Version 1 (modified by 15 years ago) (diff) | ,
DSX has some support for flattened device trees.
DSX can convert:
- a given flattened device tree to a soclib caba platform,
- a given soclib caba platform to a flattened device tree.
As all the needed data is not present in the components metadata, these conversions involve custom translator code. Therefore, support for translation is limited to known modules, i.e. modules having an associated handler.
From a platform to a device tree
For a given platform, we may extract the corresponding device tree as seen for a given mapping table (a device tree can represent only one address-space):
Import converter and built-in handlers:
from dsx.contrib.dts_platform.platform_to_dts import PlatformToDts import dsx.contrib.dts_platform.platform_handlers
Convert the platform, for a given mapping table:
dtsgen = PlatformToDts(arch, mapping_table)
Then we can retrieve the device tree
device_tree = dtsgen.create_device_tree()
This device tree itself can be serialized to different formats. There are drivers for this task
Device tree serialization as ascii source (dts
Import the driver
from dsx.device_tree.dts import Driver
Call it for the device tree:
driver = Driver( outdir = '.', parent = None, output_file = "my_platform.dts", ) device_tree.generate(driver)
Device tree serialization as device tree blob (dtb
Import the driver
from dsx.device_tree.dtb import Driver
Call it for the device tree:
driver = Driver( outdir = '.', parent = None, output_file = "my_platform.dtb", ) device_tree.generate(driver)
From a device tree to a platform
Likewise, you may convert a device tree source or blob to a platform.
The architecture generated will be flat around a VGMN.
import modules
from dsx.contrib.dts_platform.dts_to_platform import DtsToPlatform import dsx.contrib.dts_platform.handlers from soclib.platform import PfDriver
Parse a dts and retrieve corresponding platform
pgen = DtsToPlatform("test_3.dts", binary = 'kernel-soclib-mips.out') pf = pgen.create_caba_platform()
Generate the simulator, as usual:
With a command-line one-liner
This tool can even create a netlist with GDB or memchecker-enabled platforms
$ python -m dsx.contrib.dts_platform.converter -h Usage: [-o output_dir] [-b binary] file.dts Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -o OUTPUT_DIR Output directory -b BINARY Binary kernel to load --gdb Whether to use GDB server --memchecker Whether to use Memchecker
For instance:
$ python -m dsx.contrib.dts_platform.converter -o platform -b kernel.out --gdb my_platform.dts