Changeset 85

Feb 3, 2010, 6:21:19 PM (15 years ago)

Completed ST4-1 and ST4-2

1 edited


  • anr/task-3.tex

    r84 r85  
    19   \item Extraction de motifs et regénération au format COACH annoté
    20     \mustbecompleted{FIXME:IRISA ........}
     19  \item This sub-task aims at providing compiler support for custom instructions
     20  within the HAS front-end. It will take as input the COACH intermediate
     21  representation, and will output an annotated COACH representation containing the custom
     22  instructions definitions and their occurence in the application.
    2124    \begin{livrable}
    22       \itemV{0}{18}{d}{\Sirisa}{Interation manuelle des motifs}
    23         \mustbecompleted{FIXME .....}
    24       \itemL{18}{24}{d}{\Sirisa}{Integration manuelle des motifs}{0:0:0}
    25         \mustbecompleted{FIXME ......}
     25      \itemV{0}{18}{d}{\Sirisa}{Instruction selection for user defined custom instructions}
     26        In this first version of the software, the computations patterns corresponding to
     27        custom instruction are specified by the user, and then automatically extracted from
     28        the application intermediare representation.
     29        %\mustbecompleted{FIXME .....}
     30      \itemL{18}{24}{d}{\Sirisa}{Automatic extraction of patterns}{0:0:0}
     31        In this second version, the software will also be able to automatically indentify
     32        interesting pattern candidates in the application code, and use them as custom
     33        instructions. 
    2634    \end{livrable}
    27   \item \mustbecompleted{FIXME: la liste des ST est dans wp.txt}
     36 \item In this sub-task, we provide micro-architectural template models for the two target
     37 processor architectures (NIOS-II and MIPS) supported within in the COACH-ASIP design flow.
     38 For each processor, we provide a simulation model (System-C) and a synthesizable model (VHDL)
     39 of the architecture, along with its architectural extensions
    2840    \begin{livrable}
    29         \itemL{0}{18}{d}{\Sirisa}{Intégration manuelle des motifs}{0:0:0}
    30         \mustbecompleted{FIXME ......}
     41      \itemV{0}{12}{d}{\Sirisa}{SystemC Model for an simple extensible MIPS architectural template}
     42      \itemV{0}{18}{d}{\Sirisa}{VHDL Model for an simple extensible MIPS architectural template}
     43                %\mustbecompleted{FIXME .....}
     44      \itemL{0}{12}{d}{\Sirisa}{SystemC Model for an extensible NIOS processor template, the VHDL model being already available from Altera}{0:0:0}
     46      \itemV{0}{24}{d}{\Sirisa}{SystemC Model for a extensible MIPS with tight
     47      architecural integration of its instruction set extensions}
     48      \itemV{0}{24}{d}{\Sirisa}{VHDL Model for a extensible MIPS with tight
     49      architecural integration of its instruction set extensions}
     50      \itemL{0}{36}{d}{\Sirisa}{Evaluation report }{0:0:0}
    3152    \end{livrable}
    32   \item Extraction of parallelism in polyhedral loops and conversion
    33     into a process network.
     54  \item Extraction of parallelism in polyhedral loops and conversion into a process network.
    3456   \begin{livrable}
    3557    \itemV{0}{6}{d}{\Slip}{Method, Preliminary Definition}
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