== Get the source == Create a Soclib account (go to https://www.soclib.fr/trac/dev). This account allows you to checkout DSX. svn co https://www-asim.lip6.fr/svn/dsx/dsx/trunk/dsx dsx == Get prerequisites == Simulation/Development tools: * A [wiki:CrossToolChain cross compilation toolchain] for each targetted arch * A copy of [http://www.soclib.fr SocLib] * A copy of [http://www.mutek.fr MutekH] * A copy of [http://www.systemc.org SystemC] * A copy of [https://www-asim.lip6.fr/trac/systemcass SystemCASS] (optional, for fast Caba simulation) ''You should have all binaries from those projects in your PATH'' == Configure DSX == See DsxConfig == Setup paths == DSX comes with a startup script, you can find it in `/path/to/dsx/bin/dsx_env.sh`. You must source it with either `DSX_DIR` set up as appropriate: {{{ export DSX_DIR=/path/to/dsx source ${DSX_DIR}/bin/dsx_env.sh }}} You may put these commands in you shell startup script. == Testing == Easiest test is to run examples {{{ $ cd $DSX_DIR/examples/hello $ ./hello.py [...] $ ./exe.muteks_hard [You should get "Hello world" in a tty] }}}