buf[9 - c] = HexaTab[val & 0xF];
     499        val = val >> 4;
     500    }
     502    // get pointers on TXT0 chdev
     503    xptr_t    txt0_xp  = chdev_dir.txt_tx[0];
     504    cxy_t     txt0_cxy = GET_CXY( txt0_xp );
     505    chdev_t * txt0_ptr = GET_PTR( txt0_xp );
     507    // get extended pointer on remote TXT0 chdev lock
     508    xptr_t  lock_xp = XPTR( txt0_cxy , &txt0_ptr->wait_lock );
     510    // get TXT0 lock in busy waiting mode
     511    remote_spinlock_lock_busy( lock_xp , &save_sr );
     513    // display string on TTY0
     514    dev_txt_sync_write( buf , 10 );
     516    // release TXT0 lock in busy waiting mode
     517    remote_spinlock_unlock_busy( lock_xp , save_sr );
     521void putl( uint64_t val )
     523    static const char HexaTab[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
     525    char      buf[18];
     526    uint32_t  c;
     527    uint32_t  save_sr;
     529    buf[0] = '0';
     530    buf[1] = 'x';
     532    // build buffer
     533    for (c = 0; c < 16; c++)
     534    {
     535        buf[17 - c] = HexaTab[(unsigned int)val & 0xF];
     536        val = val >> 4;
     537    }
     539    // get pointers on TXT0 chdev
     540    xptr_t    txt0_xp  = chdev_dir.txt_tx[0];
     541    cxy_t     txt0_cxy = GET_CXY( txt0_xp );
     542    chdev_t * txt0_ptr = GET_PTR( txt0_xp );
     544    // get extended pointer on remote TXT0 chdev lock
     545    xptr_t  lock_xp = XPTR( txt0_cxy , &txt0_ptr->wait_lock );
     547    // get TXT0 lock in busy waiting mode
     548    remote_spinlock_lock_busy( lock_xp , &save_sr );
     550    // display string on TTY0
     551    dev_txt_sync_write( buf , 18 );
     553    // release TXT0 lock in busy waiting mode
     554    remote_spinlock_unlock_busy( lock_xp , save_sr );
    456558// Local Variables:
  • trunk/kernel/kern/printk.h

    r407 r408  
    92  * This function displays a "PANIC" message and forces the calling core in
    93  * sleeping mode if a Boolean condition is false.
    94  * These functions are actually used to debug the kernel...
     92 * This function displays a formated message on kernel TXT0 terminal,
     93 * and forces the calling core in sleeping mode if a Boolean condition is false.
     94 * This function is actually used to debug the kernel...
    9595 **********************************************************************************
    9696 * @ condition     : condition that must be true.
    101101             const char * function_name,
    102102             char       * format , ... );
     105 * This function displays a non-formated message on kernel TXT0 terminal.
     106 * This function is actually used to debug the assembly level kernel functions.
     107 **********************************************************************************
     108 * @ string   : non-formatted string.
     109 *********************************************************************************/
     110void puts( char * string );
     113 * This function displays a 32 bits value in hexadecimal on kernel TXT0 terminal.
     114 * This function is actually used to debug the assembly level kernel functions.
     115 **********************************************************************************
     116 * @ val   : 32 bits unsigned value.
     117 *********************************************************************************/
     118void putx( uint32_t val );
     121 * This function displays a 64 bits value in hexadecimal on kernel TXT0 terminal.
     122 * This function is actually used to debug the assembly level kernel functions.
     123 **********************************************************************************
     124 * @ val   : 64 bits unsigned value.
     125 *********************************************************************************/
     126void putl( uint64_t val );
    104129#define panic(fmt, ...)     _panic("\n[PANIC] %s(): " fmt "\n", __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
  • trunk/kernel/kern/process.c

    r407 r408  
     85void process_zero_init( process_t * process )
     87    // initialize PID, PPID anf PREF
     88    process->pid    = 0;
     89    process->ppid   = 0;
     90    process->ref_xp = XPTR( local_cxy , process );
     92    // reset th_tbl[] array as empty
     93    uint32_t i;
     94    for( i = 0 ; i < CONFIG_THREAD_MAX_PER_CLUSTER ; i++ )
     95        {
     96        process->th_tbl[i] = NULL;
     97    }
     98    process->th_nr  = 0;
     99    spinlock_init( &process->th_lock );
     101        hal_fence();
     103process_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] exit for process %x\n",
     104__FUNCTION__ , local_cxy , CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid , process->pid );
     106}  // end process_zero_init()
    85109void process_reference_init( process_t * process,
    86110                             pid_t       pid,
    87                              xptr_t      parent_xp )
    88 {
    89     cxy_t       parent_cxy;
    90     process_t * parent_ptr;
    91     pid_t       parent_pid;
     111                             pid_t       ppid,
     112                             xptr_t      model_xp )
     114    cxy_t       model_cxy;
     115    process_t * model_ptr;
    93116        error_t     error1;
    94117        error_t     error2;
    104127__FUNCTION__ , local_cxy , CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid , pid );
    106     // get parent process cluster, local pointer, and pid
    107     // for all processes other than kernel process
    108     if( process == &process_zero )                   // kernel process
    109     {
    110         assert( (pid == 0) , __FUNCTION__ , "process_zero must have PID = 0\n");
    112         parent_cxy = 0;
    113         parent_ptr = NULL;
    114         parent_pid = 0;     
    115     }
    116     else                                             // user process
    117     {
    118         parent_cxy = GET_CXY( parent_xp );
    119         parent_ptr = (process_t *)GET_PTR( parent_xp );
    120         parent_pid = hal_remote_lw( XPTR( parent_cxy , &parent_ptr->pid ) );
    121     }
     129    // get model process cluster and local pointer
     130    model_cxy = GET_CXY( model_xp );
     131    model_ptr = (process_t *)GET_PTR( model_xp );
    123133    // initialize PID, PPID, and REF
    124134        process->pid    = pid;
    125     process->ppid   = parent_pid;
     135    process->ppid   = ppid;
    126136    process->ref_xp = XPTR( local_cxy , process );
    128     // initialize vmm, fd array and others structures for user processes.
    129     // These structures are not used by the kernel process.
    130     if( pid )
    131     {
    132         // initialize vmm (not for kernel)
    133         vmm_init( process );
    135 process_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] / vmm initialised for process %x\n",
     138    // initialize vmm
     139    vmm_init( process );
     141process_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] / vmm empty for process %x\n",
    136142__FUNCTION__ , local_cxy , CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid , pid );
    138         // initialize fd_array (not for kernel)
    139         process_fd_init( process );
    141         // create stdin / stdout / stderr pseudo-files (not for kernel)
    142         if( parent_pid == 0 )                                              // process_init
    143         {
    144             error1 = vfs_open( process,
    145                                CONFIG_INIT_STDIN,
    146                                O_RDONLY,
    147                                0,                // FIXME chmod
    148                                &stdin_xp,
    149                                &stdin_id );
    151             error2 = vfs_open( process,
    152                                CONFIG_INIT_STDOUT,
    153                                O_WRONLY,
    154                                0,                // FIXME chmod
    155                                &stdout_xp,
    156                                &stdout_id );
    158             error3 = vfs_open( process,
    159                                CONFIG_INIT_STDERR,
    160                                O_WRONLY,
    161                                0,                // FIXME chmod
    162                                &stderr_xp,
    163                                &stderr_id );
    164         }
    165         else                                                               // user process
    166         {
    167             error1 = vfs_open( process,
    168                                CONFIG_USER_STDIN,
    169                                O_RDONLY,
    170                                0,                // FIXME chmod
    171                                &stdin_xp,
    172                                &stdin_id );
    174             error2 = vfs_open( process,
    175                                CONFIG_USER_STDOUT,
    176                                O_WRONLY,
    177                                0,                // FIXME chmod
    178                                &stdout_xp,
    179                                &stdout_id );
    181             error3 = vfs_open( process,
    182                                CONFIG_USER_STDERR,
    183                                O_WRONLY,
    184                                0,                // FIXME chmod
    185                                &stderr_xp,
    186                                &stderr_id );
    187         }
    189         assert( ((error1 == 0) && (error2 == 0) && (error3 == 0)) , __FUNCTION__ ,
    190         "cannot open stdin/stdout/stderr pseudo files\n");
    192         assert( ((stdin_id == 0) && (stdout_id == 1) && (stderr_id == 2)) , __FUNCTION__ ,
    193         "bad indexes : stdin %d / stdout %d / stderr %d \n", stdin_id , stdout_id , stderr_id );
     144    // initialize fd_array (not for kernel)
     145    process_fd_init( process );
     147    // create stdin / stdout / stderr pseudo-files
     148    if( ppid == 0 )                                        // process_init
     149    {
     150        error1 = vfs_open( process,
     151                           CONFIG_INIT_STDIN,
     152                           O_RDONLY,
     153                           0,                // FIXME chmod
     154                           &stdin_xp,
     155                           &stdin_id );
     157        error2 = vfs_open( process,
     158                           CONFIG_INIT_STDOUT,
     159                           O_WRONLY,
     160                           0,                // FIXME chmod
     161                           &stdout_xp,
     162                           &stdout_id );
     164        error3 = vfs_open( process,
     165                           CONFIG_INIT_STDERR,
     166                           O_WRONLY,
     167                           0,                // FIXME chmod
     168                           &stderr_xp,
     169                           &stderr_id );
     170    }
     171    else                                                  // other user process
     172    {
     173        error1 = vfs_open( process,
     174                           CONFIG_USER_STDIN,
     175                           O_RDONLY,
     176                           0,                // FIXME chmod
     177                           &stdin_xp,
     178                           &stdin_id );
     180        error2 = vfs_open( process,
     181                           CONFIG_USER_STDOUT,
     182                           O_WRONLY,
     183                           0,                // FIXME chmod
     184                           &stdout_xp,
     185                           &stdout_id );
     187        error3 = vfs_open( process,
     188                           CONFIG_USER_STDERR,
     189                           O_WRONLY,
     190                           0,                // FIXME chmod
     191                           &stderr_xp,
     192                           &stderr_id );
     193    }
     195    assert( ((error1 == 0) && (error2 == 0) && (error3 == 0)) , __FUNCTION__ ,
     196    "cannot open stdin/stdout/stderr pseudo files\n");
     198    assert( ((stdin_id == 0) && (stdout_id == 1) && (stderr_id == 2)) , __FUNCTION__ ,
     199    "bad indexes : stdin %d / stdout %d / stderr %d \n", stdin_id , stdout_id , stderr_id );
     201    // initialize specific files, cwd_lock, and fd_array
     202    process->vfs_root_xp = (xptr_t)hal_remote_lwd( XPTR( model_cxy,
     203                                                         &model_ptr->vfs_root_xp ) );
     204    process->vfs_cwd_xp  = (xptr_t)hal_remote_lwd( XPTR( model_cxy,
     205                                                         &model_ptr->vfs_cwd_xp ) );
     206    process->vfs_bin_xp  = (xptr_t)hal_remote_lwd( XPTR( model_cxy,
     207                                                         &model_ptr->vfs_bin_xp ) );
     208    vfs_file_count_up( process->vfs_root_xp );
