[[PageOutline]] This page is a little excerpt of all available soclib components, please see documentation on [anrsoclib:wiki:Component SoCLib's main site] for a complete list. = Interconnects = == Vgmn == * functionality : a generic VCI compliant micro-network * Arguments: * `instance name` * `min_latency` (one-way) * `fifo_size` * Example: {{{ my_vgmn = arch.create('caba:vci_vgmn', "my_vgmn", min_latency = 10, fifo_depth = 8) }}} * Defined ports: * `to_initiator.new()` and `to_target.new()`: local ports, allocated on demand == !LocalCrossbar == * functionality : a VCI compliant crossbar interconnect * Arguments: * `instance name` * Example: {{{ my_lc = arch.create('caba:vci_local_crossbar', "lc0") }}} * Defined ports: * `to_initiator.new()` and `to_target.new()`: local ports, allocated on demand = VCI Initiators = == Xcache == * functionality: a n-associative cache controler (separated instruction & data cache) wrapping a given ISS, it can be considered as a CPU with an embedded cache. * Arguments: * `instance name` * `dcache_sets` : number of lines in data cache * `dcache_words` : number of words per line in data cache * `dcache_ways` : associativity of the data cache * `icache_sets` : number of lines in instruction cache * `icache_words` : number of words per line in instruction cache * `icache_ways` : associativity of the instruction cache * `iss_t`: type of ISS to be wrapped in the cache, at least "common:mips32el", "common:mips32eb" and "common:ppc405" are supported * `ident`: cpu number * Example: {{{ my_cpu0 = arch.create('caba:vci_xcache_wrapper', 'cpu0', ident = 0, icache_ways = 1, icache_sets = 32, icache_words = 8, dcache_ways = 1, dcache_sets = 32, dcache_words = 8, iss_t = "common:mips32el", ) }}} * Defined ports: * `irq[n]`: to the CPU interrupts * `vci`: to the VCI micro-network = VCI Targets = == !MultiRam == * !Mandatory arguments: * `name` * Example: {{{ my_ram = arch.create('caba:vci_ram', "my_ram") }}} * Defined ports: * `vci`: to the micro-network * Adding a segment: * Arguments: name, base address, size, cacheability {{{ my_ram.addSegment( 'boot', 0xbfc00000, 0x1000, true ) }}} == !MultiTty == * functionality: a TTY controler * Mandatory arguments: * `instance name` * a list of names * Example: {{{ my_tty = arch.create('caba:vci_multi_tty', "my_tty_controler", names = ["TTY0", "TTY1", "TT2"]) }}} * Defined ports: * `vci`: to the micro-network * `irq[n]`: interrupt line (0 <= n < nb of ttys)