\begin{taskinfo} \let\LIP\leader \let\IRISA\enable \end{taskinfo} % \begin{objectif} The objective of this task is to convert the input specification of an hardware accelerator, which must be written in a familiar language (C/C++) with as few constraints as possible, into a form suitable for the HLS tools (i.e. HAS back-end tools of the COACH project). If the target is an ASIP, the frontend has to extract patterns from the source code and convert them into the definition of an extensible processor. If the target is a process network, the front end has to distribute the workload and the data sets as fairly as possible, identify communication channels, and output an \xcoach description. \mustbecompleted {FIXME :: Impossible d'utiliser les transformations de boucles pour amélierer la partie SW ??? } \end{objectif} % \begin{workpackage} \item This sub-task aims at providing compiler support for custom instructions within the HAS front-end. It will take as input the COACH intermediate representation, and will output an annotated COACH IR containing the custom instructions definitions along with their occurrence in the application. \begin{livrable} \itemV{0}{18}{X}{\Sirisa}{ASIP compilation flow}{0:0:0} In this first version of the software, the computations patterns corresponding to custom instruction are specified by the user, and then automatically extracted (when beneficial) from the application intermediate representation. %\mustbecompleted{FIXME .....} \itemL{18}{24}{X}{\Sirisa}{ASIP compilation flow}{0:0:0} In this second version, the software will also be able to automatically identify interesting pattern candidates in the application code, and use them as custom instructions. \end{livrable} \item In this sub-task, we provide micro-architectural template models for the two target processor architectures (NIOS-II and MIPS) supported within in the COACH-ASIP design flow. For each processor, we provide a simulation model (System-C) and a synthesizable model (VHDL) of the architecture, along with its architectural extensions \begin{livrable} \itemV{0}{12}{X}{\Sirisa}{SystemC for extensible MIPS }{1:.5:.5} { A SystemC simulation model for an simple extensible MIPS architectural template } \itemL{12}{20}{X}{\Sirisa}{SystemC for extensible MIPS}{0:0:0} {A SystemC simulation model for a extensible MIPS with a tight architectural integration of its instruction set extensions} \itemL{0}{12}{X}{\Sirisa}{SystemC for NIOS processor}{0:0:0} { A SystemC simulation model for an extensible NIOS processor template, the VHDL model being already available from Altera} \itemV{12}{18}{H}{\Sirisa}{VHDL for an extensible MIPS}{1:.5:.5} {A synthesizable VHDL model for an simple extensible MIPS architectural template} \itemL{18}{24}{H}{\Sirisa}{VHDL for an extensible MIPS}{0:0:0} {A synthesizable VHDL model for a extensible MIPS with a tight architectural integration of its instruction set extensions} \itemV{24}{36}{D}{\Sirisa}{Evaluation report }{0:0:0} {A evaluation report with quantitative analysis of the performance/area trade-off induced by the different approaches} \end{livrable} \item Extraction of parallelism in polyhedral loops and conversion into a process network. \begin{livrable} \itemV{0}{6}{d}{\Slip}{Method, Preliminary Definition} Description of the process network construction method for programs with polyhedral loops. User manual. \mustbecompleted{ FIXME :: User manual ou Specification. Si user manual alors le mettre en dissemination} \itemL{30}{36}{d}{\Slip}{Process generation method}{0:0:0} Final assessment of the method and improved version of the user manual. \mustbecompleted {FIXME :: User manual ou Specification. Si user manual alors le mettre en dissemination} \itemV{6}{12}{x}{\Slip}{Process construction} Preliminary implementation in the Syntol framework. At this step the software will just implement a single constructor. \itemV{12}{18}{x}{\Slip} {Arrays and FIFO} Implementation of the array contraction and FIFO construction algorithm. Conversion of the input and output to the \xcoach format. \itemV{18}{30}{d+x}{\Slip}{Non-polyhedral extension} Extension of automatic parallelization and array contraction to non-polyhedral loops. Implementation in the Bee framework. \itemL{30}{36}{x}{\Slip} {Process and FIFO construction} {0:0:0} Final release taking into account the feedbacks from the demonstrator \STs. \end{livrable} \end{workpackage}