     209    vfs_file_count_up( process->vfs_cwd_xp );
     210    vfs_file_count_up( process->vfs_bin_xp );
     212    process_fd_remote_copy( XPTR( local_cxy , &process->fd_array ),
     213                            XPTR( model_cxy , &model_ptr->fd_array ) );
     215    remote_rwlock_init( XPTR( local_cxy , &process->cwd_lock ) );
    195217process_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] / fd array initialised for process %x\n",
    196218__FUNCTION__ , local_cxy , CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid , pid );
    199         // reset reference process files structures and cwd_lock (not for kernel)
    200             process->vfs_root_xp     = XPTR_NULL;
    201             process->vfs_bin_xp      = XPTR_NULL;
    202             process->vfs_cwd_xp      = XPTR_NULL;
    203         remote_rwlock_init( XPTR( local_cxy , &process->cwd_lock ) );
    205         // reset children list root (not for kernel)
    206         xlist_root_init( XPTR( local_cxy , &process->children_root ) );
    207             process->children_nr     = 0;
    209         // reset semaphore / mutex / barrier / condvar list roots (nor for kernel)
    210         xlist_root_init( XPTR( local_cxy , &process->sem_root ) );
    211         xlist_root_init( XPTR( local_cxy , &process->mutex_root ) );
    212         xlist_root_init( XPTR( local_cxy , &process->barrier_root ) );
    213         xlist_root_init( XPTR( local_cxy , &process->condvar_root ) );
    214         remote_spinlock_init( XPTR( local_cxy , &process->sync_lock ) );
    216         // register new process in the parent children list (nor for kernel)
    217         xptr_t entry = XPTR( local_cxy  , &process->brothers_list );
    218         xptr_t root  = XPTR( parent_cxy , &parent_ptr->children_root );
    219         xlist_add_first( root , entry );
    220     }
    222     // reset th_tbl[] array as empty
     220    // reset children list root
     221    xlist_root_init( XPTR( local_cxy , &process->children_root ) );
     222    process->children_nr     = 0;
     224    // reset semaphore / mutex / barrier / condvar list roots
     225    xlist_root_init( XPTR( local_cxy , &process->sem_root ) );
     226    xlist_root_init( XPTR( local_cxy , &process->mutex_root ) );
     227    xlist_root_init( XPTR( local_cxy , &process->barrier_root ) );
     228    xlist_root_init( XPTR( local_cxy , &process->condvar_root ) );
     229    remote_spinlock_init( XPTR( local_cxy , &process->sync_lock ) );
     231    // register new process in the local cluster manager pref_tbl[]
     232    lpid_t lpid = LPID_FROM_PID( pid );
     233    LOCAL_CLUSTER->pmgr.pref_tbl[lpid] = XPTR( local_cxy , process );
     235    // register new process descriptor in local cluster manager local_list
     236    cluster_process_local_link( process );
     238    // register new process descriptor in local cluster manager copies_list
     239    cluster_process_copies_link( process );
     241    // reset th_tbl[] array as empty in process descriptor
    223242    uint32_t i;
    224243    for( i = 0 ; i < CONFIG_THREAD_MAX_PER_CLUSTER ; i++ )
    228247    process->th_nr  = 0;
    229248    spinlock_init( &process->th_lock );
    231     // register new process descriptor in local cluster manager local_list
    232     cluster_process_local_link( process );
    234     // register new process descriptor in owner cluster manager copies_list
    235     cluster_process_copies_link( process );
    237     // initialize signal manager TODO [AG]
    239250        hal_fence();
    370381    uint32_t       count;     // thread counter
    372 printk("\n@@@ %s enter\n", __FUNCTION__ );
     383printk("\n[@@@] %s enter\n", __FUNCTION__ );
    374385    // get lock protecting th_tbl[]
    390401    }
    392 printk("\n@@@ %s : %d signal(s) sent\n", __FUNCTION__, count );
     403printk("\n[@@@] %s : %d signal(s) sent\n", __FUNCTION__, count );
    394405    // second loop on threads to wait acknowledge from scheduler,
    403414        {
    405 printk("\n@@@ %s start polling at cycle %d\n", __FUNCTION__ , hal_time_stamp() );
     416printk("\n[@@@] %s start polling at cycle %d\n", __FUNCTION__ , hal_time_stamp() );
    407418            // poll the THREAD_SIG_KILL bit until reset
    408419            while( thread->signals & THREAD_SIG_KILL ) asm volatile( "nop" );
    410 printk("\n@@@ %s exit polling\n", __FUNCTION__ );
     421printk("\n[@@@] %s exit polling\n", __FUNCTION__ );
    412423            // detach target thread from parent if attached
    424435    }
    426 printk("\n@@@ %s : %d ack(s) received\n", __FUNCTION__, count );
     437printk("\n[@@@] %s : %d ack(s) received\n", __FUNCTION__, count );
    428439    // release lock protecting th_tbl[]
    432443    process_destroy( process );
    434 printk("\n[@@@] %s : core[%x,%d] exit\n",
     445printk("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] exit\n",
    435446__FUNCTION__, local_cxy, CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid );
    688699}  // process_remove_thread()
     702error_t process_make_fork( xptr_t      parent_process_xp,
     703                           xptr_t      parent_thread_xp,
     704                           pid_t     * child_pid,
     705                           thread_t ** child_thread )
     707    process_t * process;         // local pointer on child process descriptor
     708    thread_t  * thread;          // local pointer on child thread descriptor
     709    pid_t       new_pid;         // process identifier for child process
     710    pid_t       parent_pid;      // process identifier for parent process
     711    xptr_t      ref_xp;          // extended pointer on reference process
     712    error_t     error;
     714    // get cluster and local pointer for parent process
     715    cxy_t       parent_process_cxy = GET_CXY( parent_process_xp );
     716    process_t * parent_process_ptr = (process_t *)GET_PTR( parent_process_xp );
     718    // get parent process PID
     719    parent_pid = hal_remote_lw( XPTR( parent_process_cxy , &parent_process_ptr->pid ) );
     721    // check parent process is the reference
     722    ref_xp = hal_remote_lwd( XPTR( parent_process_cxy , &parent_process_ptr->ref_xp ) );
     723    assert( (parent_process_xp == ref_xp ) , __FUNCTION__ ,
     724    "parent process must be the reference process\n" );
     726process_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] enter at cycle %d\n",
     727__FUNCTION__, local_cxy, CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid , hal_get_cycles() );
     729    // allocate a process descriptor
     730    process = process_alloc();
     731    if( process == NULL )
     732    {
     733        printk("\n[ERROR] in %s : cannot get process in cluster %x\n",
     734        __FUNCTION__, local_cxy );
     735        return -1;
     736    }
     738process_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] child process descriptor allocated at cycle %d\n",
     739 __FUNCTION__ , local_cxy, CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid, hal_get_cycles() );
     741    // allocate a child PID from local cluster
     742    error = cluster_pid_alloc( XPTR( local_cxy , process ) , &new_pid );
     743    if( (error != 0) || (new_pid == 0) )
     744    {
     745        printk("\n[ERROR] in %s : cannot get PID in cluster %x\n",
     746        __FUNCTION__, local_cxy );
     747        process_free( process );
     748        return -1;
     749    }
     751process_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x, %d] child process PID allocated = %x at cycle %d\n",
     752 __FUNCTION__ , local_cxy, CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid, new_pid , hal_get_cycles() );
     754    // initializes child process descriptor from parent process descriptor
     755    process_reference_init( process,
     756                            new_pid,
     757                            parent_pid,
     758                            parent_process_xp );
     760process_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x, %d] child process initialised at cycle %d\n",
     761__FUNCTION__ , local_cxy, CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid, hal_get_cycles() );
     763    // copy VMM from parent descriptor to child descriptor
     764    error = vmm_fork_copy( process,
     765                           parent_process_xp );
     766    if( error )
     767    {
     768        printk("\n[ERROR] in %s : cannot copy VMM in cluster %x\n",
     769        __FUNCTION__, local_cxy );
     770        process_free( process );
     771        cluster_pid_release( new_pid );
     772        return -1;
     773    }
     775process_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x, %d] child process VMM copied at cycle %d\n",
     776__FUNCTION__ , local_cxy, CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid, hal_get_cycles() );
     778    // create child thread descriptor from parent thread descriptor
     779    error = thread_user_fork( parent_thread_xp,
     780                              process,
     781                              &thread );
     782    if( error )
     783    {
     784        printk("\n[ERROR] in %s : cannot create thread in cluster %x\n",
     785        __FUNCTION__, local_cxy );
     786        process_free( process );
     787        cluster_pid_release( new_pid );
     788        return -1;
     789    }
     791process_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] child thread created at cycle %d\n",
     792__FUNCTION__ , local_cxy, CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid, hal_get_cycles() );
     794    // update parent process GPT to set Copy_On_Write for shared data vsegs
     795    // this includes all replicated GPT copies
     796    if( parent_process_cxy == local_cxy )   // reference is local
     797    {
     798        vmm_set_cow( parent_process_ptr );
     799    }
     800    else                                    // reference is remote
     801    {
     802        rpc_vmm_set_cow_client( parent_process_cxy,
     803                                parent_process_ptr );
     804    }
     806process_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] COW set in parent_process at cycle %d\n",
     807__FUNCTION__ , local_cxy, CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid, hal_get_cycles() );
     809    // update children list in parent process
     810        xlist_add_last( XPTR( parent_process_cxy , &parent_process_ptr->children_root ),
     811                    XPTR( local_cxy , &process->brothers_list ) );
     812        hal_remote_atomic_add( XPTR( parent_process_cxy,
     813                                 &parent_process_ptr->children_nr), 1 );
     815// vmm_display( process , true );
     816// vmm_display( parent_process_ptr , true );
     817// sched_display( 0 );
     819    // return success
     820    *child_thread = thread;
     821    *child_pid    = new_pid;
     823    return 0;
     825}  // end process_make_fork()
    691828error_t process_make_exec( exec_info_t  * exec_info )
    693     char           * path;                            // pathname to .elf file
    694     bool_t           keep_pid;                        // new process keep parent PID if true
    695     process_t      * process;                         // local pointer on new process
    696     pid_t            pid;                             // new process pid
    697     xptr_t           parent_xp;                       // extended pointer on parent process
    698     cxy_t            parent_cxy;                      // parent process local cluster
    699     process_t      * parent_ptr;                      // local pointer on parent process
    700     uint32_t         parent_pid;                      // parent process identifier
    701     thread_t       * thread;                          // pointer on new thread
    702     pthread_attr_t   attr;                            // main thread attributes
    703     core_t         * core;                            // pointer on selected core
    704     lid_t            lid;                             // selected core local index
     830    char           * path;                    // pathname to .elf file
     831    process_t      * old;                     // local pointer on old process
     832    process_t      * new;                     // local pointer on new process
     833    pid_t            pid;                     // old process identifier
     834    thread_t       * thread;                  // pointer on new thread
     835    pthread_attr_t   attr;                    // main thread attributes
     836    lid_t            lid;                     // selected core local index
    705837        error_t          error;
    707         // get .elf pathname, parent_xp, and keep_pid flag from exec_info
    708         path      = exec_info->path;
    709     parent_xp = exec_info->parent_xp;
    710     keep_pid  = exec_info->keep_pid;
    712 process_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] enters for path = %s\n",
