\begin{taskinfo} \let\IRISA\leader \let\BULL\enable \let\THALES\enable \let\NAVTEL\enable \let\ZIED\enable \end{taskinfo} % \begin{objectif} This task groups the demonstrators of the COACH project. The demonstrators cover various domains and application types to drive the specification choices. \end{objectif} % \begin{workpackage}{D6} \item This \ST relies to the COACH use by \navtel. The application is A-COMPLETER-1-A-3-LIGNE .... .... .... .... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... \begin{livrable} \item{V1}{0}{6}{x}{\Snavtel}{\navtel \ganttlf demonstrator specification} Choice of the demonstrator and its implementation as a PC C/C++ program. \item{VF}{7}{12}{x}{\Snavtel}{\navtel \ganttlf demonstrator specification} The demonstrator is described as a communicating task graph using the specification defined in the milestone T0+12. \item{V1}{13}{15}{d}{\Snavtel}{\navtel \ganttlf demonstrator} This deliverable is a report that describes the experimentation done with the T0+12 COACH milestone. \item{V2}{25}{27}{d}{\Snavtel}{\navtel \ganttlf demonstrator} This deliverable is a report that describes the experimentation done with the T0+24 COACH milestone. \item{VF}{30}{36}{d}{\Snavtel}{\navtel \ganttlf demonstrator} This deliverable is a report that describes the experimentation done with the pre-final COACH release. \end{livrable} \end{workpackage}