
Version 2 (modified by Nicolas Pouillon, 15 years ago) (diff)


Here we will explain how to create an hardware version of a task, writing its SocLib equivalent model.

For instance in the explaination of the process, we'll write a IDCT (inverse discrete cosine transform) coprocessor.

  • It handles packets of 64 values, representing a block of 8*8 coefficients
  • It has one input and one output fifo
  • Input is 32-bit coefficients, output is 8-bit pixels


First we'll write the coprocessor in Caba SystemC?.

see trunk/dsx/lib/soclib/modules/fifo_idct/caba

Declaration for SocLib code generation

We have to declare this component to soclib build system, see wiki:SoclibDesc:

in trunk/dsx/lib/soclib/modules/fifo_idct/caba/metadata/

	   classname = 'dsx::caba::FifoIdct',
	   header_files = [
	   implementation_files = [
	   ports = [
	Port('caba:fifo_output', 'p_to_ctrl'),
	Port('caba:fifo_input', 'p_from_ctrl'),
	Port('caba:bit_in', 'p_resetn', auto = 'resetn'),
	Port('caba:clock_in', 'p_clk', auto = 'clock'),
	   uses = [
	   instance_parameters = [
	   tmpl_parameters = [

Task declaration

Now we define a task, with a software implementation, and a mwmr coprocessor implementation:

in idct.task:

    ports = {
    impls = [
        SwTask( 'idct',
            stack_size = 4096,
            sources = [ 'idct.c' ],
            defines = [ 'WIDTH', 'HEIGHT' ] ),
            module = 'caba:fifo_idct',
            from_coproc = [ 'output:to_ctrl' ],
            to_coproc = [ 'input:from_ctrl' ],
            config = [],
            status = [],
            latency = 128,
            word_t = 'uint32_t' )
    ] )

Creating the coprocessor in the netlist

In our netlist, we now have to create the coprocessor and its controller. There is a helper function to do this:

    # The helper function needs the task implementation: get the task model
    idct = dsx.TaskModel.getByName('hw_idct').getImpl(soclib.HwTask)

    # The we can call the helper function, it returns the controller
    # and the coprocessor components freshly instanciated

    # first argument is your current platform (the one from soclib.Architecture()
    # second argument is base name, coprocessor will use "NAME", and controller "NAME_ctrl"
    ctrl, coproc = idct.instanciate(arch, 'idct0') # here names are "idct0" and "idct0_ctrl"

    # Connections between the controller and the coprocessor has been completed (fifos, config, status)
    # Anything else is to be done by the designer.
    # For instance, connecting the controller to the interconnect, and assigning a segment to the controller.

    ctrl.addSegment('idct0_ctrl', 0x70400000, 0x100, False)
    ctrl.vci_initiator //
    ctrl.vci_target //

That's all

Now we can map this coprocessor as an hardware task:

tcg = Tcg(
    Task( 'idct0', 'hw_idct', ... ),

.... "idct0",
            coprocessor = "idct0",
            controller = "idct0_ctrl")