    713 __FUNCTION__, local_cxy, CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid, path );
    715     // get parent process cluster and local pointer
    716     parent_cxy = GET_CXY( parent_xp );
    717     parent_ptr = (process_t *)GET_PTR( parent_xp );
    718     parent_pid = hal_remote_lw( XPTR( parent_cxy , &parent_ptr->pid ) );
    720     // allocates memory for process descriptor
    721         process = process_alloc();
    722         if( process == NULL ) return -1;
    724     // get PID
    725     if( keep_pid )    // keep parent PID
    726     {
    727         pid = parent_pid;
    728     }
    729     else              // get new PID from local cluster
    730     {
    731         error = cluster_pid_alloc( XPTR( local_cxy , process ) , &pid );
    732         if( error ) return -1;
    733     }
    735 process_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] created process %x for path = %s\n",
     839        // get .elf pathname and PID from exec_info
     840        path = exec_info->path;
     841    pid  = exec_info->pid;
     843    // check local cluster is old process owner
     844    assert( (CXY_FROM_PID( pid ) == local_cxy), __FUNCTION__,
     845    "local cluster %x is not owner for process %x\n", local_cxy, pid );
     847exec_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] enters for process %x / path = %s\n",
     848__FUNCTION__, local_cxy, CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid, pid , path );
     850    // get old process local pointer
     851    old = (process_t *)cluster_get_local_process_from_pid( pid );
     853    assert( (old != NULL ) , __FUNCTION__ ,
     854    "process %x not found in cluster %x\n", pid , local_cxy );
     856    // allocate memory for new process descriptor
     857    new = process_alloc();
     859    // initialize new process descriptor
     860    process_reference_init( new,
     861                            old->pid,                   // same as old
     862                            old->ppid,                  // same as old
     863                            XPTR( local_cxy , old ) );
     865exec_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] created new process %x / path = %s\n",
    736866__FUNCTION__, local_cxy, CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid, pid, path );
    738     // initialize the process descriptor as the reference
    739     process_reference_init( process , pid , parent_xp );
    741 process_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] initialized process %x / path = %s\n",
    742 __FUNCTION__, local_cxy, CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid, pid, path );
    744     // initialize vfs_root and vfs_cwd from parent process
    745     xptr_t  vfs_root_xp = hal_remote_lwd( XPTR( parent_cxy , &parent_ptr->vfs_root_xp ) );
    746         vfs_file_count_up( vfs_root_xp );
    747         process->vfs_root_xp = vfs_root_xp;
    749     xptr_t  vfs_cwd_xp = hal_remote_lwd( XPTR( parent_cxy , &parent_ptr->vfs_cwd_xp ) );
    750         vfs_file_count_up( vfs_cwd_xp );
    751         process->vfs_cwd_xp = vfs_cwd_xp;
    753     // initialize embedded fd_array from parent process
    754     process_fd_remote_copy( XPTR( local_cxy  , &process->fd_array ),
    755                             XPTR( parent_cxy , &parent_ptr->fd_array) );
    757 process_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s :  core[%x,%d] copied fd_array for process %x\n",
    758 __FUNCTION__, local_cxy, CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid, pid );
    760     // register "code" and "data" vsegs as well as the process entry-point in VMM,
    761     // using information contained in the elf file.
    762         error = elf_load_process( path , process );
    764         if( error )
     868    // register "code" and "data" vsegs as well as entry-point
     869    // in new process VMM, using information contained in the elf file.
     870        if( elf_load_process( path , new ) )
    765871        {
    766872                printk("\n[ERROR] in %s : failed to access .elf file for process %x / path = %s\n",
    767                        __FUNCTION__, pid , path );
    768         process_destroy( process );
    769         return error;
     873                __FUNCTION__, pid , path );
     874        process_destroy( new );
     875        return -1;
    770876        }
    772 process_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] registered code/data vsegs for process %x / path = %s\n",
     878exec_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] registered code/data vsegs / process %x / path = %s\n",
    773879__FUNCTION__, local_cxy, CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid, pid, path );
    775     // select a core in cluster
     881    // select a core in local cluster to execute the main thread
    776882    lid  = cluster_select_local_core();
    777     core = &LOCAL_CLUSTER->core_tbl[lid];
    779884    // initialize pthread attributes for main thread
    784889    // create and initialize thread descriptor
    785890        error = thread_user_create( pid,
    786                                 (void *)process->vmm.entry_point,
     891                                (void *)new->vmm.entry_point,
    787892                                exec_info->args_pointers,
    788893                                &attr,
    792897                printk("\n[ERROR] in %s : cannot create thread for process %x / path = %s\n",
    793898                       __FUNCTION__, pid , path );
    794         process_destroy( process );
    795         return error;
     899        process_destroy( new );
     900        return -1;
    796901        }
    798 process_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] created thread %x for process %x / path = %s\n",
    799 __FUNCTION__ , local_cxy, CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid, thread->trdid, pid, path  );
    801     // update children list in parent process
    802         xlist_add_last( XPTR( parent_cxy , &parent_ptr->children_root ),
    803                     XPTR( local_cxy  , &process->brothers_list ) );
    804         hal_remote_atomic_add( XPTR( parent_cxy , &parent_ptr->children_nr) , 1 );
     903exec_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] created main thread %x for new process %x\n",
     904__FUNCTION__ , local_cxy, CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid, thread->trdid, pid );
     906    // update children list (rooted in parent process)
     907        xlist_replace( XPTR( local_cxy , &old->brothers_list ) ,
     908                   XPTR( local_cxy , &new->brothers_list ) );
     910    // FIXME request destruction of old process copies and threads in all clusters
    806912    // activate new thread
    807913        thread_unblock( XPTR( local_cxy , thread ) , THREAD_BLOCKED_GLOBAL );
    809 process_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] exit for path = %s\n",
     915exec_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] exit for path = %s\n",
    810916__FUNCTION__, local_cxy, CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid, path  );
    819925    exec_info_t   exec_info;     // structure to be passed to process_make_exec()
    820     xptr_t        parent_xp;     // extended pointer on parent process.
     926    process_t   * process;       // local pointer on process_init descriptor
     927    pid_t         pid;           // process_init identifier
    821928    error_t       error;
    824931__FUNCTION__ , local_cxy );
    826     // parent process is local kernel process
    827     parent_xp = XPTR( local_cxy , &process_zero );
     933    // allocates memory for process descriptor from local cluster
     934        process = process_alloc();
     935        if( process == NULL )
     936    {
     937                printk("\n[PANIC] in %s : no memory for process descriptor in cluster %x\n",
     938                __FUNCTION__, local_cxy );
     939    }
     941    // get new PID from local cluster
     942    error = cluster_pid_alloc( XPTR( local_cxy , process ) , &pid );
     943    if( error )
     944    {
     945                printk("\n[PANIC] in %s : cannot allocate PID in cluster %x\n",
     946                __FUNCTION__, local_cxy );
     947    }
     949    // initialise the process desciptor (parent is local kernel process)
     950    process_reference_init( process,
     951                            pid,
     952                  ,
     953                            XPTR( local_cxy , &process_zero ) );
    829955    // initialize the exec_info structure
    830     exec_info.keep_pid     = false;
    831     exec_info.parent_xp    = parent_xp;
    832     strcpy( exec_info.path , CONFIG_PROCESS_INIT_PATH );
     956          = pid;
    833957    exec_info.args_nr      = 0;
    834958    exec_info.envs_nr      = 0;
    836     // initialize process_init and create thread_init
     959    strcpy( exec_info.path , CONFIG_PROCESS_INIT_PATH );
     961    // update process descriptor and create thread descriptor
    837962        error = process_make_exec( &exec_info );
    839         if( error ) panic("cannot initialize process_init in cluster %x", local_cxy );
     964        if( error )
     965    {
     966                printk("\n[PANIC] in %s : cannot exec %s in cluster %x\n",
     967                __FUNCTION__, CONFIG_PROCESS_INIT_PATH , local_cxy );
     968    }
    841970process_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : exit in cluster %x\n",
  • trunk/kernel/kern/process.h

    r407 r408  
    138138 * This structure defines the information required by the process_make_exec() function
    139  * to create a new reference process descriptor, and the associated main thread.
     139 * to create a new reference process descriptor, and the associated main thread,
     140 * in the parent process owner cluster.
    140141 ********************************************************************************************/
    142143typedef struct exec_info_s
    144     xptr_t             parent_xp;      /*! extended pointer on parent process descriptor    */
    145     bool_t             keep_pid;       /*! keep parent PID if true / new PID if false       */
     145    pid_t              pid;            /*! process identifier (both parent and child)       */
    147147    char               path[CONFIG_VFS_MAX_PATH_LENGTH];   /*!  .elf file path              */
    189  * This function initializes a new process descriptor, in the reference cluster.
    190  * The PID value must have been defined previously by the owner cluster manager.
    191  * The reference cluster can be different from the owner cluster.
    192  * It set the pid / ppid / ref_xp fields.
    193  * It registers this process descriptor in three lists:
    194  * - the children_list in the parent reference process descriptor.
    195  * - the local_list, rooted in the reference cluster manager.
    196  * - the copies_list, rooted in the owner cluster manager.
    197  * It resets the embedded structures such as the VMM or the file descriptor array.
    198  *********************************************************************************************
    199  * @ process      : [in] pointer on process descriptor to initialize.
    200  * @ pid          : [in] process identifier defined by owner cluster.
    201  * @ parent_xp    : [in] extended pointer on parent process.
     189 * This function initialize, in each cluster, the kernel "process_zero", that is the owner
     190 * of all kernel threads in a given cluster. It is called by the kernel_init() function.
     191 * Both the PID and PPID fields are set to zero, and the ref_xp is the local process_zero.
     192 * The th_tbl[] is initialized as empty.
     193 *********************************************************************************************
     194 * @ process      : [in] pointer on local process descriptor to initialize.
     195 ********************************************************************************************/
     196void process_zero_init( process_t * process );
     199 * This function initializes a local, reference user process descriptor from another process
     200 * descriptor, defined by the <model_xp> argument. The <process> descriptor, the <pid>, and
     201 * the <ppid> arguments must be previously defined by the caller.
     202 * It can be called by three functions, depending on the process type:
     203 * 1) if "process" is the user "process_init", the parent is the kernel process. It is
     204 *    called once, by the process_init_create() function in cluster[xmax-1][ymax-1].
     205 * 2) if the caller is the process_make_fork() function, the model is generally a remote
     206 *    process, that is also the parent process.
     207 * 3) if the caller is the process_make_exec() function, the model is always a local process,
     208 *    but the parent is the parent of the model process.
     209 *
     210 * The following fields are initialised (for all process but process_zero).
