\anrdoc{Décrire le contexte économique, social, réglementaire… dans lequel se situe le projet en présentant une analyse des enjeux sociaux, économiques, environnementaux, industriels… Donner si possible des arguments chiffrés, par exemple, pertinence et portée du projet par rapport à la demande économique (analyse du marché, analyse des tendances), analyse de la concurrence, indicateurs de réduction de coûts, perspectives de marchés (champs d’application, …). Indicateurs des gains environnementaux, cycle de vie.} % \subsubsection*{The electronic market} \begin{table}\leavevmode\center \begin{small}\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|}\hline Segment & 2010 & 2011 & 2012 \\\hline\hline Communications & 1,867 & 1,946 & 2,096 \\ High end & 467 & 511 & 550 \\\hline Consumer & 550 & 592 & 672 \\ High end & 53 & 62 & 75 \\\hline Automotive & 243 & 286 & 358 \\ High end & - & - & - \\\hline Industrial & 1,102 & 1,228 & 1,406 \\ High end & 177 & 188 & 207 \\\hline Military/Aereo & 566 & 636 & 717 \\ High end & 56 & 65 & 82 \\\hline\hline Total FPGA/PLD & 4,659 & 5,015 & 5,583 \\ Total High-End FPGA & 753 & 826 & 914 \\\hline \end{tabular}\end{small} \caption{\label{fpga_market} Gartner estimation of worldwide FPGA/PLD consumption (Millions \$)} \end{table} % Microelectronic components allow integration of complex functions into products, increases commercial attractivity of these products and improves their competitivity. \cite{rapport-ministere} estimates a 7\% growth of the micro-electronic market until 2015 at least. Multimedia and communication sectors have taken advantage from microelectronics facilities thanks to the developpment of design methodologies and tools for embedded systems. Unfortunately, the Non Recurring Engineering (NRE) costs involded in the design and manufacturing of ASICs is very high. An IC foundry costs several billions of euros and the fabrication of a specific circuit costs several millions. For example a conservative estimate for a 65nm ASIC project is 10 million \$ . Consequently, it is more and more unaffordable to design and fabricate ASICs for low and medium volume markets and the new trend for building the new generation products will be multi processors SoCs and programmable logic for co-processsing. \\ According to a market survey (J-M. Chery, CTO ST Microelectronics at European NanoelectronicsForum 2010), the global growth is 30 billon\$ between 2009-2013 for the multimedia and communication sectors; this is 6 times more than all other domains like security, home automation or health. The predominance of the multimedia and communication sectors are due to their being predominently a mass market. % \subsubsection*{FPGAs and Embedded Systems} Today, FPGAs become important in the computational domain that was originally dominated by microprocessors and ASICs. Just like microprocessors, FPGA based systems can be reprogrammed on a per-application basis. For many applications, FPGAs offer significant performance benefits over microprocessors implementation. There is still a performance degradation of one order of magnitude versus an equivalent ASIC implementations, but low cost (500 euros to 10K euros), fast time-to-market and flexibility of FPGAs make them an attractive choice for low-to-medium volume applications. Since their introduction in the mid eighties, FPGAs evolved from a simple, low-capacity gate array to devices (\altera STRATIX III, \xilinx Virtex V) that provide a mix of coarse-grained data path units, memory blocks, microprocessor cores, on chip A/D conversion, and gate counts by millions. This high logic capacity allows to implement complex systems like multi-processors platform with application dedicated coprocessors. Table~\ref{fpga_market} shows the estimation of the FPGA worldwide market in the next years in various application domains. The ``high end'' lines concern only FPGA with high logic capacity for complex system implementations. This market is in significant expansion and is estimated to 914\,M\$ in 2012. %The HPC market size is estimated today by FPGA providers at 214\,M\$. %Using FPGA limits the NRE costs to the design cost. %This boosts the developpment of automatic design tools and methodologies. % \subsubsection*{FPGAs and High Performance Computing} Today, several companies (Atipa, blue-arc, Bull, Chelsio, Convey, CRAY, DataDirect, DELL, hp, Wild Systems, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Myricom, NEC, nvidia etc) are making systems where demand for very high performance (HPC) primes over other requirements. They tend to use the highest performing devices like Multi-core CPUs, GPUs, large FPGAs, custom ICs and the most innovative architectures and algorithms. These companies show up in different "traditional" applications and market segments like computing clusters (ad-hoc), servers and storage, networking and Telecom, ASIC emulation and prototyping, military/aereo etc. The HPC market size is estimated today by FPGA providers at 214\,M\$. This market is dominated by Multi-core CPUs and GPUs based solutions and the expansion of FPGA-based solutions is limited by the lack of design automation. % \subsubsection*{Evolution of architectures} Nowadays processors mixing core and programmable matrix are available on the market (eg. Intel ATOM E600C). Donald Newell, AMD technical manager, envisions that such circuits will be at the heart of most of the electronic products (eg. PDAs and nomad items) and even personal computers. To take benefit of such architectures, developping and deploying application will require innovative codesign methods and tools. % \subsubsection*{COACH's contribution to this evolution} Nowadays, there are no commercial or academic tools covering the whole design flow from the system level specification to the bitstream generation, either for embedded system design or for HPC. \begin{center}\begin{minipage}{.9\linewidth}\textit{ The aim of the COACH project is to integrate all these design steps into a single design framework and to allow \textbf{pure software} developpers to design embedded systems. }\end{minipage}\end{center} % The COACH project proposes an open-source framework for mapping multi-tasks software applications on Field Programmable Gate Array circuits (FPGA). Its aim is to propose solutions to the societal/economical challenges by providing SMEs novel design capabilities enabling them to increase their design productivity with design exploration and synthesis methods that are placed on top of the state-of-the-art methods. We believe that the combination of a design environment dedicated to software developpers and FPGA targets, will allow small and even very small companies to propose embedded system and accelerating solutions for standard software applications with attractive and competitive prices. This new market may explode in the same way as the micro-computer market in the eighties, whose success was due to the low cost of the first micro-processors (compared to main frames) and the advent of high level programming languages which allowed a high number of programmers to launch start-ups in software engineering. \\ So this may increase the total number of engineers working in this domain: today in France the total is only 26,000 of which 16,000 are in big companies \cite{rapport-ministere}.