The aim of this project is to propose an open-source framework for architecture synthesis targeting mainly field programmable gate array circuits (FPGA). \\ % LIEN AVEC AUTRES PROJETS: LIP6/TIMA OK To evaluate the different architectures, the project uses the prototyping platform of the SoCLIB ANR project (2006-2009). \\ % LIEN AVEC AUTRES PROJETS: IRISA The project will also borrow from the ROMA ANR project (2007-2009) and the ongoing joint INRIA-STMicro Nano2012 project. In particular we will adapt existing pattern extraction algorithms and datapath merging techniques to the synthesis of customized ASIP processors. \\ On the HPC application side, we also hope to benefit from the experience in hardware acceleration of bioinformatic algorithms/workfows gathered by the CAIRN group in the context of the ANR BioWic project (2009-2011), so as to be able to validate the framework on real-life HPC applications. \par %%% EXPERTISE DANS DES DOMAINES: LIP6/TIMA/LAB-STIC OK Regarding the expertise in High Level Synthesis (HLS), the project leverages on know-how acquired over 15 years with GAUT~\cite{gaut08} project developped in Lab-STIC laboratory and UGH~\cite{ugh08} project developped in LIP6 and TIMA laboratories. \\ Regarding architecture synthesis skills, the project is based on a know-how acquired over 10 years with the COSY European project (1998-2000) and the DISYDENT~\cite{disydent05} project developped in LIP6.\\ %%% EXPERTISE DANS DES DOMAINES: IRISA OK Regarding Application Specific Instruction Processor (ASIP) design, the CAIRN group at INRIA Bretagne Atlantique benefits from several years of expertise in the domain of retargetable compiler (Armor/Calife\cite{FIXME:IRISA} since 1996, and the Gecos compilers\cite{FIXME:IRISA} since 2002). %%% EXPERTISE DANS DES DOMAINES: FIXME:LIP \mustbecompleted{For polyedric transformations and memory optimization, SYNTOL, BEE, ... LIP (CA ou PF)} \par %%% DESCRIPTION DES PROJETS ANR UTILISES: SOCLIB OK The SoCLIB ANR platform were developped by 11 laboratories and 6 companies. It allows to describe hardware architectures with shared memory space and to deploy software applications on them to evaluate their performance. The heart of this platform is a library containing simulation models (in SystemC) of hardware IP cores such as processors, buses, networks, memories, IO controller. The platform provides also embedded operating systems and software/hardware communication components useful to implement applications quickly. However, the synthesisable description of IPs have to be provided by users. \\ This project enhances SoCLib by providing synthesisable VHDL of standard IPs. In addition, HLS tools such as UGH and GAUT allow to get automatically a synthesisable description of an IP (coprocessor) from a sequential algorithm. \par %%% DESCRIPTION DES PROJETS ANR UTILISES: ROMA FIXME:IRISA (~10 lignes) %%% 2 IRISA ? %%% 2 ASIP tool such as ... %%% 2 ... %%% 2 Coach uses pattern extractions from ROMA \mustbecompleted{ROMA \\...\\...\\...\\...\\...\\...\\...\\IRISA (SD)\\} \par % FIXME A VERIFIER L'appel d'offre The different points proposed in this project cover priorities defined by the commission experts in the field of Information Technolgies Society (IST) for Embedded systems: $<<$Concepts, methods and tools for designing systems dealing with systems complexity and allowing to apply efficiently applications and various products on embedded platforms, considering resources constraints (delais, power, memory, etc.), security and quality services$>>$. \\ Our team aims at covering all the steps of the design flow of architecture synthesis. Our project overcomes the complexity of using various synthesis tools and description languages required today to design architectures.