     211 * - It set the pid / ppid / ref_xp fields.
     212 * - It initializes an empty VMM (no vsegs registered in VSL and GPT).
     213 * - It initializes the FDT, defining the three pseudo files STDIN / STDOUT / STDERR.
     214 * - It set the root_xp, bin_xp, cwd_xp fields.
     215 * - It reset the children list as empty, but does NOT register it in parent children list.
     216 * - It reset the TH_TBL list of threads as empty.
     217 * - It reset the semaphore / mutex / barrier / condvar lists as empty.
     218 * - It registers the process in the local_list, rooted in the local cluster manager.
     219 * - It registers the process in the copies_list, rooted in the owner cluster manager.
     220 * - It registers the process extended pointer in the local pref_tbl[] array.
     221 *********************************************************************************************
     222 * @ process      : [in] pointer on local process descriptor to initialize.
     223 * @ pid          : [in] process identifier.
     224 * @ ppid         : [in] parent process identifier.
     225 * @ model_xp     : [in] extended pointer on model process descriptor (local or remote).
    202226 ********************************************************************************************/
    203227void process_reference_init( process_t * process,
    204228                             pid_t       pid,
    205                              xptr_t      parent_xp );
     229                             pid_t       ppid,
     230                             xptr_t      model_xp );
    251  * This function allocates memory and initializes a new user process descriptor,
    252  * and the associated main thread, from information found in the <exec_info> structure
    253  * (defined in the process.h file), that must be built by the caller.
    254  * - If the <keep_pid> field is true, the new process inherits its PID from the parent PID.
    255  * - If the <keep_pid> field is false, a new PID is allocated from the local cluster manager.
    256  * The new process inherits from the parent process (i) the open file descriptors, (ii) the
    257  * vfs_root and the vfs_cwd inodes.
    258  * It accesses the .elf file to get the size of the code and data segments, and initializes
    259  * the vsegs list in the VMM.
    260  * It is executed in the local cluster, that becomes both "owner" and "reference".
    261  * - It can be called by the process_init_create() function to build the "init" process.
    262  * - It can be called directly by the sys_exec() function in case of local exec.
    263  * - It can be called through the rpc_process_exec_server() function in case of remote exec.
     276 * This function implements the exec() system call, and is called by the sys_exec() function.
     277 * It is also called by the process_init_create() function to build the "init" process.
     278 * The "new" process keep the "old" process PID and PPID, all open files, and env variables,
     279 * the vfs_root and vfs_cwd, but build a brand new memory image (new VMM from the new .elf).
     280 * It actually creates a "new" reference process descriptor, saves all relevant information
     281 * from the "old" reference process descriptor to the "new" process descriptor.
     282 * It completes the "new" process descriptor, from information found in the <exec_info>
     283 * structure (defined in the process.h file), that must be built by the caller.
     284 * It creates and initializes the associated main thread. It finally destroys all copies
     285 * of the "old" process in all clusters, and all the old associated threads.
     286 * It is executed in the local cluster, that becomes both the "owner" and the "reference"
     287 * cluster for the "new" process.
    264288 *********************************************************************************************
    265289 * @ exec_info   : [in]  pointer on the exec_info structure.
    268292error_t process_make_exec( exec_info_t * exec_info );
     295 * This function implement the fork() system call, and is called by the sys_fork() function.
     296 * It allocates memory and initializes a new "child" process descriptor, and the
     297 * associated "child" thread descriptor in the local cluster. This function can involve
     298 * up to three different clusters :
     299 * - the local (child) cluster can be any cluster defined by the sys_fork function.
     300 * - the parent cluster must be the reference clusterfor the parent process.
     301 * - the client cluster containing the thread requestingthe fork can be any cluster.
     302 * The new "child" process descriptor is initialised from informations found in the "parent"
     303 * reference process descriptor, containing the complete process description.
     304 * The new "child" thread descriptor is initialised from informations found in the "parent"
     305 * thread descriptor.
     306 *********************************************************************************************
     307 * @ parent_process_xp  : extended pointer on the reference parent process.
     308 * @ parent_thread_xp   : extended pointer on the parent thread requesting the fork.
     309 * @ child_pid          : [out] child process identifier.
     310 * @ child_thread_ptr   : [out] local pointer on child thread in target cluster.
     311 * @ return 0 if success / return non-zero if error.
     312 ********************************************************************************************/
     313error_t process_make_fork(  xptr_t             parent_process_xp,
     314                            xptr_t             parent_thread_xp,
     315                            pid_t            * child_pid,
     316                            struct thread_s ** child_thread_ptr );
    271318/********************   File Management Operations   ****************************************/
  • trunk/kernel/kern/rpc.c

    r407 r408  
    5050    &rpc_pmem_get_pages_server,         // 0
    51     &rpc_process_pid_alloc_server,      // 1
    52     &rpc_process_exec_server,           // 2
     51    &rpc_process_make_exec_server,      // 1
     52    &rpc_process_make_fork_server,      // 2
    5353    &rpc_process_kill_server,           // 3
    5454    &rpc_thread_user_create_server,     // 4
    7878    &rpc_vmm_create_vseg_server,        // 26
    7979    &rpc_sched_display_server,          // 27
    80     &rpc_undefined,                     // 28
     80    &rpc_vmm_set_cow_server,            // 28
    8181    &rpc_undefined,                     // 29
    150 // [1]           Marshaling functions attached to RPC_PROCESS_PID_ALLOC
    151 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    153 //////////////////////////////////////////////////
    154 void rpc_process_pid_alloc_client( cxy_t       cxy,
    155                                    process_t * process,  // in
    156                                    error_t   * error,    // out
    157                                    pid_t     * pid )     // out
    158 {
    159     rpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : enter / thread %x on core[%x,%d] / cycle %d\n",
    160     __FUNCTION__ , CURRENT_THREAD->trdid , local_cxy,
    161     CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid , hal_time_stamp() );
    163     assert( (cxy != local_cxy) , __FUNCTION__ , "target cluster is not remote\n");
    165     // initialise RPC descriptor header
    166     rpc_desc_t  rpc;
    167     rpc.index    = RPC_PROCESS_PID_ALLOC;
    168     rpc.response = 1;
    170     // set input arguments in RPC descriptor
    171     rpc.args[0] = (uint64_t)(intptr_t)process;
    173     // register RPC request in remote RPC fifo (blocking function)
    174     rpc_send_sync( cxy , &rpc );
    176     // get output arguments RPC descriptor
    177     *pid    = (pid_t)rpc.args[1];
    178     *error  = (error_t)rpc.args[2];     
    180     rpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : exit / thread %x on core[%x,%d] / cycle %d\n",
    181     __FUNCTION__ , CURRENT_THREAD->trdid , local_cxy,
    182     CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid , hal_time_stamp() );
    183 }
    185 //////////////////////////////////////////////
    186 void rpc_process_pid_alloc_server( xptr_t xp )
    187 {
    188     process_t * process;   // input  : client process descriptor
    189     error_t     error;     // output : error status
    190     pid_t       pid;       // output : process identifier
    192     rpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : enter / thread %x on core[%x,%d] / cycle %d\n",
    193     __FUNCTION__ , CURRENT_THREAD->trdid , local_cxy,
    194     CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid , hal_time_stamp() );
    196     // get client cluster identifier and pointer on RPC descriptor
    197     cxy_t        client_cxy  = (cxy_t)GET_CXY( xp );
    198     rpc_desc_t * desc        = (rpc_desc_t *)GET_PTR( xp );
    200     // get input argument from client RPC descriptor
    201     process = (process_t*)(intptr_t)hal_remote_lwd( XPTR( client_cxy , &desc->args[0] ) );
    203     // call local pid allocator
    204     xptr_t xp_process = XPTR( client_cxy , process );
    205     error = cluster_pid_alloc( xp_process , &pid );
    207     // set output arguments into client RPC descriptor
    208     hal_remote_sw( XPTR( client_cxy , &desc->args[0] ) , (uint64_t)error );
    209     hal_remote_sw( XPTR( client_cxy , &desc->args[1] ) , (uint64_t)pid );
    211     rpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : exit / thread %x on core[%x,%d] / cycle %d\n",
    212     __FUNCTION__ , CURRENT_THREAD->trdid , local_cxy,
    213     CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid , hal_time_stamp() );
    214 }
    217 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    218 // [2]           Marshaling functions attached to RPC_PROCESS_EXEC
    219 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    221 ////////////////////////////////////////////////
    222 void rpc_process_exec_client( cxy_t         cxy,
    223                               exec_info_t * info,     // in
    224                               error_t     * error )   // out
    225 {
    226     rpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : enter / thread %x on core[%x,%d] / cycle %d\n",
    227     __FUNCTION__ , CURRENT_THREAD->trdid , local_cxy,
    228     CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid , hal_time_stamp() );
    230     assert( (cxy != local_cxy) , __FUNCTION__ , "target cluster is not remote\n");
    232     // initialise RPC descriptor header
    233     rpc_desc_t  rpc;
    234     rpc.index    = RPC_PROCESS_EXEC;
     150// [1]           Marshaling functions attached to RPC_PROCESS_MAKE_EXEC
     154void rpc_process_make_exec_client( cxy_t         cxy,
     155                                   exec_info_t * info,     // in
     156                                   error_t     * error )   // out
     158    rpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : enter / thread %x on core[%x,%d] / cycle %d\n",
     159    __FUNCTION__ , CURRENT_THREAD->trdid , local_cxy,
     160    CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid , hal_time_stamp() );
     162    assert( (cxy != local_cxy) , __FUNCTION__ , "target cluster is not remote\n");
     164    // initialise RPC descriptor header
     165    rpc_desc_t  rpc;
     166    rpc.index    = RPC_PROCESS_MAKE_EXEC;
    235167    rpc.response = 1;
    251 /////////////////////////////////////////
    252 void rpc_process_exec_server( xptr_t xp )
     184void rpc_process_make_exec_server( xptr_t xp )
    254186    exec_info_t * ptr;       // local pointer on remote exec_info structure
     218// [2]           Marshaling functions attached to RPC_PROCESS_MAKE_FORK
     222void rpc_process_make_fork_client( cxy_t       cxy,
     223                                   xptr_t      ref_process_xp,      // in
     224                                   xptr_t      parent_thread_xp,    // in
     225                                   pid_t     * child_pid,           // out
     226                                   thread_t ** child_thread_ptr,    // out     
     227                                   error_t   * error )              // out
     229    rpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : enter / thread %x on core[%x,%d] / cycle %d\n",
     230    __FUNCTION__ , CURRENT_THREAD->trdid , local_cxy,
     231    CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid , hal_time_stamp() );
     233    assert( (cxy != local_cxy) , __FUNCTION__ , "target cluster is not remote\n");
     235    // initialise RPC descriptor header
     236    rpc_desc_t  rpc;
     237    rpc.index    = RPC_PROCESS_MAKE_FORK;
     238    rpc.response = 1;
     240    // set input arguments in RPC descriptor 
     241    rpc.args[0] = (uint64_t)(intptr_t)ref_process_xp;
     242    rpc.args[1] = (uint64_t)(intptr_t)parent_thread_xp;
     244    // register RPC request in remote RPC fifo (blocking function)
     245    rpc_send_sync( cxy , &rpc );
     247    // get output arguments from RPC descriptor
     248    *child_pid         = (pid_t)rpc.args[2];
     249    *child_thread_ptr  = (thread_t *)(intptr_t)rpc.args[3];
     250    *error             = (error_t)rpc.args[4];     
     252    rpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : exit / thread %x on core[%x,%d] / cycle %d\n",
