[289] | 1 | \anrdoc{(2 pages maximum)\\ |
| 2 | Qualifier les personnes, preciser leurs activites principales et leurs competences propres. |
| 3 | Pour chaque partenaire remplir le tableau ci-dessous.\\ |
| 4 | Pour chacune des personnes dont l'implication dans le projet est superieure a |
| 5 | 25\% de son temps sur la totalite du projet (c'est-a-dire une moyenne de 3 |
| 6 | hommes.mois par annee de projet), une biographie d'une page maximum sera placee |
| 7 | en annexe 7.2 du present document qui comportera: |
| 8 | \begin{itemize} |
| 9 | \item Nom, prenom, age, cursus, situation actuelle |
| 10 | \item Autres experiences professionnelles |
| 11 | \item Liste des cinq publications (ou brevets) les plus significatives des |
| 12 | cinq dernieres annees, nombre de publications dans les revues |
[294] | 13 | internationales ou actes de congres a comite de lecture. |
[289] | 14 | \item Prix, distinctions |
| 15 | \end{itemize} |
| 16 | Si besoin, pour chacune des personnes, leur implication dans d'autres projets |
| 17 | (Contrats publics et prives effectues ou en cours sur les trois dernieres |
| 18 | annees) sera presentee selon le modele fourni en annexe. Les tableaux seront |
| 19 | places en annexe 7.3. On precisera l'implication dans des projets europeens ou |
| 20 | dans d'autres types de projets nationaux ou internationaux. Expliciter |
| 21 | l'articulation entre les travaux proposes et les travaux anterieurs ou deja en |
| 22 | cours.} |
[301] | 23 | |
[353] | 24 | \def\doNote#1#2{{\scriptsize-- $^{#1}$#2}} |
| 25 | \def\doAbre#1#2{{\mbox{#2$^{#1}$}}\xspace} |
| 26 | |
[356] | 27 | \def\TL#1{\textcolor{blue}{#1 (L)}} |
| 28 | The table in Figure~\ref{involved:people} lists the people involved in the |
| 29 | project. |
| 30 | The first column indicates the role of the person in the project |
| 31 | (C:global leader, L:local leader, M:contributor) |
| 32 | and a task number with a 'L' flag (e.g.: \TL{3}) in the last column indicates that the person |
| 33 | is its leader. |
| 34 | \begin{figure}[t!] |
[301] | 35 | \newenvironment{peopletabular}{% |
[353] | 36 | \let\PMnote\relax \def\PM{\doAbre{\ast}{PM}\gdef\PMnote{\doNote{\ast}{total of PM for the 3 years of the project.}}} |
[356] | 37 | \let\COnote\relax \def\CO{\textcolor{red}{C}}%{\doAbre{a}{coor.}\gdef\COnote{\doNote{a}{coordinator.}}} |
| 38 | \let\REnote\relax \def\RE{\textcolor{blue}{L}}%{\doAbre{b}{resp.}\gdef\REnote{\doNote{b}{responsible.}}} |
| 39 | \let\MEnote\relax \def\ME{M}%{\doAbre{c}{cont.}\gdef\MEnote{\doNote{c}{contributor.}}} |
| 40 | % |
[353] | 41 | \let\SPMnote\relax \def\SPM{\doAbre{A}{S. P. M.}\gdef\SPMnote{\doNote{A}{Strategic Project Manager.}}} |
| 42 | \let\VPENGnote\relax \def\VPENG{\doAbre{B}{VP of eng.}\gdef\VPENGnote{\doNote{B}{VP of Engineering.}}} |
| 43 | \let\RENGnote\relax \def\RENG{\doAbre{C}{R. engineer}\gdef\RENGnote{\doNote{C}{Research engineer.}}} |
| 44 | \let\INREnote\relax \def\INRE{\doAbre{D}{I. researcher}\gdef\INREnote{\doNote{D}{Inria researcher.}}} |
| 45 | \let\EPnote\relax \def\EP{\doAbre{E}{E. professor}\gdef\EPnote{\doNote{E}{Emeritus professor.}}} |
| 46 | \let\APnote\relax \def\AP{\doAbre{F}{A. professor}\gdef\APnote{\doNote{F}{Assistant professor.}}} |
| 47 | \let\DMnote\relax \def\DM{\doAbre{G}{D. M.}\gdef\DMnote{\doNote{G}{Department mananger.}}} |
| 48 | %\let\RDENGnote\relax \def\RDENG{\doAbre{H}{R\&D eng.}\gdef\RDENGnote{\doNote{H}{R\&D Engineer.}}} |
[356] | 49 | % |
[353] | 50 | \let\COMPnote\relax \def\COMP{\doAbre{1}{COMP}\gdef\COMPnote{\doNote{1}{Compilation.}}} |
| 51 | \let\SWnote\relax \def\SW{\doAbre{2}{SW}\gdef\SWnote{\doNote{2}{SW development.}}} |
| 52 | \let\SYSnote\relax \def\SYS{\doAbre{3}{SYS}\gdef\SYSnote{\doNote{3}{System design.}}} |
| 53 | \let\VPnote\relax \def\VP{\doAbre{4}{V.P.}\gdef\VPnote{\doNote{4}{Virtual prototyping.}}} |
| 54 | \let\ARCHnote\relax \def\ARCH{\doAbre{5}{ARCH}\gdef\ARCHnote{\doNote{5}{Architecture \& micro-architecture.}}} |
