\anrdoc{(2 pages maximum)\\ Qualifier les personnes, preciser leurs activites principales et leurs competences propres. Pour chaque partenaire remplir le tableau ci-dessous.\\ Pour chacune des personnes dont l'implication dans le projet est superieure a 25\% de son temps sur la totalite du projet (c'est-a-dire une moyenne de 3 hommes.mois par annee de projet), une biographie d'une page maximum sera placee en annexe 7.2 du present document qui comportera: \begin{itemize} \item Nom, prenom, age, cursus, situation actuelle \item Autres experiences professionnelles \item Liste des cinq publications (ou brevets) les plus significatives des cinq dernieres annees, nombre de publications dans les revues internationales ou actes de congres a comite de lecture. \item Prix, distinctions \end{itemize} Si besoin, pour chacune des personnes, leur implication dans d'autres projets (Contrats publics et prives effectues ou en cours sur les trois dernieres annees) sera presentee selon le modele fourni en annexe. Les tableaux seront places en annexe 7.3. On precisera l'implication dans des projets europeens ou dans d'autres types de projets nationaux ou internationaux. Expliciter l'articulation entre les travaux proposes et les travaux anterieurs ou deja en cours.} \newenvironment{peopletabular}{% \noindent\begin{tabular}{|p{1.8cm}|p{1.6cm}|p{1.6cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1.0cm}|p{.6cm}|p{6cm}|}\hline partner & Name & F. name & Position & Fields & PM$^{\ast}$ & Contribution to the project \\ }{\end{tabular}\vspace{.75ex}\\ {\hspace*{1cm}\scriptsize $^{\ast}$ total of PM for the 3 years of the project.}} \def\peopletabularentry#1{\hline\hline\multicolumn{7}{|l|}{\textsc{#1}}\\\hline} \begin{peopletabular} \peopletabularentry{\mds} coordinator & Vaumorin & Emannuel & Strategic Project Manager & ESL & 20 & Project leader \\\hline contributor & Spasevski & Cyril & CTO & EDA & 6 & Technical specifications \\\hline contributor & Guntz & St\'ephane & VP of Engineering & EDA & 6 & Demonstrator specification and management \\\hline contributor & Lucas & Ronan & R\&D Engineer & HW/SW Codesign & 9 & Tools and demonstrator implementation \\\hline contributor & Olivier & Garry & R\&D Engineer & SW development & 9 & Tools and demonstrator implementation \\\hline \peopletabularentry{\inria} responsible & Charot & François & INRIA researcher&SOC ASIP & 12 & expertise in architecture, microarchitecture, SoC design. Participation to Task-1/2/4/8 \\\hline contributor & Derrien & Steven & Associate professor& HLS compilation & 6& expertise in architecture, microarchitecture, SoC design \\\hline \peopletabularentry{\lip} responsible & Alias & Christophe & Researcher (CR2) at Inria & Compilers, HPC & 15 & Memory management and FIFO construction. Irregular extensions.\\\hline contributor & Feautrier & Paul & emeritus professor & Compilers & 13 & Process scheduling and building. Automatic Parallelization \\ \hline \peopletabularentry{\tima} responsible & P\'etrot & Fr\'ed\'eric& professor & SOC HLS HPC & 12 & Architecture and micro-architecture, OS design, virtual prototyping, HLS. Participation to Task-1/2/3/5/6\\\hline & Muller & Olivier & Associate professor & SOC HLS & 16 & SOC design and prototyping on FPGA \\\hline & Prost-Boucle& Adrien & PhD candidate & SOC HLS & 24 & FPGA Configuration\\\hline ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ... \\\hline \peopletabularentry{\ubs} responsible & Coussy & Philippe & Associate Professor & SOC HLS & 12 & Architecture, microarchitecture, HLS, virtual prototyping, SoC ign \\\hline contributor & Heller & Dominique & Research engineer & Compilers HLS & 8 & Architecture, microarchitecture, compilation, HLS\\\hline contributor & Chavet & Cyrille & Associate Professor & SOC HLS & 4 & Architecture, HLS \\\hline \end{peopletabular} \begin{peopletabular} \peopletabularentry{\upmc} responsible & Greiner & Alain & professor & SOC & 12 & Expertise in MPSoC design, virtual prototyping, micro-architecture. Responsible of Task-2. Participation to Task-3/6. \\\hline member & Aug\'{e} & Ivan & assistant professor & HLS SOC HPC & 16 & Expertise in HLS, software development, kernel, SoC design, micro-architecture. Responsible of Task-3. Participation to Task-2/5/6/8. \\\hline \peopletabularentry{\bull} responsible & Nguyen & Huy-Nam & Dept. mananger & HPC CAD & 9 & Experiences in HPC, System Design and Prototyping, Responsible of Task-6. \\\hline \peopletabularentry{\thales} responsible & Lemonier & Fabrice & ... & ... & ... & ... \\\hline ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ... \\\hline \end{peopletabular}