     253    __FUNCTION__ , CURRENT_THREAD->trdid , local_cxy,
     254    CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid , hal_time_stamp() );
     258void rpc_process_make_fork_server( xptr_t xp )
     260    xptr_t     ref_process_xp;     // extended pointer on reference parent process
     261    xptr_t     parent_thread_xp;   // extended pointer on parent thread
     262    pid_t      child_pid;          // child process identifier
     263    thread_t * child_thread_ptr;   // local copy of exec_info structure
     264    error_t    error;              // local error status
     266    rpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : enter / thread %x on core[%x,%d] / cycle %d\n",
     267    __FUNCTION__ , CURRENT_THREAD->trdid , local_cxy,
     268    CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid , hal_time_stamp() );
     270    // get client cluster identifier and pointer on RPC descriptor
     271    cxy_t        client_cxy  = (cxy_t)GET_CXY( xp );
     272    rpc_desc_t * desc        = (rpc_desc_t *)GET_PTR( xp );
     274    // get input arguments from cient RPC descriptor
     275    ref_process_xp   = (xptr_t)hal_remote_lwd( XPTR( client_cxy , &desc->args[0] ) );
     276    parent_thread_xp = (xptr_t)hal_remote_lwd( XPTR( client_cxy , &desc->args[1] ) );
     278    // call local kernel function
     279    error = process_make_fork( ref_process_xp,
     280                               parent_thread_xp,
     281                               &child_pid,
     282                               &child_thread_ptr );
     284    // set output argument into client RPC descriptor
     285    hal_remote_swd( XPTR( client_cxy , &desc->args[2] ) , (uint64_t)child_pid );
     286    hal_remote_swd( XPTR( client_cxy , &desc->args[3] ) , (uint64_t)(intptr_t)child_thread_ptr );
     287    hal_remote_swd( XPTR( client_cxy , &desc->args[4] ) , (uint64_t)error );
     289    rpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : exit / thread %x on core[%x,%d] / cycle %d\n",
     290    __FUNCTION__ , CURRENT_THREAD->trdid , local_cxy,
     291    CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid , hal_time_stamp() );
     1811// [28]          Marshaling functions attached to RPC_VMM_SET_COW
     1815void rpc_vmm_set_cow_client( cxy_t       cxy,
     1816                             process_t * process )
     1818    rpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : enter / thread %x on core[%x,%d] / cycle %d\n",
     1819    __FUNCTION__ , CURRENT_THREAD->trdid , local_cxy,
     1820    CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid , hal_time_stamp() );
     1822    assert( (cxy != local_cxy) , __FUNCTION__ , "target cluster is not remote\n");
     1824    // initialise RPC descriptor header
     1825    rpc_desc_t  rpc;
     1826    rpc.index    = RPC_VMM_SET_COW;
     1827    rpc.response = 1;
     1829    // set input arguments in RPC descriptor
     1830    rpc.args[0] = (uint64_t)(intptr_t)process;
     1832    // register RPC request in remote RPC fifo (blocking function)
     1833    rpc_send_sync( cxy , &rpc );
     1835    rpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : exit / thread %x on core[%x,%d] / cycle %d\n",
     1836    __FUNCTION__ , CURRENT_THREAD->trdid , local_cxy,
     1837    CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid , hal_time_stamp() );
     1841void rpc_vmm_set_cow_server( xptr_t xp )
     1843    rpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : enter / thread %x on core[%x,%d] / cycle %d\n",
     1844    __FUNCTION__ , CURRENT_THREAD->trdid , local_cxy,
     1845    CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid , hal_time_stamp() );
     1847    process_t * process;
     1849    // get client cluster identifier and pointer on RPC descriptor
     1850    cxy_t        cxy  = (cxy_t)GET_CXY( xp );
     1851    rpc_desc_t * desc = (rpc_desc_t *)GET_PTR( xp );
     1853    // get input arguments from client RPC descriptor
     1854    process = (process_t *)(intptr_t)hal_remote_lpt( XPTR(cxy , &desc->args[0]));
     1856    // call local kernel function
     1857    vmm_set_cow( process );
     1859    rpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : exit / thread %x on core[%x,%d] / cycle %d\n",
     1860    __FUNCTION__ , CURRENT_THREAD->trdid , local_cxy,
     1861    CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid , hal_time_stamp() );
    18031865/************ Generic functions supporting RPCs : client side **************************/
    18351897            __FUNCTION__ , local_cxy , server_cxy );
    1837             if( thread_can_yield() ) sched_yield();
     1899            if( thread_can_yield() ) sched_yield("RPC fifo full");
    18381900        }
    18391901    }
    18731935        thread_block( this , THREAD_BLOCKED_RPC );
    1874         sched_yield();
     1936        sched_yield("client blocked on RPC");
    18761938grpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] / thread %s resumes after RPC completion\n",
    19602022    // interrupted thread deschedule always           
    1961         sched_yield();
     2023        sched_yield("IPI received");
    19632025grpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] / interrupted thread %s resume / cycle %d\n",
    20802142        // deschedule without blocking
    2081         sched_yield();
     2143        sched_yield("RPC fifo empty or too much work");
    20832145grpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] (RPC thread %x) resumes / cycle %d\n",
    2098 /* deprecated [AG] 29/09/2017
    2100 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    2101 error_t rpc_activate_thread( remote_fifo_t * rpc_fifo )
    2102 {
    2103         core_t      * core;
    2104         thread_t    * thread;
    2105         thread_t    * this;
    2106     scheduler_t * sched;
    2107         error_t       error;
    2108     bool_t        found;
    2109     reg_t         sr_save;
    2112         this   = CURRENT_THREAD;
    2113     core   = this->core;
    2114     sched  = &core->scheduler;
    2115     found  = false;
    2117     assert( (this->trdid == rpc_fifo->owner) , __FUNCTION__ ,
    2118     "calling thread is not RPC_FIFO owner\n" );
    2120     // makes the calling thread not preemptable
    2121     // during activation / creation of the RPC thread
    2122         hal_disable_irq( &sr_save );
    2124 grpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] enter at cycle %d\n",
    2125 __FUNCTION__ , local_cxy , core->lid , hal_time_stamp() );
    2127     // search one non blocked RPC thread   
    2128     list_entry_t * iter;
    2129     LIST_FOREACH( &sched->k_root , iter )
    2130     {
    2131         thread = LIST_ELEMENT( iter , thread_t , sched_list );
    2132         if( (thread->type == THREAD_RPC) && (thread->blocked == 0 ) )
    2133         {
    2134             found = true;
    2135             break;
    2136         }
    2137     }
    2139     if( found == false )                    // create new RPC thread     
    2140     {
    2141         error = thread_kernel_create( &thread,
    2142                                       THREAD_RPC,
    2143                                                   &rpc_thread_func,
    2144                                       NULL,
    2145                                                   core->lid );
    2146             if( error )
    2147         {
    2148                 hal_restore_irq( sr_save );
    2149             printk("\n[ERROR] in %s : no memory for new RPC thread in cluster %x\n",
    2150                    __FUNCTION__ , local_cxy );
    2151             return ENOMEM;
    2152         }
    2154         // unblock thread
    2155         thread->blocked = 0;
    2157         // update core descriptor counter 
    2158             hal_atomic_add( &LOCAL_CLUSTER->rpc_threads , 1 );
    2160 grpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core [%x,%d] creates RPC thread %x at cycle %d\n",
    2161 __FUNCTION__ , local_cxy , core->lid , thread->trdid , hal_time_stamp() );
    2163     }
    2164     else                           // create a new RPC thread
    2165     {
    2167 grpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] activates RPC thread %x at cycle %d\n",
    2168 __FUNCTION__ , local_cxy , core->lid , thread->trdid , hal_time_stamp() );
    2170     }
    2172     // update rpc_fifo owner
    2173     rpc_fifo->owner = thread->trdid;
    2175     // current thread deschedule           
    2176         sched_yield();
    2178     // restore IRQs for the calling thread
    2179         hal_restore_irq( sr_save );
    2181     // return success
    2182         return 0;
    2184 }  // end rpc_activate_thread()
    2186 ////////////////
    2187 void rpc_check()
    2188 {
    2189         thread_t   * this     = CURRENT_THREAD;
    2190         remote_fifo_t * rpc_fifo = &LOCAL_CLUSTER->rpc_fifo;
    2191     error_t      error;
    2193 grpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] / thread %x / enter at cycle %d\n",
    2194 __FUNCTION__ , local_cxy , this->core->lid , this->trdid , hal_time_stamp() );
    2196     // calling thread does nothing if light lock already taken or FIFO empty 
    2197         if( (rpc_fifo->owner != 0) || (local_fifo_is_empty( &rpc_fifo->fifo )) )
    2198     {
    2200 grpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] / thread %x / exit do nothing at cycle %d\n",
    2201 __FUNCTION__ , local_cxy , this->core->lid , this->trdid , hal_time_stamp() );
    2203         return;
    2204     }
    2206         // try to take the light lock, and activates an RPC thread if success
    2207     if( hal_atomic_test_set( &rpc_fifo->owner , this->trdid ) )
    2208         {
    2209         error = rpc_activate_thread( rpc_fifo );
    2211         if( error )    // cannot activate an RPC_THREAD
    2212         {
    2213             rpc_fifo->owner = 0;
    2215             printk("\n[ERROR] in %s : no memory to create a RPC thread for core %d"
    2216             " in cluster %x => do nothing\n",
    2217             __FUNCTION__ , CURRENT_CORE->lid , local_cxy );
    2218         }
    2220         return;
    2221     }
    2222     else  // light lock taken by another thread
    2223     {
    2225 grpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] / thread %x / exit do nothing at cycle %d\n",
    2226 __FUNCTION__ , local_cxy , this->core->lid , this->trdid , hal_time_stamp() );
    2228         return;
    2229     }
    2230 } // end rpc_check()
    2233 //////////////////////
    2234 void rpc_thread_func()
    2235 {
    2236     // makes the RPC thread not preemptable
    2237         hal_disable_irq( NULL );
    2239         thread_t   * this     = CURRENT_THREAD;
    2240         remote_fifo_t * rpc_fifo = &LOCAL_CLUSTER->rpc_fifo;
    2242         while(1)
    2243         {
    2244         // check fifo ownership (ownership should be given by rpc_activate()
    2245         assert( (this->trdid == rpc_fifo->owner) , __FUNCTION__ ,
    2246         "thread %x on core[%x,%d] not owner of RPC_FIFO / owner = %x\n",
    2247         this->trdid, local_cxy, this->core->lid , rpc_fifo->owner );
    2249         // executes pending RPC(s)
    2250         rpc_execute_all( rpc_fifo );
    2252         // release rpc_fifo ownership if required
    2253         // (this ownership can be lost during RPC execution)
    2254         if( rpc_fifo->owner == this->trdid ) rpc_fifo->owner = 0;
    2256         //  deschedule or sucide
    2257                 if( LOCAL_CLUSTER->rpc_threads >= CONFIG_RPC_THREADS_MAX )  // suicide
    2258                 {
    2260 grpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] / thread %x / suicide at cycle %d\n",
    2261 __FUNCTION__, local_cxy, this->core->lid, this->trdid, hal_time_stamp() );
    2263             // update core descriptor counter
    2264                 hal_atomic_add( &LOCAL_CLUSTER->rpc_threads , -1 );
    2266             // suicide
    2267                         thread_exit();
    2268                 }
    2269         else                                                       // deschedule
    2270         {
    2272 grpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] / thread %x / deschedule at cycle %d\n",
    2273 __FUNCTION__, local_cxy, this->core->lid, this->trdid, hal_time_stamp() );
    2275             sched_yield();
    2277 grpc_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] / thread %x / wake up at cycle %d\n",
    2278 __FUNCTION__, local_cxy, this->core->lid, this->trdid, hal_time_stamp() );
    2280         }
    2281         } // end while
    2282 } // end rpc_thread_func()
    2284 */
  • trunk/kernel/kern/rpc.h

    r407 r408  
    6161    RPC_PMEM_GET_PAGES         = 0,
    62     RPC_PROCESS_PID_ALLOC      = 1,
    63     RPC_PROCESS_EXEC           = 2,
     62    RPC_PROCESS_MAKE_EXEC      = 1,     
     63    RPC_PROCESS_MAKE_FORK      = 2,
    6464    RPC_PROCESS_KILL           = 3,
    6565    RPC_THREAD_USER_CREATE     = 4,
    8585    RPC_VMM_CREATE_VSEG        = 26,
    8686    RPC_SCHED_DISPLAY          = 27,
     87    RPC_VMM_SET_COW            = 28,
    8888    RPC_MAX_INDEX              = 30,
    188  * [1] The RPC_PROCESS_PID_ALLOC allocates one new PID in a remote cluster, registers
    189  * the new process in the remote cluster, and returns the PID, and an error code.
