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77 | \def\ubs{LAB-STICC\xspace} \def\Subs{\Sformat{UBS}\xspace} |
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83 | |
84 | \def\altera{ALTERA\xspace} \def\Saltera{\Sformat{ALTE}\xspace} |
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86 | |
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88 | \def\allcompagnies{\bull \thales \mds\xspace} |
89 | |
90 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
91 | \def\ST{sub-task\xspace} |
92 | \def\STs{sub-tasks\xspace} |
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106 | \begin{document} |
107 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
108 | |
109 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
110 | % 1 |
111 | \anrdoc{ |
112 | Ce document, hors annexes, ne doit pas dépasser 40 pages, corps de texte en |
113 | police de taille 11. Ce point constitue un critÚre de recevabilité de la |
114 | proposition de projet. Les propositions de projets ne satisfaisant pas aux |
115 | critÚres de recevabilité ne seront pas évaluées. |
116 | } |
117 | |
118 | \def\boitecochee{\fcolorbox{black}{black}{\makebox(0.20,0.20){}}} |
119 | \noindent |
120 | \begin{tabular}{|p{5cm}|p{10cm}|}\hline |
121 | Acronym of the proposal & COACH \\\hline |
122 | Title of the proposal in French & |
123 | \textbf{C}onception d'\textbf{A}rchitecture sur FPGA par |
124 | \textbf{C}ompilation et synt\textbf{H}\`{e}se\\\hline |
125 | \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}Title of the proposal in\\ English\end{minipage} |
126 | & Architecture Design on FPGA by Compilation and Synthesis \\\hline |
127 | \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}Theme\\\end{minipage} |
128 | & \setlength{\unitlength}{5.0mm}\begin{picture}(20,2) |
129 | \put( 0.5,0.9){\framebox(0.6,0.6){ }} \put( 1.5,0.9){1} |
130 | \put( 3.5,1.1){\boitecochee} \put( 4.5,0.9){2} |
131 | \put( 6.5,0.9){\framebox(0.6,0.6){}} \put( 7.5,0.9){3} |
132 | \put( 9.5,0.9){\framebox(0.6,0.6){ }} \put(10.5,0.9){4} |
133 | \put(12.5,0.9){\framebox(0.6,0.6){$\bullet$}} \put(13.5,0.9){5} |
134 | \put( 0.5,0){\mbox{{\scriptsize $\bullet$: secondary theme}}} |
135 | \end{picture}\\\hline |
136 | \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}\mbox{}\\Type of research\\\end{minipage} |
137 | & \begin{minipage}{\linewidth} |
138 | \setlength{\unitlength}{5.0mm}\begin{picture}(20,3.2) |
139 | \put(0.5,0.2){\framebox(0.6,0.6){ }} \put(1.5,0.2){Basic Research} |
140 | \put(0.5,1.4){\boitecochee} \put(1.5,1.2){Industrial Research} |
141 | \put(0.5,2.2){\framebox(0.6,0.6){ }} \put(1.5,2.2){Experimental Development} |
142 | \end{picture}\end{minipage}\\\hline |
143 | %Type of scientific project & \setlength{\unitlength}{5.0mm}\begin{picture}(20,1) |
144 | % \put(0.5,0){\framebox(0.6,0.6){ }} \put(1.5,0){Platform} |
145 | % \end{picture}\\\hline |
146 | \end{tabular}\vspace{.5ex}\\ |
147 | \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|}\hline |
148 | \begin{minipage}{4cm}\center |
149 | \vspace*{0.5ex}Total requested \\ funding |
150 | \end{minipage} |
151 | & \makebox[3cm]{ \mustbecompleted{???} \euro} |
152 | & \begin{minipage}{4.15cm}\center Project Duration \end{minipage} |
153 | & \begin{minipage}{3cm}\center 36 months \end{minipage} \\\hline |
154 | \end{tabular} |
155 | % |
156 | \tableofcontents |
157 | |
158 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
159 | % 1 |
160 | \section{Executive summary} |
161 | \anrdoc{Recopier le résumé utilisé dans le document administratif et financier |
162 | (dit document de soumission)\\ |
163 | De memoire, la taille etait donnee en mot nots, et on avait ete oblige |
164 | de raccourcir enormement.} |
165 | \input{section-1} |
166 | |
167 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
168 | % 2 |
169 | \pagefeed\section{Context and relevance to the call } |
170 | \anrdoc{A titre indicatif: de 5 Ã 10 pages pour ce chapitre\\ |
171 | Présentation générale du problÚme qu¿il est proposé de traiter dans le |
172 | projet et du cadre de travail (recherche fondamentale, industrielle ou |
173 | développement expérimental).} |
174 | \input{section-2} |
175 | |
176 | % 2.1 |
177 | \pagefeed\subsection{Context, social and economic issues}\input{section-issues} |
178 | |
179 | % 2.2 |
180 | \pagefeed\subsection{Position of the project}\input{section-position.tex} |
181 | |
182 | % 2.3 |
183 | \pagefeed\subsection{State of the Art}\input{section-etat-de-art} |
184 | |
185 | % 2.4 |
186 | \pagefeed\subsection{Objectives, originality and novelty of the project} |
187 | \input{section-objectif.tex} |
188 | |
189 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
190 | % 3 |
191 | \section{Scientific and technical objectives / project description} |
192 | \anrdoc{A titre indicatif: de 8 Ã 12 pages pour ce chapitre, en fonction |
193 | du nombre de taches.} |
