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r61 r77 91 91 } 92 92 93 @INBOOK{gaut08,94 author = {P. Coussy and al.},95 title = {GAUT: A High-Level Synthesis Tool for DSP applications},96 booktitle = {High-Level Synthesis: From Algorithm to Digital Circuits},97 publisher = {Springer},98 year = {2008},99 }100 93 101 94 @INBOOK{ugh08, … … 125 118 year = {2009}, 126 119 } 120 121 122 123 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 124 %%% UBS 125 126 127 @INBOOK{gaut08, 128 author = {P. Coussy and al.}, 129 title = {GAUT: A High-Level Synthesis Tool for DSP applications}, 130 booktitle = {High-Level Synthesis: From Algorithm to Digital Circuits}, 131 publisher = {Springer}, 132 year = {2008}, 133 } 134 135 @article{DBLP:journals/dt/CoussyT09, 136 author = {Philippe Coussy and 137 Andres Takach}, 138 title = {Guest Editors' Introduction: Raising the Abstraction Level 139 of Hardware Design}, 140 journal = {IEEE Design {\&} Test of Computers}, 141 volume = {26}, 142 number = {4}, 143 year = {2009}, 144 pages = {4-6}, 145 ee = {}, 146 bibsource = {DBLP,} 147 } 148 149 150 @article{DBLP:journals/dt/CoussyGMT09, 151 author = {Philippe Coussy and 152 Daniel D. Gajski and 153 Michael Meredith and 154 Andres Takach}, 155 title = {An Introduction to High-Level Synthesis}, 156 journal = {IEEE Design {\&} Test of Computers}, 157 volume = {26}, 158 number = {4}, 159 year = {2009}, 160 pages = {8-17}, 161 ee = {}, 162 bibsource = {DBLP,} 163 } 164 165 166 @article{DBLP:journals/vlsisp/ThabetCHM09, 167 author = {Farhat Thabet and 168 Philippe Coussy and 169 Dominique Heller and 170 Eric Martin}, 171 title = {Exploration and Rapid Prototyping of DSP Applications using 172 SystemC Behavioral Simulation and High-level Synthesis}, 173 journal = {Signal Processing Systems}, 174 volume = {56}, 175 number = {2-3}, 176 year = {2009}, 177 pages = {167-186}, 178 ee = {}, 179 bibsource = {DBLP,} 180 } 181 182 183 184 @inproceedings{CHAVET:2007:HAL-00153994:1, 185 title = { {A} {M}ethodology for {E}fficient {S}pace-{T}ime {A}dapter {D}esign {S}pace {E}xploration: {A} {C}ase {S}tudy of an {U}ltra {W}ide {B}and {I}nterleaver}, 186 author = {{C}havet, {C}yrille and {C}oussy, {P}hilippe and {U}rard, {P}ascal and {M}artin, {E}ric}, 187 abstract = {{T}his paper presents a solution to efficiently explore the design space of communication adapters. {I}n most digital signal processing ({DSP}) applications, the overall architecture of the system is significantly affected by communication architecture, so the designers need specifically optimized adapters. {B}y explicitly modeling these communications within an effective graph-theoretic model and analysis framework, we automatically generate an optimized architecture, named {S}pace-{T}ime {A}dapte{R} ({STAR}). {O}ur design flow inputs a {C} description of {I}nput/{O}utput data scheduling, and user requirements (throughput, latency, parallelism...), and formalizes communication constraints through a {R}esource {C}onstraints {G}raph ({RCG}). {T}he {RCG} properties enable an efficient architecture space exploration in order to synthesize a {STAR} component. {T}he proposed approach has been tested to design an industrial data mixing block example: an {U}ltra-{W}ideband interleaver.