Changeset 69

Feb 2, 2010, 10:16:38 PM (15 years ago)

IA: modif UBS

1 edited


  • anr/section-2.tex

    r46 r69  
    11The emerging complex and integrated heterogeneous embedded system platforms require
    2 adequate design methods  to efficiently model, explore, analyze and design the ever complex software
    3 and hardware architectures. Future Embedded Systems suppliers, in order to meet rapidly increasing
    4 performance requirements and a pressure to lower development cost and shorten time-to-market,
    5 will have to adopt new design methods and flows in order to keep pace with the increasing
     2adequate design methods to efficiently model, explore, analyze and design the ever complex software
     3and hardware architectures. In order to rapidly meet the increasing performance requirements and a pressure
     4to lower development cost and shorten time-to-market, future embedded systems suppliers
     5will have to adopt new design methodologies and flows in order to keep pace with the increasing
    66complexity of design problems. Such methods, addressing these challenges starting from high levels of
    77abstraction, will have to perform large solution space explorations both for software and (possibly
    88reconfigurable) hardware, reducing the design effort and offering a high predictability of results
    99with respect to cost and performance objectives.
    1011Current design methodologies provide quite low-level abstraction capabilities. However in a few years
    11 from now tens of programmable processors will be embedded in an IC with more than 100M
     12from now, tens of programmable processors will be embedded in an IC with more than 100M
    1213transistors, therefore adding to the complexity of the problem of designing such systems.
    1314Taking into account that the complexity of the software part is increasing at an even
    1516means do supply an adequate efficiency.
    1617Consequently, there is an urgent need to leverage system level
    17 exploration through the use of a high level specification of the application and an early design
     18exploration through the use of a high-level specification of the application and an early design
    1819space exploration step. The first system oriented approaches are appearing, among which those
    1920based on C/C++ and SystemC are the most popular. Such approaches can take place before and/or after
    60 \textbf{Design space exploration}: It consists in analysing the application runnig
     61\textbf{Design space exploration}: It consists in analysing the application running
    6162on FPGA, defining the target technology (SoC, MPSoC, ASIP, ...) and
    6263hardware/software partitioning of tasks depending on technology choice.
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