194 | |
195 | % 3.1 |
196 | \pagefeed\subsection{Scientific programme, project structure} |
197 | \input{section-project-description.tex} |
198 | |
199 | % 3.2 |
200 | \pagefeed\subsection{Project management} |
201 | \input{section-project-management.tex} |
202 | |
203 | % 3.3 |
204 | \pagefeed\subsection{Description by task} |
205 | \label{task-description} |
206 | \anrdoc{Pour chaque tâche, décrire:\begin{itemize} |
207 | \item les objectifs de la tâche et éventuels indicateurs de succÚs, |
208 | \item le responsable de la tâche et les partenaires impliqués (possibilité |
209 | de l'indiquer sous forme graphique), |
210 | \item le programme détaillé des travaux par tâche, |
211 | \item les livrables de la tâche, |
212 | \item les contributions des partenaires (le «qui fait quoi»), |
213 | \item la description des méthodes et des choix techniques et de la maniÚre |
214 | dont les solutions seront apportées, |
215 | \item les risques de la tâche et les solutions de repli envisagées. |
216 | \end{itemize}} |
217 | In this document, we use the following abbreviations in the tables and Gantt diagrams: |
218 | \begin{description} |
219 | \item[partner] |
220 | \Sirisa for \irisa, \Slip for \lip, \Stima for \tima, \Subs for \ubs, |
221 | \Supmc for \upmc, \Sxilinx for \xilinx, \Sbull for \bull, \Sthales for \thales, |
222 | and \Smds for \mds. |
223 | \item[kind of the deliverable] |
224 | \texttt{x} for a software, \texttt{d} for a document and \texttt{h} for a hardware |
225 | component. |
226 | \item[task contribution] |
227 | "{\color{red}lead.}" for leader and |
228 | "{\color{blue}part.}" for participant. |
229 | \item[other abbreviations] "resp." for responsible patrner, "kd" for kind of |
230 | deliverable. |
231 | \end{description} |
232 | |
233 | \subsubsection{Task 1: \textit{Project management}} \input{task-management.tex} |
234 | \subsubsection{Task 2: \textit{\Backbone}} \input{task-backbone.tex} |
235 | \subsubsection{Task 3: \textit{System generation}} \input{task-csg.tex} |
236 | \subsubsection{Task 4: \textit{HAS front-end}} \input{task-frontend} |
237 | \subsubsection{Task 5: \textit{HAS back-end}} \input{task-backend.tex} |
238 | \subsubsection{Task 6: \textit{PC/FPGA communication middleware}}\input{task-hpc} |
239 | \subsubsection{Task 7: \textit{Industrial demonstrators}} \input{task-demonstrator.tex} |
240 | \subsubsection{Task 8: \textit{Dissemination}} \input{task-dissemination.tex} |
241 | |
242 | % 3.4 |
243 | \subsection{Tasks schedule, deliverables and milestones} |
244 | \input{section-project-task-schedule.tex} |
245 | |
246 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
247 | \section{Dissemination and exploitation of results. Intellectual property} |
248 | \input{section-dissemination.tex} |
249 | |
250 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
251 | \section{Consortium Description} |
252 | \anrdoc{A titre indicatif: de 2 Ã 5 pages pour ce chapitre, en fonction du |
253 | nombre de partenaires} |
254 | |
255 | \subsection{Partners description \& relevance, complementarity} |
256 | \input{section-consortium-desc.tex} |
257 | |
258 | \subsection{Relevant experience of the project coordinator} |
259 | \input{section-consortium-leader.tex} |
260 | |
261 | \subsection{Qualification and contribution of each partner} |
262 | \input{section-consortium-people.tex} |
263 | |
264 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
265 | \section{Scientific justification for the mobilisation of the resources} |
266 | \input{section-ressources.tex} |
267 | |
268 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
269 | \appendix |
270 | \newpage |
271 | \section{Bibliography} |
272 | %\subsection{References} |
273 | \anrdoc{Inclure la liste des références bibliographiques utilisées dans la |
274 | partie \og état de l'art\fg et les références bibliographiques des |
275 | partenaires ayant trait au projet.} |
276 | \bibliographystyle{plain} |
277 | \bibliography{anr} |
278 | |
279 | \newpage\section{CV, resume}\input{annexe-cv.tex} |
280 | |
281 | \newpage\section{Staff involvement in other contracts}\input{annexe-autre-participation.tex} |
282 | |
283 | \newpage\section{Effort tables} |
284 | %\begin{small} |
285 | \noindent\input{tmp/effort-par-livrable-1.tex} |
286 | \newpage\noindent\input{tmp/effort-par-livrable-2.tex} |
287 | \newpage\noindent\input{tmp/effort-par-livrable-3.tex} |
288 | \newpage\noindent\input{tmp/effort-par-livrable-4.tex} |
289 | %\end{small} |
290 | |
291 | \newpage\section{Prise en compte de l'évaluation 2010} |
292 | \input{annexe-reponse.tex} |
293 | |
294 | \newpage\section{Letters of interest} |
295 | \label{lettre-soutien} |
296 | \input{tmp/anr-supporter.tex} |
297 | |
298 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
299 | \end{document} |
300 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |