4 years |
alain |
Introduce the non-standatd display_socket() syscall.
Improve the …
5 years |
alain |
Introduce remote_buf.c/.h & socket.c/.h files.
Update dev_nic.c/.h files.
5 years |
alain |
Fix several bugs in the FATFS and in the VFS,
related to the creation …
5 years |
alain |
Introduce the sys directory in libs/mini-libc/include.
5 years |
alain |
Simplify the pthread_parallel_create() syscall.
5 years |
alain |
5 years |
alain |
Introduce FBF related syscalls.
5 years |
alain |
- Fix several bugs.
- Introduce the "stat" command in KSH.
This …
5 years |
alain |
Remove all RPCs in page-fault handling.
6 years |
alain |
Fix a bug in the FFT work function (wrong upriv buffer allocation).
6 years |
alain |
Introduce the non-standard pthread_parallel_create() system call
and …
6 years |
alain |
6 years |
alain |
This version replace the RPC by direct remote memory access
for …
6 years |
alain |
Remove the "giant" rwlock protecting the GPT, and
use the GPT_LOCKED …
6 years |
alain |
Introduce teh page_min / page_max mechanism in the …
6 years |
alain |
This version has been tested on the sort multithreaded application …
6 years |
alain |
Fix a bug in the vmm_remove_vseg() function: the physical pages …
6 years |
alain |
Fix several bugs to use the instruction MMU in kernel mode
in …
6 years |
alain |
Introduce three new types of vsegs (KCODE,KDATA,KDEV)
to map the …
6 years |
alain |
1) Fix a bug in KSH : after the "load" command,
the [ksh] prompt is …
6 years |
alain |
Introduce sigificant modifs in VFS to support the <ls> command,
and …
6 years |
alain |
Fix several bugs in VFS to support the following
ksh commandis : cp, …
6 years |
alain |
6 years |
alain |
Rewrite the mmap() and stat() syscalls to implement the cat command in ksh.
6 years |
alain |
Introduce a pause() syscall in mini-libc/unistd library.
6 years |
alain |
1) Improve the busylock debug infrastructure.
2) introduce a …
6 years |
alain |
1) Register the kernel process in the cluster manager local list.
2) …
6 years |
alain |
6 years |
viala |
[libmath] Add braces arround a misleading indent for loop.
Sometimes …
6 years |
viala |
Remove all build files of libmath.
Maybe this whas commited by error.
6 years |
viala |
[libalmosmkh] Add void type to function prototypes with no parameter
6 years |
viala |
[libpthread] Add void type to function prototypes with no parameter
6 years |
viala |
[mini-libc] Add void type to function prototypes with no parameter
6 years |
alain |
Fix several GCC warning related to the -Wextra compilation option.
6 years |
alain |
1) Introduce the libsemaphore library.
2) Introduce a small libmath …
6 years |
alain |
Introduce the math library, to support the floating point
data used by …
7 years |
alain |
This version modifies the exec syscall and fixes a large number of …
7 years |
alain |
Fix a bug in function sched_handle_signal():
When the deleted user …
7 years |
alain |
Introduce several missing user libs.
7 years |
alain |
Restructure the mini_libc.
7 years |
satin |
add newlib,libalmos-mkh, restructure shared_syscalls.h and mini-libc
7 years |
alain |
Fix few bugs whike debugging the sort multi-thread application.
7 years |
alain |
Fix a bug in rpc_vmm_get_pte_client() function (bad RPC index).
7 years |
alain |
1/ Fix a bug in the Multithreaded "sort" applicationr:
The …
7 years |
satin |
Introduice new distributed Makefile architecture.
Remove deprecated …
7 years |
alain |
Fix various bugs
7 years |
alain |
Fix a bad bug in scheduler…
7 years |
alain |
7 years |
alain |
The "nostdio" library has been integrated in the stdio library.
7 years |
alain |
Improve sys_exec.
7 years |
alain |
Introduce directory libs/build
7 years |
alain |
Introduce user libraries
7 years |
alain |
First implementation of fork/exec.