= Task and Control Graph = As the main data flow should go through MwMr, interconnecting the tasks should make a graph. A Tcg is the overview of your application. It defines what are the instanciated tasks, and how they interact. {{{ task_instance1 = Task("instance_name1", task_model1, { .. }) task_instance2 = Task("instance_name2", task_model2, { .. }) task_instance3 = Task("instance_name3", task_model3, { .. }) tcg = Tcg(task_instance_1, task_instance_2, task_instance_3) }}} It will probably be easier to do instanciation directly: {{{ tcg = Tcg( Task("instance_name1", task_model1, { .. }), Task("instance_name2", task_model2, { .. }), Task("instance_name3", task_model3, { .. }) ) }}} == Accessing data == If you need reference to a resource or a task instance later (for example for [wiki:DsxMapping mapping]), you may refer to them by name: {{{ task_obj = tcg["instance_name1"] mwmr_obj = tcg["fifo1"] }}}