\begin{taskinfo} \let\UPMC\leader \let\ALL\enable \end{taskinfo} % \begin{objectif} This task relies to the diffusion the of results. \end{objectif} % \begin{workpackage}{D1} \item This \ST relies on the management of the web site \begin{livrable} \item{V1}{0}{2}{d}{\Supmc}{COACH wiki} Creation of a wiki. \item{V1}{0}{6}{d}{\Supmc}{COACH web site} Creation and management of the COACH web site. \end{livrable} \item This \ST relies on the diffusion of the COACH System Generator throught tutorials. \begin{livrable} \item{V1}{0}{24}{d}{\Supmc}{UGH - COACH tutorial} Tutorial presenting UGH. \item{V2}{0}{30}{d}{\Supmc}{UGH - COACH tutorial} Tutorial presenting UGH in the CSG. \item{}{0}{36}{d}{\Supmc}{UGH - COACH tutorial} Tutorial presenting the final version of COACH using UGH. \item{V1}{0}{24}{d}{\Subs}{GAUT - COACH tutorial} Tutorial presenting GAUT. \item{V2}{0}{30}{d}{\Subs}{GAUT - COACH tutorial} Tutorial presenting GAUT in the CSG. \item{}{0}{36}{d}{\Subs}{GAUT - COACH tutorial} Tutorial presenting the final version of COACH using GAUT. \end{livrable} \item This \ST relies on the diffusion of the COACH System Generator throught publications. \begin{livrable} \item{V1}{0}{6}{d+x}{\Subs}{specification of \xcoach format} \setMacroInAuxFile{specXcoachDocI} First release of the XML specification of the \xcoach format (DTD) and its associated documentation allowing to start HLS tools development. \end{livrable} \item The role of this \ST is to ... \mustbecompleted{FIXME: A VOIR} \begin{livrable} \item{}{0}{6}{d}{\Subs}{macro-cell definition} The document define the macro cell and the file format describing them. \end{livrable} \end{workpackage}