\begin{taskinfo} \let\BULL\enable \let\THALES\leader \let\NAVTEL\enable \let\ZIED\enable \end{taskinfo} % \begin{objectif} This task groups the demonstrators of the COACH project. The demonstrators cover various domains and application types to drive the specification choices and to check most of the COACH features. \end{objectif} % \begin{workpackage} \subtask{\bull HPC demonstrator} The application that \bull proposes is HPC oriented. The domain of the application is the treatment of medical images (image noise reduction and segmentation or registration). Our expectation from COACH project is to enhance the \bull HPC solutions that are currently based on multi-cores and GPUs with fine grain parallelism on FPGA. \begin{livrable} \itemV{0}{6}{d}{\Sbull}{\bull demonstrator} The deliverable is a document that describes the application that will be use as demonstrator. \itemV{6}{12}{x}{\Sbull}{\bull demonstrator} The deliverable is the specification of the demonstrator in COACH input format defined in the {\specGenManual} deliverable. \itemL{12}{36}{d}{\Sbull}{\bull demonstrator}{2:6:10} Validation of the demonstrator, the deliverable is a document describing the result of the experimentations. \end{livrable} \subtask{\TRT Embedded SoC demonstrator} The objective of this sub-task is to specify the \TRT application and to develop the high level code. This application is in the domain of surveillance of critical infrastructures. The objective is to detect and classify the presence of humans in the restricted area. The algorithm is based on the work of Viola and Jones~\cite{thales-viola}. It implements in particular a cascade of classifiers operating on Haar like features, where simple weak classifiers at the beginning of the cascade reject a majority of void sub-windows, before more complex classifiers concentrate on potential regions of interest. This application is computation intensive and also makes an intensive use of binary decision trees to cascade the filters, which makes it a good candidate to assess the COACH platform. \\ Moreover, the higher levels of computing can involve tracking and data fusion between several camera streams and some other informations. The targeted system will be composed of one camera connected to a PC. All the computing part of the application is executed on a FPGA board connected to the PC. \begin{livrable} \itemV{0}{6}{d}{\Sthales}{\thales demonstrator (step 1)} \setMacroInAuxFile{trtAppSpecification} This deliverable is a document that specifies the application. \itemL{6}{12}{x}{\Sthales}{\thales demonstrator (step 1)}{4:0:0} This deliverable is the code of the application specified former deliverable (\trtAppSpecification). \end{livrable} \subtask{SPEAR-DE adaptation for COACH} \TRT will use its internal software environment tool SPEAR DE to describe the application. The tool is able to partition and to generate the code for the target. \\ In this task, we will adapt SPEAR DE to generate the application description input of COACH framework. We will also describe the three templates of architecture in order to be able to partition the application on the architecture. \begin{livrable} \itemL{6}{18}{x}{\Sthales}{SPEAR-DE adaptation}{6:7:0} \setMacroInAuxFile{trtSpearde} Adaptation of SPEAR-DE for COACH framework. \end{livrable} \subtask{\mds use case} \mds will use ................. \begin{livrable} \itemL{6}{18}{x}{\Smds}{Use case}{6:7:0} \setMacroInAuxFile{trtSpearde} Adaptation of SPEAR-DE for COACH framework. \end{livrable} \subtask{Evaluation report} % FIXME: AJOUTER une evaluation de BULL ET MDS In this sub-task, \TRT will evaluate the COACH platform. In particular, \TRT will verify its ability to generate a whole VHDL of an embedded system on FPGA for an application mixing control and data flow aspects. \TRT will evaluate the performance of the generated system in terms of GOPS, and the design time from a high level description. \begin{livrable} \itemV{18}{24}{d+x}{\Sthales}{\thales demonstrator (step 2)} This deliverable is a document describing the result got for the application (\trtAppSpecification) with SPEAR-DE (\trtSpearde) using COACH milestone of T0+18. The updated code of the application will be also provide. \itemV{24}{30}{d+x}{\Sthales}{\thales demonstrator (step 2)} This deliverable is a document describing the result got for the application (\trtAppSpecification) with SPEAR-DE (\trtSpearde) using COACH milestone of T0+24. The updated code of the application will be also provide. \itemL{30}{36}{d+x}{\Sthales}{\thales demonstrator (step 2)}{0:5:5} This deliverable is a document that validates and evaluates COACH (final release) for the \thales demonstrators (\trtAppSpecification). The updated code of the application will be also provide. \end{livrable} \end{workpackage}