/* * This application is an emulation of the game of life automaton * It must be deployed from processor 0 and use contiguous processor * (example 0,1,2,3) */ #include "stdio.h" #include "limits.h" #include "barrier.h" #include "hard_config.h" #include "mapping_info.h" #define WIDTH 128 #define HEIGHT 128 #define NB_CLUSTER_MAX 256 #define NB_ITERATION 1000000000 #define PRINTF(...) ({ if (giet_procid() == 0) { giet_tty_printf(__VA_ARGS__); } }) giet_barrier_t barriers[2]; #define NEW 0 #define OLD 1 typedef unsigned char uint8_t; typedef unsigned int size_t; uint8_t world[2][HEIGHT][WIDTH]; uint8_t world_yuv[HEIGHT][WIDTH]; /* Generate binary values for world between base_line and base_line + nb_line */ void init_world(size_t base_line, size_t nb_line) { size_t x,y; for (y = base_line ; y < base_line + nb_line; y++){ for(x = 0; x < WIDTH ; x++) { // TODO OPTIMIZE RANDOM INIT world[OLD][y][x] = giet_rand() % 2; } } } uint8_t number_of_alive_neigh(size_t x, size_t y) { uint8_t nb = 0; nb += world[OLD][(y - 1) % HEIGHT][(x - 1) % WIDTH]; nb += world[OLD][ y ][(x - 1) % WIDTH]; nb += world[OLD][(y + 1) % HEIGHT][(x - 1) % WIDTH]; nb += world[OLD][(y - 1) % HEIGHT][ x ]; nb += world[OLD][(y + 1) % HEIGHT][ x ]; nb += world[OLD][(y - 1) % HEIGHT][(x + 1) % WIDTH]; nb += world[OLD][ y ][(x + 1) % WIDTH]; nb += world[OLD][(y + 1) % HEIGHT][(x + 1) % WIDTH]; return nb; } /* Compute cell x,y */ uint8_t compute_cell(size_t x, size_t y) { uint8_t nb_neighbours_alive = number_of_alive_neigh(x,y); if (world[OLD][y][x] == 1) { if (nb_neighbours_alive == 2 || nb_neighbours_alive == 3) { return 1; } } else { if (nb_neighbours_alive == 3) { return 1; } else { return world[OLD][y][x]; } } return 0; } void compute_new_gen(size_t base_line, size_t nb_line) { size_t x,y; for (y = base_line; y < base_line + nb_line; y++){ for(x = 0; x < WIDTH ; x++) { world[NEW][y][x] = compute_cell(x,y); } } } void display_world(size_t base_line, size_t nb_line) { size_t x,y; for (y = base_line; y < base_line + nb_line; y++){ for(x = 0; x < WIDTH ; x++) { //world_yuv[y][x] = world[NEW][y][x]*100; world[NEW][y][x] = world[NEW][y][x]*255; } } if (giet_fb_sync_write(base_line * WIDTH , &world[NEW][base_line][0], nb_line * WIDTH)) { PRINTF("Echec fb_sync_write\n"); giet_exit(); } // TODO COLOR ! /*if (giet_fb_sync_write(base_line * WIDTH + WIDTH*HEIGHT , &world_yuv[base_line][0], nb_line * WIDTH)) { PRINTF("Echec fb_sync_write\n"); giet_exit(); }*/ } void grow_old_world(size_t base_line, size_t nb_line) { size_t x,y; for (y = base_line; y < base_line + nb_line; y++){ for(x = 0; x < WIDTH ; x++) { world[OLD][y][x] = world[NEW][y][x]; } } } ///////////// __attribute__((constructor)) void main() { unsigned int proc_id = giet_procid(); // processor id unsigned int nlocal_procs = (unsigned int) NB_PROCS_MAX; // number of processors per cluster unsigned int nclusters = (unsigned int) NB_CLUSTERS; // number of clusters unsigned int local_id = proc_id % nlocal_procs; // local processor id unsigned int cluster_id = proc_id / nlocal_procs; // cluster id unsigned int nglobal_procs = nclusters * nlocal_procs; // number of tasks size_t i; size_t nb_line = HEIGHT / nglobal_procs; size_t base_line = nb_line * proc_id; PRINTF("*** Starting init at cycle %d ***\n", giet_proctime()); // barriers initialization barrier_init(&barriers[0], nglobal_procs); barrier_init(&barriers[1], nglobal_procs); init_world(base_line, nb_line); PRINTF("*** Completing init at cycle %d ***\n", giet_proctime()); barrier_wait(&barriers[0]); for (i = 0; i < NB_ITERATION; i++) { //PRINTF("\n*** Starting computation for iteration %d at cycle %d\n", i, giet_proctime()); compute_new_gen(base_line, nb_line); //PRINTF("\n*** Starting display for iteration %d at cycle %d\n", i, giet_proctime()); grow_old_world(base_line, nb_line); display_world(base_line, nb_line); barrier_wait(&barriers[1]); barrier_init(&barriers[1], nglobal_procs); } PRINTF("*** End of main at cycle %d ***\n", giet_proctime()); giet_exit(); } // end main() // Local Variables: // tab-width: 3 // c-basic-offset: 3 // c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)) // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=3:tabstop=3:softtabstop=3