The Coach project will be coordinated by the Professor Alain Greiner from Université Pierre et Marie Curie. Alain Greiner is the initiator and the main architect of the SoCLib project. This ANR plat-form for virtual prototyping of MPSoCs involved 6 industrial companies (including ST Microelectronics and Thales) and ten academic laboratories (5 of them are involved in the Coach project). The SoCLib project was managed by Thales, but the technical coordination has been done by Alain Greiner, that has a good experience in coordinating large technical projects in both industrial and academic contexts: \begin {itemize} \item He received the "Docteur es Sciences" degree from University Denis DIDEROT in 1982 after working six years at Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique. \item From 1986 to 1990, he worked for the french BULL company, as team leader, in charge of designing the Basic Processing Unit for the BULL DPS7000 computer, the most powerfull mainframe from the family. \item In 1990, Alain Greiner joined UPMC, as Professor and became the head of the MASI laboratory in 1994. From 2000, he was the head of the Hardware Department of the LIP6 laboratory. \item From 1990 to 2000, he was the leader of the the ALLIANCE project: This GPL based cooperative project developped a public domain VLSI/CAD system that has been used in more than 200 universities worlwide, for education and research. This project obtained the Seymour Cray award in 1994. \end {itemize}