Changeset 100

Feb 8, 2010, 8:21:22 AM (15 years ago)

pc 8/2/2010

1 edited


  • anr/section-1.tex

    r99 r100  
    3535The COACH environment will integrate several hardware and software technologies:
    37 \item[Design Space Exploration]
     37\item[Design Space Exploration:]
    3838    The COACH environment will support design space exploration to help the
    3939    system designer to select and parameterize the target architecture, and to
    4343    These criteria will be evaluated by using the SoCLib virtual prototyping infrastructure
    4444    and high-level estimation methodologies.
    45 \item[Hardware Accelerators Synthesis (HAS)]
     45\item[Hardware Accelerators Synthesis (HAS):]
    4646    COACH will allow the automatic generation of hardware accelerators when required.
    4747    Hence, High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tools, Application Specific Instruction Processor
    5353    The HLS tools of COACH will support a common language and coding style to avoid
    5454    re-engineering by the designer.
    55 \item[Platform based design]
     55\item[Platform based design:]
    5656    COACH will handle both \altera and \xilinx FPGA devices.
    5757    COACH will define architectural templates that can be customized by adding
    7070    Moreover, the specification of the application will be independant of both the
    7171    architectural template and the target FPGA device.
    72 \item[Hardware/Software communication middleware]
     72\item[Hardware/Software communication middleware:]
    7373    Coach will implement an homogeneous HW/SW communication infrastructure and
    7474    communication APIs (Application Programming Interface), that will be used for
    9696The COACH project does not start from scratch.
    9797It stronly relies on SoCLib virtual prototyping platform~\cite{soclib} for prototyping,
     99\mustbecompleted{FIXME == SUPPRIMER LE H de Mutek ???}
    98100(DSX, component library), operating systems (MutekH, DNA/OS).
    99101It also leverages on  several existing technologies:
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