/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File : irq_handler.h // Date : 01/04/2012 // Author : alain greiner // Copyright (c) UPMC-LIP6 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The irq_handler.c and irq_handler.h files are part of the GIET-VM nano-kernel. // They contain the code of the _irq_demux() function that access the XICU or // ICU component (Interupt Controler Unit), and the various ISRs (Interrupt // Service Routine) associated to the various ISR types. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _IRQ_HANDLER_H #define _IRQ_HANDLER_H //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This enum must be kept consistent with the values defined in the // xml_driver.c and irq_handler.c files (for display) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// enum isr_type_t { ISR_DEFAULT = 0, ISR_TICK = 1, ISR_TTY_RX = 2, ISR_TTY_TX = 3, ISR_BDV = 4, ISR_TIMER = 5, ISR_WAKUP = 6, ISR_NIC_RX = 7, ISR_NIC_TX = 8, ISR_CMA = 9, }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Prototypes of the Interrupt Service Routines (ISRs) supported by the GIET. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern void _irq_demux(); extern void _isr_default(); extern void _isr_tick( unsigned int irq_type, unsigned int irq_id, unsigned int channel ); extern void _isr_wakup( unsigned int irq_type, unsigned int irq_id, unsigned int channel ); #endif // Local Variables: // tab-width: 4 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)) // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: // vim: filetype=c:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4