     188 * [1] The RPC_PROCESS_MAKE_EXEC creates a new process descriptor, from an existing
     189 * process descriptor in a remote server cluster. This server cluster must be
     190 * the owner cluster for the existing process. The new process descriptor is
     191 * initialized from informations found in the <exec_info> structure.
     192 * A new main thread descriptor is created in the server cluster.
     193 * All copies of the old process descriptor and all old threads are destroyed.
    190194 ***********************************************************************************
    191195 * @ cxy     : server cluster identifier.
    192  * @ process : [in]  local pointer on process descriptor in client cluster.
     196 * @ process : [in]  local pointer on the exec_info structure in client cluster.
    193197 * @ error   : [out] error status (0 if success).
    194  * @ pid     : [out] new process identifier.
    195  **********************************************************************************/
    196 void rpc_process_pid_alloc_client( cxy_t              cxy,
    197                                    struct process_s * process,
    198                                    error_t          * error,
    199                                    pid_t            * pid );
    201 void rpc_process_pid_alloc_server( xptr_t xp );
    203 /***********************************************************************************
    204  * [2] The RPC_PROCESS_EXEC creates a process descriptor copy, in a remote cluster
    205  * and initializes if from information found in the reference process descriptor.
    206  * This remote cluster becomes the new reference cluster.
    207  ***********************************************************************************
    208  * @ cxy     : server cluster identifier.
    209  * @ info    : [in]   pointer on local exec_info structure.
    210  * @ error   : [out]  error status (0 if success).
    211  **********************************************************************************/
    212 void rpc_process_exec_client( cxy_t                cxy,
    213                               struct exec_info_s * info,
    214                               error_t            * error );
    216 void rpc_process_exec_server( xptr_t xp );
     198 **********************************************************************************/
     199void rpc_process_make_exec_client( cxy_t                cxy,
     200                                   struct exec_info_s * info,
     201                                   error_t            * error );
     203void rpc_process_make_exec_server( xptr_t xp );
     206 * [2] The RPC_PROCESS_MAKE_FORK creates a "child" process descriptor, and the
     207 * associated "child" thread descriptor in a target remote cluster that can be
     208 * any cluster.  The child process is initialized from informations found in the
     209 * "parent" process descriptor (that must be the parent reference cluster),
     210 * and from the "parent" thread descriptor that can be in any cluster.
     211 ***********************************************************************************
     212 * @ cxy              : server cluster identifier.
     213 * @ ref_process_xp   : [in]  extended pointer on reference parent process.
     214 * @ parent_thread_xp : [in]  extended pointer on parent thread.
     215 * @ child_pid        : [out] child process identifier.
     216 * @ child_thread_ptr : [out] local pointer on child thread.
     217 * @ error            : [out]  error status (0 if success).
     218 **********************************************************************************/
     219void rpc_process_make_fork_client( cxy_t              cxy,
     220                                   xptr_t             ref_process_xp,
     221                                   xptr_t             parent_thread_xp,
     222                                   pid_t            * child_pid,
     223                                   struct thread_s ** child_thread_ptr,
     224                                   error_t          * error );
     226void rpc_process_make_fork_server( xptr_t xp );
    613623void rpc_sched_display_server( xptr_t xp );
     626 * [28] The RPC_VMM_SET_COW allows a client thread to request the remote reference
     627 * cluster to set the COW flag and reset the WRITABLE flag of all GPT entries for
     628 * the DATA, MMAP and REMOTE vsegs of process identified by the <process> argument.
     630 * of a remote scheduler, identified by the <lid> argument.
     631 ***********************************************************************************
     632 * @ cxy         : server cluster identifier.
     633 * @ process     : [in]  local pointer on reference process descriptor.
     634 **********************************************************************************/
     635void rpc_vmm_set_cow_client( cxy_t              cxy,
     636                             struct process_s * process );
     638void rpc_vmm_set_cow_server( xptr_t xp );
  • trunk/kernel/kern/scheduler.c

    r407 r408  
    128128}  // end sched_remove()
    130 ////////////////////////////////////////
    131 thread_t * sched_select( core_t * core )
    132 {
    133     thread_t    * thread;
    135     scheduler_t * sched = &core->scheduler;
     131thread_t * sched_select( scheduler_t * sched )
     133    thread_t     * thread;
     134    list_entry_t * current;
     135    list_entry_t * last;
    137137    // take lock protecting sheduler lists
    138138    spinlock_lock( &sched->lock );
    140     list_entry_t * current;
    141     list_entry_t * last;
    143140    // first loop : scan the kernel threads list if not empty
    172169                break;
    174                 default:          // DEV thread if non blocked
    175                 if( thread->blocked == 0 )
     171                default:          // DEV thread if non blocked and waiting queue non empty
     172                if( (thread->blocked == 0) &&
     173                    (xlist_is_empty( XPTR( local_cxy , &thread->chdev->wait_root)) == 0) )
    176174                {
    177175                    spinlock_unlock( &sched->lock );
    253251    scheduler_t  * sched = &core->scheduler;
     253// signal_dmsg("\n@@@ %s enter at cycle %d\n",
     254// __FUNCTION__ , hal_time_stamp() );
    255256    // take lock protecting threads lists
    256257    spinlock_lock( &sched->lock );
    260261    {
    261262        thread = LIST_ELEMENT( iter , thread_t , sched_list );
    262         if( thread->signals ) sched_kill_thread( thread );
     263        if( thread->signals ) // sched_kill_thread( thread );
     264        {
     265            printk("\n[WARNING] %s : thread %x has signal %x at cycle %d\n",
     266            __FUNCTION__, thread, thread->signals, hal_time_stamp() );
     267        }
    263268    }
    267272    {
    268273        thread = LIST_ELEMENT( iter , thread_t , sched_list );
    269         if( thread->signals ) sched_kill_thread( thread );
     274        if( thread->signals )  // sched_kill_thread( thread );
     275        {
     276            printk("\n[WARNING] %s : thread %x has signal %x at cycle %d\n",
     277            __FUNCTION__, thread, thread->signals, hal_time_stamp() );
     279        }
    270280    }
    273283    spinlock_unlock( &sched->lock );
     285// signal_dmsg("\n@@@ %s exit at cycle %d\n",
     286// __FUNCTION__ , hal_time_stamp() );
    275288} // end sched_handle_signals()
    277 //////////////////////////////////////
    278 void sched_update( thread_t * current,
    279                    thread_t * next )
    280 {
    281     scheduler_t * sched = &current->core->scheduler;
    283     if( current->type == THREAD_USER ) sched->u_last = &current->sched_list;
    284     else                               sched->k_last = &current->sched_list;
    286     sched->current = next;
    287 }
    289 //////////////////
    290 void sched_yield()
     291void sched_yield( char * cause )
    292293    thread_t    * next;
    293294    thread_t    * current = CURRENT_THREAD;
     295    scheduler_t * sched   = &current->core->scheduler;
    295297#if( CONFIG_SCHED_DEBUG & 0x1 )
    304306    }
     308    // enter critical section / save SR in current thread context
     309    hal_disable_irq( &current->save_sr );
    306311    // loop on threads to select next thread
    307     next = sched_select( current->core );
     312    next = sched_select( sched );
    309314    // check next thread attached to same core as the calling thread
    319324        if( next != current )
    320325    {
    321         // current thread desactivate IRQs
    322         hal_disable_irq( &switch_save_sr[CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid] );
    324 sched_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] / trd %x (%s) (%x,%x) => trd %x (%s) (%x,%x) / cycle %d\n",
    325 __FUNCTION__, local_cxy, current->core->lid,
     327sched_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] / cause = %s\n"
     328"      thread %x (%s) (%x,%x) => thread %x (%s) (%x,%x) / cycle %d\n",
     329__FUNCTION__, local_cxy, current->core->lid, cause,
    326330current, thread_type_str(current->type), current->process->pid, current->trdid,
    327331next   , thread_type_str(next->type)   , next->process->pid   , next->trdid,
    328 hal_time_stamp() );
     332(uint32_t)hal_get_cycles() );
    330334        // update scheduler
    331         sched_update( current , next );
     335        sched->current = next;
     336        if( next->type == THREAD_USER ) sched->u_last = &next->sched_list;
     337        else                            sched->k_last = &next->sched_list;
    333339        // handle FPU ownership
    340346        // switch CPU from calling thread context to new thread context
    341347        hal_do_cpu_switch( current->cpu_context, next->cpu_context );
    343         // restore IRQs when next thread resume
    344         hal_restore_irq( switch_save_sr[CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid] );
    345348    }
    346349    else
    347350    {
    349 sched_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] / thread %x (%s) continue / cycle %d\n",
    350 __FUNCTION__, local_cxy, current->core->lid, current->trdid,
    351 thread_type_str(current->type) ,hal_time_stamp() );
    353     }
     352sched_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] / cause = %s\n"
     353"      thread %x (%s) (%x,%x) continue / cycle %d\n",
     354__FUNCTION__, local_cxy, current->core->lid, cause,
     355current, thread_type_str(current->type), current->process->pid, current->trdid,
     356(uint32_t)hal_get_cycles() );
     358    }
     360    // exit critical section / restore SR from next thread context
     361    hal_restore_irq( next->save_sr );
    354363}  // end sched_yield()
    385394    nolock_printk("\n***** scheduler state for core[%x,%d] at cycle %d\n"
    386            "kernel_threads = %d / user_threads = %d / current = %x / idle = %x\n",
     395           "kernel_threads = %d / user_threads = %d / current = (%x,%x)\n",
    387396            local_cxy , core->lid, hal_time_stamp(),
    388397            sched->k_threads_nr, sched->u_threads_nr,
    389             sched->current->trdid , sched->idle->trdid );
     398            sched->current->process->pid , sched->current->trdid );
    391400    // display kernel threads
    393402    {
    394403        thread = LIST_ELEMENT( iter , thread_t , sched_list );
    395         nolock_printk(" - type = %s / trdid = %X / pid = %X / func = %X / blocked = %X\n",
    396         thread_type_str( thread->type ), thread->trdid, thread->process->pid,
    397         thread->entry_func, thread->blocked );
     404        if (thread->type == THREAD_DEV)
     405        {
     406            nolock_printk(" - %s / pid %X / trdid %X / desc %X / blocked %X / %s\n",
     407            thread_type_str( thread->type ), thread->process->pid, thread->trdid,
     408            thread, thread->blocked , thread->chdev->name );
     409        }
     410        else
     411        {
     412            nolock_printk(" - %s / pid %X / trdid %X / desc %X / blocked %X\n",
     413            thread_type_str( thread->type ), thread->process->pid, thread->trdid,
     414            thread, thread->blocked );
     415        }
    398416    }
    402420    {
    403421        thread = LIST_ELEMENT( iter , thread_t , sched_list );
    404         nolock_printk(" - type = %s / trdid = %X / pid = %X / func = %X / blocked = %X\n",
    405         thread_type_str( thread->type ), thread->trdid, thread->process->pid,
    406         thread->entry_func, thread->blocked );
     422        nolock_printk(" - %s / pid %X / trdid %X / desc %X / blocked %X\n",
     423        thread_type_str( thread->type ), thread->process->pid, thread->trdid,
     424        thread, thread->blocked );
    407425    }
  • trunk/kernel/kern/scheduler.h

    r407 r408  
    76  * This function handles pending signals for all registered threads, and calls the
    77  * sched_select() function to make a context switch for the core running the calling thread.
