The application description API lies in the dsx.application module. All the objects from the Task and Communication Graph are defined through Python objects. Objects reference each other to create the Graph.
Let’s start with an example. Let’s create a Task and Communication Graph with two tasks communicating through an MWMR channel, corresponding to the following picture:
Example producer/consumer TCG.
Application description code is:
from dsx.application import *
# Define the task models, both taking one MWMR channel with items of
# 32 bytes
producer = TaskModel('producer',
ports = {
'output': MwmrOutput(32),
consumer = TaskModel('consumer',
ports = {
'input': MwmrInput(32),
# Create an MWMR channel, containing 5 items of 32 bytes
chan0 = Mwmr('chan0', 32, 5)
# Create task instances
prod0 = Task('prod0', producer, portmap = {'output': chan0})
cons0 = Task('cons0', consumer, portmap = {'input': chan0})
# Finally, the TCG
tcg = Tcg(prod0, cons0)
Now, let’s see the details.
DSX automatically indexes all the files with a name ending with .task, in the DSX lib/task_library/ and in current directory.
en dire plus, pas forcement ici
Creates a new task model.
Parameters: |
Underlying class is dsx.application.taskmodel.TaskModel.
Depending on the resource type, different ports exist with different attributes. Attributes are used to specify constraints on the communication resource.
A task port using an MWMR channel for reading data.
Parameters: | width (int) – Expected width of items. |
Underlying class is dsx.application.taskmodel.MwmrInput.
A task port using an MWMR channel for writing data.
Parameters: | width (int) – Expected width of items. |
Underlying class is dsx.application.taskmodel.MwmrOutput.
A task port using a Shared-memory buffer for read/write access
Parameters: | min_size (int, bytes) – Minimal expected size of memspace. 0 fits all sizes. |
Underlying class is dsx.application.taskmodel.MemspacePort.
A task port using a Synchronization barrier. Barrier expected task list grows on assignment.
Underlying class is dsx.application.taskmodel.BarrierPort.
A task port using a Lock.
Underlying class is dsx.application.taskmodel.LockPort.
A Constant. Upon resource mapping, a different constant value may be assigned to each instance of the task.
Underlying class is dsx.application.taskmodel.ConstPort.
The core DSX module only provides support for a software implementation of tasks. Some other modules like soclib provide support for other implementation types.
Declaration of a software implementation of a task.
Parameters: |
Underlying class is dsx.application.swtask.SwTask.
An MWMR channel declaration.
Parameters: |
Underlying class is dsx.application.widgets.Mwmr.
An Shared-memory buffer declaration.
Parameters: |
Underlying class is dsx.application.widgets.Memspace.
A Lock declaration.
Parameters: | name (str) – Name of the mutex. |
Underlying class is dsx.application.widgets.Lock.
A Synchronization barrier declaration.
Parameters: | name (str) – Name of the barrier. |
Underlying class is dsx.application.widgets.Barrier.
Instantiate a TaskModel.
Parameters: |
Underlying class is dsx.application.widgets.Task.
Parameters: | task (Task) – A variadic argument list of tasks |
Underlying class is dsx.application.tcg.Tcg.
Let’s create a task-farm TCG corresponding to the following graph:
Example task-farm TCG.
Code uses some a for statement to create tasks in a loop:
from dsx.application import *
scatter = TaskModel('scatter',
ports = {
'output': MwmrOutput(4),
work = TaskModel('work',
ports = {
'input': MwmrInput(4),
'output': MwmrOutput(4),
gather = TaskModel('gather',
ports = {
'input': MwmrInput(4),
# Create two MWMR channels, containing 32 items of 4 bytes
todo = Mwmr('todo', 4, 32)
done = Mwmr('done', 4, 32)
# Create task instances, and let's have 3 workers
scat = Task('scat0', scatter, portmap = {'output': todo})
gath = Task('gath0', gather, portmap = {'input': done})
workers = []
for i in range(3):
w = Task('work%d' % i, work, portmap = {'input': todo, 'output': done})
# Finally, the TCG, using some Pythonic syntax
tasks = [scat, gath] + workers
tcg = Tcg(*tasks)