Changeset 233 for anr

Feb 16, 2010, 4:25:24 PM (15 years ago)


1 edited


  • anr/section-2.2.tex

    r204 r233  
    3939  \item[SOCLIB]
    40     The SoCLib ANR platform (2007-2009) is an open infrastructure
    41     for system level virtual prototyping of shared memory, multi-processors
     40    The SoCLib ANR platform (2007-2009) is an open infrastructure developped by
     41    10 academic laboratories and and 6 industrial companies. It supports
     42    system level virtual prototyping of shared memory, multi-processors
    4243    architectures. It provides tools to map multi-tasks software application on these
    43 %    The SoCLib ANR platform (2007-2009) is an open infrastructure developped by
    44 %    10 academic laboratories and and 6 industrial companies.
    4544    (TIMA, LIP6, Lab-STICC, IRISA, ENST, CEA-LIST, CEA-LETI, CITI, INRIA-Futurs, LIS) and 6
    4645    industrial companies (Thales Communications, Thomson R\&D, STMicroelectronics, Silicomp, MDS, TurboConcept).
    47 %    It supports system level virtual prototyping of shared memory, multi-processors
    48 %    architectures, and provides tools to map multi-tasks software application on these
    49 %    architectures, for reliable performance evaluation.
     46    It supports system level virtual prototyping of shared memory, multi-processors
     47    architectures, and provides tools to map multi-tasks software application on these
     48    architectures, for reliable performance evaluation.
    5049    The core of this platform is a library of SystemC simulation models for
    5150    general purpose IP cores such as processors, buses, networks, memories, IO controller.
    5251    The platform provides also embedded operating systems and software/hardware
    5352    communication middleware.
    54 %    The synthesisable VHDL models of IPs are not part of the SoCLib platform, and
    55 %    this project enhances SoCLib by providing the synthesisable VHDL models required
    56 %    for FPGA synthesis.
     53    The synthesisable VHDL models of IPs are not part of the SoCLib platform, and
     54    this project enhances SoCLib by providing the synthesisable VHDL models required
     55    for FPGA synthesis.
    5756    The synthesisable VHDL models of IPs are not part of the SoCLib platform, and
    5857    this project enhances SoCLib by providing them.
    59 %  \item[ROMA] The ROMA ANR project (, 2007-2010)
    60 %    involving IRISA (CAIRN team), LIRMM, CEA List THOMSON France R\&D,
    61   \item[ROMA] The ROMA ANR project~\cite{roma}
     58  \item[ROMA] The ROMA ANR project \cite{roma}
     59    involving IRISA (CAIRN team), LIRMM, CEA List THOMSON France R\&D,
    6260    proposes to develop a reconfigurable processor, exhibiting high
    6361    silicon density and power efficiency, able to adapt its computing
    7371%    ASIP processors.
    7472  \item[TSAR]
    75 %    The TSAR MEDEA+ project (2008-2010) involving BULL, THALES and the \upmc targets the design of a
    76     The TSAR MEDEA+ project (2008-2010) targets the design of a
     73     The TSAR MEDEA+ project (2008-2010) involving BULL, THALES and the \upmc targets the design of a
     74%    The TSAR MEDEA+ project (2008-2010) targets the design of a
    7775    scalable, coherent shared memory, multi-cores processor architecture, and uses the SoCLib
    7876    plaform for virtual prototyping. The COACH project will benefit from the synthesizable VHDL
    144142% IA2PC: secondaire.
    145143%VERS 3
    146 \item[Axis 3] \textit{Robotique et contr\^{o}le/commande} \\
    147 Manufacturing technology employs more and more SoC.
    148 COACH will permit to design such complex digital systems.
    149 \textbf{Thereby COACH indirectly answers to axis 3 too}.
     144%\item[Axis 3] \textit{Robotique et contr\^{o}le/commande} \\
     145%Manufacturing technology employs more and more SoC.
     146%COACH will permit to design such complex digital systems.
     147%\textbf{Thereby COACH indirectly answers to axis 3 too}.
    150150%\item[Axis 3 \& 5] \textit{Robotique et contr\^{o}le/commande} and \textit{S\'{e}curit\'{e} et suret\'{e}} \\
    151151%VERS 1
    161161%COACH will permit to design such complex digital systems.
    162162%\textbf{Thereby COACH indirectly answers to axis 3 and 5 too}.
     166\item [Axis 3] \textit {Robotique et contr\^{o}le/commande}:
     168COACH will address robotic and control applications domains by
     169allowing to design complex digital systems based on MPSoC architecture.
     170Like in the consumer electronics domain, future control applications
     171will employ more and more SoC for safety and security applications.
     172Application domains for such systems are for example automotive, 
     173aerospace or avionics domains (e.g. collision-detection, intelligent navigation...).
     174Manufacturing technology will also increasingly need high-end vision analysis and high-speed
     175robot control.
     176\textbf{Thereby COACH indirectly answers to axis 3}.
     178\item [Axis 5] \textit {S\'{e}curit\'{e} et suret\'{e}}:
     180The results of the COACH project will help users to build cryptographic secure systems implemented in
     181hardware or both in software/hardware in an effective way, substantially enhancing the
     182process productivity of the cryptographic algorithms hardware synthesis, improving the
     183quality and reducing the design time and the cost of synthesised cryptographic devices.
     184\textbf{Thereby COACH indirectly answers to axis 5}.
    164 %Axis 3 "Robotique et contr\^{o}le/commande}"
    165 %
    166 %COACH will permit to design complex digital systems based on high-performance multi-core systems.
    167 %Like in the consumer electronics domain (telecommunication, multimedia), future control applications
    168 %will employ more and more SoC not just for typical consumer functionality, but also for safety and
    169 %security applications (by performing complex analyses on data gathered with intelligent sensors,
    170 %by initiating appropriate responses to dangerous phenomena...). Application domains for such systems
    171 %are for example the automotive domain, as well as the aerospace and avionics domains (i.e. sophisticated on-board
    172 %radar systems, collision-detection, intelligent navigation...).
    173 %Manufacturing technology will also increasingly need high-end vision analysis and high-speed
    174 %robot control. In all cases, high performance and real time requirements are combined with
    175 %requirements to low power, low temperature, high dependability, and low cost.
    176 %
    177 %Axis 5 "S\'{e}curit\'{e} et suret\'{e}" :
    178 %
    179 %The results of the COACH project will help users to build cryptographic secure systems implemented in
    180 %hardware or both in software/ hardware in an effective way, substantially enhancing the
    181 %process productivity of the cryptographic algorithms hardware synthesis, improving the
    182 %quality and reducing the design time and the cost of synthesised cryptographic devices.
    184188% IA2PC: 1) je ne vois pas trop ce que ca fait la.
    198202% VERS 2 pour gagner de la place je l'enleve
     204%PC2IA ok pas de probleme
    199206% COACH technologies can be used in both large and small business, as they will permit users to design
    200207% embedded systems which meet a wide range of requirements: from low cost and low power consuming
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