     76 * This function is the only method to make a context switch. It is called in cas of TICK,
     77 * or when when a thread explicitely requires a scheduling.
     78 * It handles the pending signals for all threads attached to the core running the calling
     79 * thread, and calls the sched_select() function to select a new thread.
     80 * The cause argument is only used for debug by the sched_display() function, and
     81 * indicates the scheduling cause.
     82 *********************************************************************************************
     83 * @ cause    : character string defining the scheduling cause.
    7884 ********************************************************************************************/
    79 void sched_yield();
     85void sched_yield( char * cause );
    102108 * This function does NOT modify the scheduler state.
    103  * It just select a thread in the list of attached threads, implementing the following policy:
    104  * 1) it scan the list of kernel threads, from the next thread after the last executed one,
    105  *    and returns the first runnable found (can be the current thread).
    106  * 2) if no kernel thread found, it scan the list of user thread, from the next thread after
    107  *    the last executed one, and returns the first runable found (can be the current thread).
    108  * 3) if no runable thread found, it returns the idle thread.
     109 * It just select a thread in the list of attached threads, implementing the following
     110 * three steps policy:
     111 * 1) It scan the list of kernel threads, from the next thread after the last executed one,
     112 *    and returns the first runnable found : not IDLE, not blocked, client queue not empty.
     113 *    It can be the current thread.
     114 * 2) If no kernel thread found, it scan the list of user thread, from the next thread after
     115 *    the last executed one, and returns the first runable found : not blocked.
     116 *    It can be the current thread.
     117 * 3) If no runable thread found, it returns the idle thread.
    109118 *********************************************************************************************
    110  * @ core    : local pointer on the core descriptor.
     119 * @ core    : local pointer on scheduler.
    111120 * @ returns pointer on selected thread descriptor
    112121 ********************************************************************************************/
    113 struct thread_s * sched_select( struct core_s * core );
     122struct thread_s * sched_select( struct scheduler_s * sched );
  • trunk/kernel/kern/thread.c

    r407 r408  
    116116// - thread_user_fork()
    117117// - thread_kernel_create()
    118 // - thread_user_init()
    120119// @ thread       : pointer on thread descriptor
    200199        thread->signature = THREAD_SIGNATURE;
     201    // FIXME call hal_thread_init() function to initialise the save_sr field
     202    thread->save_sr = 0xFF13;
    202204    // update local DQDT
    203205    dqdt_local_update_threads( 1 );
    322324    }
     326        // update DQDT for new thread
     327    dqdt_local_update_threads( 1 );
    324329thread_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] exit / trdid = %x / process %x / core = %d\n",
    325330__FUNCTION__, local_cxy, CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid,
    331336}  // end thread_user_create()
    333 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    334 error_t thread_user_fork( process_t * process,
    335                           intptr_t    stack_base,
    336                           uint32_t    stack_size,
    337                           thread_t ** new_thread )
     339error_t thread_user_fork( xptr_t      parent_thread_xp,
     340                          process_t * child_process,
     341                          thread_t ** child_thread )
    339343    error_t        error;
    340         thread_t     * child;       // pointer on new thread descriptor
    341     lid_t          core_lid;     // selected core local index
    343 thread_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] enters\n",
    344 __FUNCTION__ , local_cxy , core_lid );
     344        thread_t     * child_ptr;        // local pointer on local child thread
     345    lid_t          core_lid;         // selected core local index
     347    thread_t     * parent_ptr;       // local pointer on remote parent thread
     348    cxy_t          parent_cxy;       // parent thread cluster
     349    process_t    * parent_process;   // local pointer on parent process
     350    xptr_t         parent_gpt_xp;    // extended pointer on parent thread GPT
     352    void         * func;             // parent thread entry_func
     353    void         * args;             // parent thread entry_args
     354    intptr_t       base;             // parent thread u_stack_base
     355    uint32_t       size;             // parent thread u_stack_size
     356    uint32_t       flags;            // parent_thread flags
     357    vpn_t          vpn_base;         // parent thread stack vpn_base
     358    vpn_t          vpn_size;         // parent thread stack vpn_size
     359    reg_t        * uzone;            // parent thread pointer on uzone 
     361    vseg_t       * vseg;             // child thread STACK vseg
     363thread_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] enters at cycle %d\n",
     364__FUNCTION__ , local_cxy , CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid , hal_get_cycles() );
    346366    // select a target core in local cluster
    347367    core_lid = cluster_select_local_core();
    349     // get pointer on parent thread descriptor
    350     thread_t * parent = CURRENT_THREAD;
    352     // allocate memory for new thread descriptor
    353     child = thread_alloc();
    355     if( child == NULL )
     369    // get cluster and local pointer on parent thread descriptor
     370    parent_cxy = GET_CXY( parent_thread_xp );
     371    parent_ptr = (thread_t *)GET_PTR( parent_thread_xp );
     373    // get relevant fields from parent thread
     374    func  = (void *)  hal_remote_lpt( XPTR( parent_cxy , &parent_ptr->entry_func   ) );
     375    args  = (void *)  hal_remote_lpt( XPTR( parent_cxy , &parent_ptr->entry_args   ) );
     376    base  = (intptr_t)hal_remote_lpt( XPTR( parent_cxy , &parent_ptr->u_stack_base ) );
     377    size  = (uint32_t)hal_remote_lw ( XPTR( parent_cxy , &parent_ptr->u_stack_size ) );
     378    flags =           hal_remote_lw ( XPTR( parent_cxy , &parent_ptr->flags        ) );
     379    uzone = (reg_t *) hal_remote_lpt( XPTR( parent_cxy , &parent_ptr->uzone        ) );
     381    vpn_base = base >> CONFIG_PPM_PAGE_SHIFT;
     382    vpn_size = size >> CONFIG_PPM_PAGE_SHIFT;
     384    // get pointer on parent process in parent thread cluster
     385    parent_process = (process_t *)hal_remote_lpt( XPTR( parent_cxy,
     386                                                        &parent_ptr->process ) );
     388    // get extended pointer on parent GPT in parent thread cluster
     389    parent_gpt_xp = XPTR( parent_cxy , &parent_process->vmm.gpt );
     391    // allocate memory for child thread descriptor
     392    child_ptr = thread_alloc();
     393    if( child_ptr == NULL )
    356394    {
    357395        printk("\n[ERROR] in %s : cannot allocate new thread\n", __FUNCTION__ );
    358         return ENOMEM;
     396        return -1;
    359397    }
    361399    // initialize thread descriptor
    362     error = thread_init( child,
    363                          process,
     400    error = thread_init( child_ptr,
     401                         child_process,
    364402                         THREAD_USER,
    365                          parent->entry_func,
    366                          parent->entry_args,
     403                         func,
     404                         args,
    367405                         core_lid,
    368                          stack_base,
    369                          stack_size );
     406                         base,
     407                         size );
    371408    if( error )
    372409    {
    373             printk("\n[ERROR] in %s : cannot initialize new thread\n", __FUNCTION__ );
    374         thread_release( child );
     410            printk("\n[ERROR] in %s : cannot initialize child thread\n", __FUNCTION__ );
     411        thread_release( child_ptr );
    375412        return EINVAL;
    376413    }
    378415    // return child pointer
    379     *new_thread = child;
    381     // set DETACHED flag if required
    382     if( parent->flags & THREAD_FLAG_DETACHED ) child->flags = THREAD_FLAG_DETACHED;
     416    *child_thread = child_ptr;
     418    // set detached flag if required
     419    if( flags & THREAD_FLAG_DETACHED ) child_ptr->flags = THREAD_FLAG_DETACHED;
     421    // update uzone pointer in child thread descriptor
     422    child_ptr->uzone = (char *)((intptr_t)uzone +
     423                                (intptr_t)child_ptr -
     424                                (intptr_t)parent_ptr );
    384427    // allocate CPU context for child thread
    385         if( hal_cpu_context_alloc( child ) )
     428        if( hal_cpu_context_alloc( child_ptr ) )
    386429    {
    387430            printk("\n[ERROR] in %s : cannot allocate CPU context\n", __FUNCTION__ );
    388         thread_release( child );
    389         return ENOMEM;
     431        thread_release( child_ptr );
     432        return -1;
    390433    }
    392435    // allocate FPU context for child thread
    393         if( hal_fpu_context_alloc( child ) )
     436        if( hal_fpu_context_alloc( child_ptr ) )
    394437    {
    395438            printk("\n[ERROR] in %s : cannot allocate FPU context\n", __FUNCTION__ );
    396         thread_release( child );
    397         return ENOMEM;
    398     }
    400     // copy kernel stack content from parent to child thread descriptor
    401     void * dst = (void *)(&child->signature) + 4;
    402     void * src = (void *)(&parent->signature) + 4;
    403     memcpy( dst , src , parent->k_stack_size );
     439        thread_release( child_ptr );
     440        return -1;
     441    }
     443    // create and initialize STACK vseg
     444    vseg = vseg_alloc();
     445    vseg_init( vseg,
     446               VSEG_TYPE_STACK,
     447               base,
     448               size,
     449               vpn_base,
     450               vpn_size,
     451               0, 0, XPTR_NULL,                         // not a file vseg
     452               local_cxy );
     454    // register STACK vseg in local child VSL
     455    vseg_attach( &child_process->vmm , vseg );
     457    // copy all valid STACK GPT entries   
     458    vpn_t          vpn;
     459    bool_t         mapped;
     460    ppn_t          ppn;
     461    for( vpn = vpn_base ; vpn < (vpn_base + vpn_size) ; vpn++ )
     462    {
     463        error = hal_gpt_pte_copy( &child_process->vmm.gpt,
     464                                  parent_gpt_xp,
     465                                  vpn,
     466                                  true,                 // set cow
     467                                  &ppn,
     468                                  &mapped );
     469        if( error )
     470        {
