//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File : malloc.h // Date : 05/03/2013 // Author : Jean-Baptiste Bréjon / alain greiner // Copyright (c) UPMC-LIP6 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Initialisation policy: // The user application must initialize the heap(x,y) structure before // using the malloc() or remote_malloc() functions, and this initialization // must be done by a single task. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Free blocks organisation: // - All free blocks have a size that is a power of 2, larger or equal // to MIN_BLOCK_SIZE (typically 64 bytes). // - All free blocks are aligned. // - They are pre-classed in NB_SIZES linked lists, where all blocks in a // given list have the same size. // - The NEXT pointer implementing those linked lists is written // in the 4 first bytes of the block itself, using the unsigned int type. // - The pointers on the first free block for each size are stored in an // array of pointers free[32] in the heap(x,y) descriptor. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Allocation policy: // - The block size required by the user can be any value, but the allocated // block size can be larger than the requested size: // - The allocator computes actual_size, that is the smallest power of 2 // value larger or equal to the requested size AND larger or equal to // MIN_BLOCK_SIZE. // - It pop the linked list of free blocks corresponding to actual_size, // and returns the block B if the list[actual_size] is not empty. // - If the list[actual_size] is empty, it pop the list[actual_size * 2]. // If a block B' is found, it break this block in 2 B/2 blocks, returns // the first B/2 block and push the other B/2 block into list[actual_size]. // - If the list[actual_size * 2] is empty, it pop the list[actual_size * 4]. // If a block B is found, it break this block in 3 blocks B/4, B/4 and B/2, // returns the first B/4 block, push the other blocks B/4 and B/2 into // the proper lists. etc... // - If no block satisfying the request is available it returns a failure // (NULL pointer). // - This allocation policy has the nice following property: // If the heap segment is aligned (the heap_base is a multiple of the // heap_size), all allocated blocks are aligned on the actual_size. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Free policy: // - Each allocated block is registered in an alloc[] array of unsigned char. // - This registration is required by the free() operation, because the size // of the allocated block must be obtained from the base address of the block. // - The number of entries in this array is equal to the max number // of allocated block is : heap_size / MIN_BLOCK_SIZE. // - For each allocated block, the value registered in the alloc[] array // is log2( size_of_allocated_block ). // - The index in this array is computed from the allocated block base address: // index = (block_base - heap_base) / MIN_BLOCK_SIZE // - The alloc[] array is stored at the end of heap segment. This consume // (1 / MIN_BLOCK_SIZE) of the total heap storage capacity. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _MALLOC_H_ #define _MALLOC_H_ #include "giet_config.h" #include "user_lock.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // magic number indicating that heap(x,y) has been initialized. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define HEAP_INITIALIZED 0xDEADBEEF #define MIN_BLOCK_SIZE 0x40 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // heap(x,y) descriptor (one per cluster) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct giet_heap_s { user_lock_t lock; // lock protecting exclusive access unsigned int init; // initialised <=> value == HEAP_INITIALIZED unsigned int x; // cluster X coordinate unsigned int y; // cluster Y coordinate unsigned int heap_base; // heap base address unsigned int heap_size; // heap size (bytes) unsigned int alloc_base; // alloc[] array base address unsigned int alloc_size; // alloc[] array size (bytes) unsigned int free[32]; // array of base addresses of free blocks // (address of first block of a given size) } giet_heap_t; ///////// user functions ///////////////// extern void heap_init( unsigned int x, unsigned int y ); extern void * malloc( int size ); extern void * calloc( int nbmem, int size ); extern void * realloc ( void * ptr, int size ); extern void * remote_malloc( int size, unsigned int x, unsigned int y ); extern void free(void * ptr); #endif // Local Variables: // tab-width: 4 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)) // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: // vim: filetype=c:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4