Changes between Version 27 and Version 28 of replication_distribution

Aug 4, 2017, 3:16:11 PM (8 years ago)



  • replication_distribution

    v27 v28  
    3939 1. '''HEAP''' This vseg is actually used by the malloc() library. ALMOS-MK creates one single HEAP vseg per process, that is registered in the reference VSL(P,Z) when the process P is created in reference cluster Z.  In the other clusters X, the HEAP vseg is registered  in VSL(P,X) when a page fault is signaled by a thread of P running in cluster X. To avoid contention, this vseg is physically distributed on all clusters. For each page, the physical mapping is decided by the reference cluster Z, but the page can be mapped on any cluster Y.
    4040 1. '''STACK''' : This private vseg contains the execution stack of a thread. For each thread T of process P running in cluster X, ALMOS_MK creates one STACK vseg. This vseg is registered in the VSL(P,X) when the thread descriptor is created in cluster X. To enforce locality, this vseg is physically mapped in cluster X.
    41  1. '''ANON''' : This type of vseg is dynamically created by ALMOS-MK to serve an anonymous mmap() system call executed by a client thread running in a cluster X. The first vseg registration and the physicaI mapping are done by the reference cluster Z, but the vseg is mapped in the client cluster X.
    42  1. '''FILE''' : This type of vseg is dynamically created by ALMOS-MK to serve a file based mmap() system call executed by a client thread running in a cluster X. The first vseg registration and the physicaI mapping are done by the reference cluster Z, but the vseg is mapped in cluster Y containing the file cache.
    43  1. '''REMOTE''' : This type of vseg is dynamically created by ALMOS-MK to serve a remote_mmap() system call executed by a client thread running in a cluster X. The first vseg registration and the physicaI mapping are done by the reference cluster Z, but the vseg is mapped in cluster Y specified by the user.
     41 1. '''ANON''' : This type of vseg is dynamically created by ALMOS-MK to serve an anonymous mmap() system call executed by a client thread running in a cluster X. The first vseg registration and the physical mapping are done by the reference cluster Z, but the vseg is mapped in the client cluster X.
     42 1. '''FILE''' : This type of vseg is dynamically created by ALMOS-MK to serve a file based mmap() system call executed by a client thread running in a cluster X. The first vseg registration and the physical mapping are done by the reference cluster Z, but the vseg is mapped in cluster Y containing the file cache.
     43 1. '''REMOTE''' : This type of vseg is dynamically created by ALMOS-MK to serve a remote_mmap() system call executed by a client thread running in a cluster X. The first vseg registration and the physical mapping are done by the reference cluster Z, but the vseg is mapped in cluster Y specified by the user.
    4545The replication of the VSL(P,K) and GPT(P,K) kernel structures creates a coherence problem for the non private vsegs.
    5050Therefore, the process descriptors - other than the reference one - are used as read-only caches.
    51 When a given vseg or a given entry in the page table must be removed by the kernel, this modification must be done first in the reference cluster, and broadcasted to all other clusters for update.
     51When a given vseg or a given entry in the page table must be removed by the kernel, this modification must be done first in the reference cluster, and broadcast to all other clusters for update.
    5353== __2) User process virtual space organisation__ ==