     471            vseg_detach( &child_process->vmm , vseg );
     472            vseg_free( vseg );
     473            thread_release( child_ptr );
     474            printk("\n[ERROR] in %s : cannot update child GPT\n", __FUNCTION__ );
     475            return -1;
     476        }
     478        // increment page descriptor fork_nr for the referenced page if mapped
     479        if( mapped )
     480        {
     481            xptr_t   page_xp  = ppm_ppn2page( ppn );
     482            cxy_t    page_cxy = GET_CXY( page_xp );
     483            page_t * page_ptr = (page_t *)GET_PTR( page_xp );
     484            hal_remote_atomic_add( XPTR( page_cxy , &page_ptr->fork_nr ) , 1 );
     486thread_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] copied PTE to child GPT : vpn %x\n",
     487__FUNCTION__ , local_cxy , CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid , vpn );
     489        }
     490    }
     492    // set COW flag for STAK vseg in parent thread GPT
     493    hal_gpt_flip_cow( true,                               // set cow
     494                      parent_gpt_xp,
     495                      vpn_base,
     496                      vpn_size );
     498        // update DQDT for child thread
     499    dqdt_local_update_threads( 1 );
    405501thread_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core[%x,%d] exit / created main thread %x for process %x\n",
    406 __FUNCTION__, local_cxy , core_lid , child->trdid , process->pid );
     502__FUNCTION__, local_cxy, CURRENT_THREAD->core->lid, child_ptr->trdid, child_process->pid );
    408504        return 0;
    452548        hal_cpu_context_create( thread );
     550        // update DQDT for kernel thread
     551    dqdt_local_update_threads( 1 );
    454553thread_dmsg("\n[DBG] %s : core = [%x,%d] exit / trdid = %x / type %s / cycle %d\n",
    455554__FUNCTION__, local_cxy, core_lid, thread->trdid, thread_type_str(type), hal_time_stamp() );
    512611    // update intrumentation values
    513     uint32_t pgfaults = thread->info.pgfault_nr;
    514     uint32_t u_errors = thread->info.u_err_nr;
    515     uint32_t m_errors = thread->info.m_err_nr;
    517         process->vmm.pgfault_nr += pgfaults;
    518         process->vmm.u_err_nr   += u_errors;
    519         process->vmm.m_err_nr   += m_errors;
     612        process->vmm.pgfault_nr += thread->info.pgfault_nr;
    521614    // release memory allocated for CPU context and FPU context
    635728    {
    636729        this->flags &= ~THREAD_FLAG_SCHED;
    637         sched_yield();
     730        sched_yield( "delayed scheduling" );
    638731    }
    698791    // deschedule
    699     sched_yield();
     792    sched_yield( "exit" );
    700793    return 0;
    721814    while( 1 )
    722815    {
     816        // unmask IRQs
     817        hal_enable_irq( NULL );
    723819        if( CONFIG_THREAD_IDLE_MODE_SLEEP ) // force core to low-power mode
    724820        {
    741837        // force scheduling at each iteration
    742         sched_yield();
     838        sched_yield( "idle" );
    743839   }
    744840}  // end thread_idle()
    755851void thread_kernel_time_update( thread_t * thread )
    756 {
    757     // TODO
    758     // printk("\n[WARNING] function %s not implemented\n", __FUNCTION__ );
    759 }
    761 ////////////////////////////////////////////////
    762 void thread_signals_handle( thread_t * thread )
    764853    // TODO
  • trunk/kernel/kern/thread.h

    r407 r408  
    3434#include <spinlock.h>
    3535#include <core.h>
     36#include <chdev.h>
    3637#include <cluster.h>
    3738#include <process.h>
    9697#define THREAD_BLOCKED_RPC       0x0200  /*! thread wait RPC completion               */
    98 #define THREAD_BLOCKED_DEV_QUEUE 0x2000  /*! thread DEV wait queue                    */
    9999#define THREAD_BLOCKED_DEV_ISR   0x4000  /*! thread DEV wait ISR                      */
    132132 * thread is registered in the local copy of the process descriptor.
    133133 *
    134  * WARNING : Don't modify the first 4 fields order, as this order is used by the
     134 * WARNING : Don't modify the first 3 fields order, as this order is used by the
    135135 * hal_kentry assembly code for the TSAR architecture.
    136136 **************************************************************************************/
    140140typedef struct thread_s
    142         void              * cpu_context;     /*! used for context switch                  */
    143         void              * fpu_context;     /*! used for dynamic FPU allocation          */
     142        void              * cpu_context;     /*! pointer on CPU context switch            */
     143        void              * fpu_context;     /*! pointer on FPU context switch            */
     144    void              * uzone;           /*! pointer on uzone for hal_kentry          */
    145146        intptr_t            k_stack_base;    /*! kernel stack base address                */
    173174    uint32_t            flags;           /*! bit vector of flags                      */
    174     volatile uint32_t   blocked;         /*! bit vector of blocking causes            */
    175     volatile uint32_t   signals;         /*! bit vector of (KILL / SUICIDE) signals   */
     175    uint32_t            signals;         /*! bit vector of (KILL / SUICIDE) signals   */
     176    uint32_t            blocked;         /*! bit vector of blocking causes            */
    177178        error_t             errno;           /*! errno value set by last system call      */
    189190        list_entry_t        sched_list;      /*! member of threads attached to same core  */
    191     uint32_t            dev_channel;     /*! device channel for a DEV thread          */
     192    chdev_t           * chdev;           /*! chdev pointer (for a DEV thread only)    */
     194    reg_t               save_sr;         /*! used by sched_yield() function           */
    193196    ioc_command_t       ioc_cmd;         /*! IOC device generic command               */
    224  * This function allocates memory for a user thread descriptor in the local cluster,
    225  * and initializes it from information contained in the arguments.
    226  * It is used by the "pthread_create" system call.
    227  * The CPU context is initialized from scratch, and the "loadable" field is set.
    228  * The new thread is attached to the core specified in the <attr> argument.
     227 * This function is used by the pthread_create() system call to create a "new" thread
     228 * in an existing process. It allocates memory for an user thread descriptor in the
     229 * local cluster, and initializes it from information contained in the arguments.
     230 * The CPU context is initialized from scratch. If required by the <attr> argument,
     231 * the new thread is attached to the core specified in <attr>.
    229232 * It is registered in the local process descriptor specified by the <pid> argument.
    230233 * The thread descriptor pointer is returned to allow the parent thread to register it
    248  * This function is used by the fork() system call to create the child process main
    249  * thread. It allocates memory for an user thread descriptor in the local cluster,
    250  * and initializes it from information contained in the calling thread descriptor.
     251 * This function is used by the sys_fork() system call to create the "child" thread
     252 * in the local cluster. It allocates memory for a thread descriptor, and initializes
     253 * it from the "parent" thread descriptor defined by the <parent_thread_xp> argument.
    251254 * The new thread is attached to the core that has the lowest load in local cluster.
    252  * It is registered in the child process descriptor defined by the <process> argument.
     255 * It is registered in the "child" process defined by the <child_process> argument.
    253256 * This new thread inherits its user stack from the parent thread, as it uses the
    254257 * Copy-On-Write mechanism to get a private stack when required.
    256259 * the Copy-On-Write mechanism cannot be used for kernel segments (because kernel
    257260 * uses physical addressing on some architectures).
    258  * The CPU and FPU execution contexts are created and linked to the new thread,
    259  * but the actual context copy is NOT done. The THREAD_BLOCKED_GLOBAL bit is set,
    260  * and the thread must be explicitely unblocked later to make the new thread runable.
    261  ***************************************************************************************
    262  * @ process      : local pointer on owner process descriptor.
    263  * @ stack_base   : user stack base address (from parent).
    264  * @ stack_size   : user stack size (from parent).
    265  * @ new_thread   : [out] address of buffer for new thread descriptor pointer.
    266  * @ returns 0 if success / returns ENOMEM if error.
    267  **************************************************************************************/
    268 error_t thread_user_fork( process_t * process,
    269                           intptr_t    stack_base,
    270                           uint32_t    stack_size,
    271                           thread_t ** new_thread );
     261 * The CPU and FPU execution contexts are created and linked to the new thread.
     262 * but the actual context copy is NOT done, and must be done by by the sys_fork().
     263 * The THREAD_BLOCKED_GLOBAL bit is set => the thread must be activated to start.
     264 ***************************************************************************************
     265 * @ parent_thread_xp  : extended pointer on parent thread descriptor.
     266 * @ child_process     : local pointer on child process descriptor.
     267 * @ child_thread      : [out] address of buffer for child thread descriptor pointer.
     268 * @ returns 0 if success / returns -1 if error.
     269 **************************************************************************************/
     270error_t thread_user_fork( xptr_t      parent_thread_xp,
     271                          process_t * child_process,
     272                          thread_t ** child_thread );
    274275 * This function allocates memory for a kernel thread descriptor in the local cluster,
    275  * and initializes it from arguments values, calling the thread_kernel_init() function,
    276  * that also allocates and initializes the CPU context.
     276 * and initializes it from arguments values.
     277 * It is called by kernel_init() to statically create all DEV server threads
     278 * It is also called to dynamically create RPC threads when required.
    277279 * The THREAD_BLOCKED_GLOBAL bit is set, and the thread must be activated to start.
    278280 ***************************************************************************************
    293  * This function initializes an existing kernel thread descriptor from arguments values.
     295 * This function initializes an existing thread descriptor from arguments values.
    294296 * The THREAD_BLOCKED_GLOBAL bit is set, and the thread must be activated to start.
     297 * It is called by the kernel_init() function to initialize the IDLE thread.
    295298 ***************************************************************************************
    296299 * @ thread   : pointer on existing thread descriptor.
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