@InProceedings{KluterCodes08, author = {{Theo Kluter and Philip Brisk and Paolo Ienne and and Edoardo Charbon}}, title = {{Speculative DMA for Architecturally Visible Storage in Instruction Set Extensions}}, booktitle = {ISSS/CODES}, year = {2008}, } @InProceedings{KluterDAC09, author = {{Theo Kluter and Philip Brisk and Paolo Ienne and and Edoardo Charbon}}, title = {{Way Stealing : Cache-assisted Automatic Instruction Set Extensions}}, booktitle = {Design Automation Conference (DAC)}, year = {2009}, } @InProceedings{YuCodes04, author = {{Pan Yu and Tulika Mitra}}, title = {{Scalable Custom Instructions Identification for Instruction Set Extensible Processors}}, booktitle = {ISSS/CODES}, year = {2004}, } @InProceedings{Dinh08, author = {{Quang Dinh and Deming Chen and Martin D.~F.~Wong}}, title = {{Efficient ASIP Design for Configurable Processors with Fine-Grained Resource Sharing}}, booktitle = {ACM Internatibnal Conference Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA)}, year = {2008}, } @Misc{NIOS2UG, title = {{Nios II Custom Instruction User Guide, Altera Corp.}}, year = {2008}, }