[367] | 55 | \let\MMnote\relax \def\MM{\doAbre{6}{M.M.}\gdef\MMnote{\doNote{6}{Process scheduling \& memory management}}} |
[353] | 56 | \let\AUPAnote\relax \def\AUPA{\doAbre{7}{A.P.}\gdef\AUPAnote{\doNote{7}{Process scheduling \& automatic parallelization.}}} |
[356] | 57 | \noindent\hspace{-0.5cm}\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}\small\begin{tabular}{|c|p{1.4cm}|p{1.7cm}|p{2.3cm}|p{4.4cm}|p{.5cm}|p{4.5cm}|}\hline |
| 58 | & Name & F. name & Position & Fields & \PM & Contribution to the project \\ |
[353] | 59 | }{\end{tabular}\vspace{0.50ex}\\ |
| 60 | \PMnote\COnote\REnote\MEnote |
[356] | 61 | \SPMnote\VPENGnote\RENGnote\INREnote\EPnote\APnote\DMnote - |
| 62 | \\ |
| 63 | \COMPnote\SWnote\SYSnote\VPnote\ARCHnote\MMnote\AUPAnote - |
[353] | 64 | --\\\end{minipage}} |
| 65 | %{\hspace*{1cm}\scriptsize $^{\ast}$ total of PM for the 3 years of the project.}} |
| 66 | |
[301] | 67 | \def\peopletabularentry#1{\hline\hline\multicolumn{7}{|l|}{\textsc{#1}}\\\hline} |
| 68 | |
| 69 | \begin{peopletabular} |
| 70 | |
[303] | 71 | \peopletabularentry{\mds} |
[364] | 72 | \CO & Vaumorin & Emannuel & \SPM & ESL & 20& Task: \TL{1}, 7, \TL{8}\\\hline |
| 73 | \ME & Spasevski & Cyril & CTO & EDA & 6 & Task: 2, 7 \\\hline |
| 74 | \ME & Guntz & St\'ephane & \VPENG & EDA & 6 & Task: 7 \\\hline |
| 75 | \ME & Lucas & Ronan & R\&D Engineer & Codesign & 9 & Task: 3, 7 \\\hline |
| 76 | \ME & Olivier & Garry & R\&D Engineer & \SW & 9 & Task: 3, 7 \\\hline |
[353] | 77 | %\end{peopletabular}\begin{peopletabular} |
[356] | 78 | \peopletabularentry{\upmc} |
| 79 | \RE & Greiner & Alain & professor & SOC \ARCH \VP & 12 & Task: 1, \TL{2}, 3, 6 \\\hline |
| 80 | \ME & Aug\'{e} & Ivan & \AP & HLS \SW SOC HPC & 16 & Task: 1, 3, \TL{3}, 5, 6, 8 \\\hline |
[353] | 81 | %\end{peopletabular}\begin{peopletabular} |
[356] | 82 | \peopletabularentry{\ubs} |
[361] | 83 | \RE & Coussy & Philippe & \mbox{\AP} & SOC HLS \ARCH \VP & 12 & Task: 1, 2, \TL{5}, 8 \\\hline |
| 84 | \ME & Heller & Dominique & \mbox{\RENG} & \COMP HLS \ARCH & 8 & Task: 2, 5, 8 \\\hline |
| 85 | \ME & Chavet & Cyrille & \mbox{\AP} & SOC HLS \ARCH & 4 & Task: 2, 5, 8 \\\hline |
[356] | 86 | %\end{peopletabular}\begin{peopletabular} |
| 87 | \peopletabularentry{\liplong} |
[361] | 88 | \RE & Alias & Christophe & \mbox{\INRE} & \COMP HPC \MM & 13 & Task: 1, 2, \TL{4}, 8 \\\hline |
| 89 | \ME & Feautrier & Paul & \mbox{\EP} & \COMP \AUPA & 12 & Task: 2, 4, 7, 8 \\\hline |
[353] | 90 | %\end{peopletabular}\begin{peopletabular} |
[301] | 91 | \peopletabularentry{\tima} |
[359] | 92 | \RE & P\'etrot & Fr\'ed\'eric& professor & SOC HLS OS \VP \ARCH & 8 & Task: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 \\\hline |
| 93 | \ME & Muller & Olivier & \mbox{\AP} & SOC \VP HLS & 12 & Task: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 \\\hline |
| 94 | \ME & Prost-Boucle& Adrien & PhD candidate & SOC HLS & 4 & Task: 5 \\\hline |
[353] | 95 | %\end{peopletabular}\begin{peopletabular} |
[356] | 96 | \peopletabularentry{\inria} |
[363] | 97 | \RE & Charot & François & \mbox{\INRE} & SOC ASIP \ARCH & 15 & Task: 1, 2, 4, 8 \\\hline |
| 98 | \ME & Derrien & Steven & \mbox{\AP} & HLS \COMP\ARCH & 9 & Task: 2, 4, 8\\\hline |
[353] | 99 | %\end{peopletabular}\begin{peopletabular} |
[356] | 100 | \peopletabularentry{\bull} |
| 101 | \RE & Nguyen & Huy-Nam & \DM & HPC \SYS \VP CAD & 9 & Task: 1, 2, \TL{6}, 7, 8 \\\hline |
[353] | 102 | %\end{peopletabular}\begin{peopletabular} |
[301] | 103 | \peopletabularentry{\thales} |
[361] | 104 | \RE & Lemonnier & Fabrice & \DM & SOC ARCH & 7 & Task: 1, \TL{7}, 8 \\\hline |
[356] | 105 | \ME & Brelet & Paul & \mbox{SW\,development} |
[361] | 106 | & \SW & 8 & Task: 7,8 \\\hline |
[294] | 107 | \end{peopletabular} |
[356] | 108 | \caption{\label{involved:people} People that participate to the project.} |
| 109 | \end{figure} |