}, 188 language = {{A}nglais}, 189 affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{E}lectronique des {S}yst{\`e}mes {TE}mps {R}{\'e}el - {LESTER} - {CNRS} : {FRE}2734 - {U}niversit{\'e} de {B}retagne {S}ud - {STM}icroelectronics - {STM} - {STM}icroelectronics }, 190 booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the {IEEE} {I}nternational {S}ymposium on {C}ircuits and {S}ystems ({ISCAS}) {T}he {IEEE} {I}nternational {S}ymposium on {C}ircuits and {S}ystems ({ISCAS}) }, 191 publisher = {{L}ibrary of {C}ongress }, 192 pages = {2946 }, 193 address = {{N}ew {O}rleans {\'E}tats-{U}nis d'{A}m{\'e}rique }, 194 editor = {{IEEE} }, 195 note = {{ISBN}:1-4244-0921-7 }, 196 audience = {internationale }, 197 day = {28}, 198 month = {05}, 199 year = {2007}, 200 URL = {}, 201 URL = {}, 202 } 203 204 205 @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/iccad/ChavetACCJUM07, 206 author = {Cyrille Chavet and 207 Caaliph Andriamisaina and 208 Philippe Coussy and 209 Emmanuel Casseau and 210 Emmanuel Juin and 211 Pascal Urard and 212 Eric Martin}, 213 title = {A design flow dedicated to multi-mode architectures for 214 DSP applications}, 215 booktitle = {ICCAD}, 216 year = {2007}, 217 pages = {604-611}, 218 ee = {}, 219 crossref = {DBLP:conf/iccad/2007}, 220 bibsource = {DBLP,} 221 } 222 223 224 @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/glvlsi/ChavetCUM07, 225 author = {Cyrille Chavet and 226 Philippe Coussy and 227 Pascal Urard and 228 Eric Martin}, 229 title = {A design methodology for space-time adapter}, 230 booktitle = {ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI}, 231 year = {2007}, 232 pages = {347-352}, 233 ee = {}, 234 crossref = {DBLP:conf/glvlsi/2007}, 235 bibsource = {DBLP,} 236 } 237 238 239 @inproceedings{CHAVET:2007:HAL-00154025:1, 240 title = { {A}pplication of a design space exploration tool to enhance interleaver generation}, 241 author = {{C}havet, {C}yrille and {C}oussy, {P}hilippe and {U}rard, {P}ascal and {M}artin, {E}ric}, 242 abstract = {{T}his paper presents a methodology to efficiently explore the design space of communication adapters. {I}n most digital signal processing ({DSP}) applications, the overall performance of the system is significantly affected by communication architectures, as a consequence the designers need specifically optimized adapters. {B}y explicitly modeling these communications within an effective graph-theoretic model and analysis framework, we automatically generate an optimized architecture, named {S}pace-{T}ime {A}dapte{R} ({STAR}). {O}ur design flow inputs a {C} description of {I}nput/{O}utput data scheduling, and user requirements (throughput, latency, parallelism...), and formalizes communication constraints through a {R}esource {C}onstraints {G}raph ({RCG}). {D}esign space exploration is then performed through associated tools, to synthesize a {STAR} component under time-to-market constraints. {T}he proposed approach has been tested to design an industrial data mixing block example: an {U}ltra-{W}ideband interleaver.}, 243 language = {{A}nglais}, 244 affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{E}lectronique des {S}yst{\`e}mes {TE}mps {R}{\'e}el - {LESTER} - {CNRS} : {FRE}2734 - {U}niversit{\'e} de {B}retagne {S}ud - {STM}icroelectronics - {STM} - {STM}icroelectronics }, 245 booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the {E}uropean {S}ignal {P}rocessing {C}onference ({EUSIPCO}-2007) {E}uropean {S}ignal {P}rocessing {C}onference ({EUSIPCO}-2007) }, 246 publisher = {{E}urasip }, 247 pages = {??? }, 248 address = {{P}oznan {P}ologne }, 249 audience = {internationale }, 250 day = {03}, 251 month = {09}, 252 year = {2007}, 253 URL = {}, 254 URL = {}, 255 } 256 257 258 @inproceedings{ANDRIAMISAINA:2007:HAL-00153086:1, 259 title = { {S}ynthesis of {M}ultimode digital signal processing systems}, 260 author = {{A}ndriamisaina, {C}aaliph and {C}asseau, {E}mmanuel and {C}oussy, {P}hilippe}, 261 abstract = {{I}n this paper, we propose a design methodology for implementing a multimode (or multi-configuration) and multi-throughput system into a single hardware architecture. {T}he inputs of the design flow are the data flow graphs ({DFG}s), representing the different modes (i.e. the different applications to be implemented), with their respective throughput constraints. {W}hile traditional approaches merge {DFG}s together before the synthesis process, we propose to use ad-hoc scheduling and binding steps during the synthesis of each {DFG}. {T}he scheduling, which assigns operations to specific time steps, maximizes the similarity between the control steps and thus decreases the controller complexity. {T}he binding process, which assigns operations to specific functional units and data to specific storage elements, maximizes the similarity between datapaths and thus minimizes steering logic and register overhead. {F}irst results show the interest of the proposed synthesis flow.}, 262 language = {{A}nglais}, 263 affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{E}lectronique des {S}yst{\`e}mes {TE}mps {R}{\'e}el - {LESTER} - {CNRS} : {FRE}2734 - {U}niversit{\'e} de {B}retagne {S}ud - {R}2{D}2 - {INRIA} - {IRISA} - {CNRS} : {UMR}6074 - {INRIA} - {I}nstitut {N}ational des {S}ciences {A}ppliqu{\'e}es de {R}ennes - {E}cole {N}ationale {S}up{\'e}rieure des {S}ciences {A}ppliqu{\'e}es et de {T}echnologie - {U}niversit{\'e} de {R}ennes 1 }, 264 booktitle = {{P}roceeding of {A}daptive {H}ardware and {S}ystems {NASA}/{ESA} {C}onference on {A}daptive {H}ardware and {S}ystems }, 265 publisher = {{AHS} }, 266 pages = {7 }, 267 address = {{E}dinburgh {R}oyaume-{U}ni }, 268 audience = {internationale }, 269 year = {2007}, 270 URL = {}, 271 URL = {}, 272 } 273 274 275 @inproceedings{COUSSY:2005:HAL-00077301:1, 276 title = { {A} {M}ore {E}fficient and {F}lexible {DSP} {D}esign {F}low from {MATLAB}-{SIMULINK}}, 277 author = {{C}oussy, {P}hilippe and {C}orre, {G}wenol{\'e} and {B}omel, {P}ierre and {S}enn, {E}ric and {M}artin, {E}ric}, 278 abstract = {{T}he design of complex {D}igital {S}ignal {P}rocessing systems implies to minimize architectural cost and to maximize timing performances while taking into account communication and memory accesses constraints for the integration of dedicated hardware accelerator. {U}nfortunately, the traditional {M}atlab/{S}imulink design flows gather not very flexible hardware blocs. {I}n this paper, we present a methodology and a tool that permit the {H}igh-{L}evel {S}ynthesis of {DSP} applications, under both {I}/{O} timing and memory constraints. {B}ased on formal models and a generic architecture, this tool helps the designer in finding a reasonable trade-off between the circuit's latency and its architectural complexity. {T}he efficiency of our approach is demonstrated on the case study of a {FFT} algorithm.}, 279 keywords = {{DSP} application, synthesis under memory and communication constraints}, 280 language = {{A}nglais}, 281 affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{E}lectronique des {S}yst{\`e}mes {TE}mps {R}{\'e}el - {LESTER} - {CNRS} : {FRE}2734 - {U}niversit{\'e} de {B}retagne {S}ud }, 282 booktitle = {{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}coustic, {S}peech and {S}ignal {P}rocessing }, 283 publisher = {{IEEE} }, 284 pages = {{V}ol. {V} p. 61-64 }, 285 editor = {{IEEEE} }, 286 year = {2005}, 287 URL = {}, 288 URL = {}, 289 } 290 291 127 292 128 293 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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