///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File : stdio.h // Date : 01/04/2010 // Author : alain greiner & Joel Porquet // Copyright (c) UPMC-LIP6 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The stdio.c and stdio.h files are part of the GIET_VM nano-kernel. // This library contains all user-level functions that contain a system call // to access protected or shared ressources. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _STDIO_H #define _STDIO_H #include "giet_fat32/fat32_shared.h" #include "giet_common/mips32_registers.h" // These define must be synchronised with // the _syscall_vector defined in file sys_handler.c #define SYSCALL_PROC_XYP 0x00 #define SYSCALL_PROC_TIME 0x01 #define SYSCALL_PROCS_NUMBER 0x02 #define SYSCALL_GET_XY 0x03 // 0x04 #define SYSCALL_VOBJ_GET_VBASE 0x05 #define SYSCALL_VOBJ_GET_LENGTH 0x06 #define SYSCALL_HEAP_INFO 0x07 #define SYSCALL_FBF_SIZE 0x08 #define SYSCALL_FBF_ALLOC 0x09 #define SYSCALL_FBF_CMA_ALLOC 0x0A #define SYSCALL_FBF_CMA_INIT_BUF 0x0B #define SYSCALL_FBF_CMA_START 0x0C #define SYSCALL_FBF_CMA_DISPLAY 0x0D #define SYSCALL_FBF_CMA_STOP 0x0E #define SYSCALL_FBF_CMA_CHECK 0x0F #define SYSCALL_APPS_STATUS 0x10 #define SYSCALL_FBF_SYNC_WRITE 0x11 #define SYSCALL_FBF_SYNC_READ 0x12 // 0x13 #define SYSCALL_TIM_ALLOC 0x14 #define SYSCALL_TIM_START 0x15 #define SYSCALL_TIM_STOP 0x16 #define SYSCALL_KILL_APP 0x17 #define SYSCALL_EXEC_APP 0x18 // 0x19 #define SYSCALL_PTHREAD_CONTROL 0x1A #define SYSCALL_PTHREAD_YIELD 0x1B #define SYSCALL_PTHREAD_KILL 0x1C #define SYSCALL_PTHREAD_CREATE 0x1D #define SYSCALL_PTHREAD_JOIN 0x1E #define SYSCALL_PTHREAD_EXIT 0x1F #define SYSCALL_FAT_OPEN 0x20 #define SYSCALL_FAT_READ 0x21 #define SYSCALL_FAT_WRITE 0x22 #define SYSCALL_FAT_LSEEK 0x23 #define SYSCALL_FAT_FINFO 0x24 #define SYSCALL_FAT_CLOSE 0x25 #define SYSCALL_FAT_REMOVE 0x26 #define SYSCALL_FAT_RENAME 0x27 #define SYSCALL_FAT_MKDIR 0x28 #define SYSCALL_FAT_OPENDIR 0x29 #define SYSCALL_FAT_CLOSEDIR 0x2A #define SYSCALL_FAT_READDIR 0x2B // 0x2C // 0x2D // 0x2E // 0x2F #define SYSCALL_NIC_ALLOC 0x30 #define SYSCALL_NIC_START 0x31 #define SYSCALL_NIC_MOVE 0x32 #define SYSCALL_NIC_STOP 0x33 #define SYSCALL_NIC_STATS 0x34 #define SYSCALL_NIC_CLEAR 0x35 #define SYSCALL_TTY_WRITE 0x36 #define SYSCALL_TTY_READ 0x37 #define SYSCALL_TTY_ALLOC 0x38 // 0x39 // 0x3A #define SYSCALL_COPROC_COMPLETED 0x3B #define SYSCALL_COPROC_ALLOC 0x3C #define SYSCALL_COPROC_CHANNEL_INIT 0x3D #define SYSCALL_COPROC_RUN 0x3E #define SYSCALL_COPROC_RELEASE 0x3F //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Define the error codes for the syscall handlers // These define must be synchronized with values in the sys_handler.h file //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define SYSCALL_OK ( 0 ) #define SYSCALL_VSPACE_NOT_FOUND (-1 ) #define SYSCALL_THREAD_NOT_FOUND (-2 ) #define SYSCALL_NOT_IN_SAME_VSPACE (-3 ) #define SYSCALL_UNCOHERENT_THREAD_CONTEXT (-4 ) #define SYSCALL_ILLEGAL_THREAD_COMMAND_TYPE (-5 ) #define SYSCALL_CANNOT_LOAD_DATA_SEGMENT (-6 ) #define SYSCALL_THREAD_ALREADY_ACTIVE (-7 ) #define SYSCALL_MAIN_NOT_FOUND (-8 ) #define SYSCALL_APPLI_CANNOT_BE_KILLED (-9 ) #define SYSCALL_PTHREAD_ARGUMENT_NOT_SUPPORTED (-10) #define SYSCALL_ILLEGAL_CLUSTER_COORDINATES (-11) #define SYSCALL_VSEG_NOT_FOUND (-12) #define SYSCALL_UNDEFINED_SYSTEM_CALL (-13) #define SYSCALL_COPROCESSOR_NOT_FOUND (-14) #define SYSCALL_COPROCESSOR_ILLEGAL_MODE (-15) #define SYSCALL_COPROCESSOR_NON_ALLOCATED (-16) #define SYSCALL_CHANNEL_ALREADY_ALLOCATED (-17) #define SYSCALL_NO_CHANNEL_AVAILABLE (-18) #define SYSCALL_CHANNEL_NON_ALLOCATED (-19) #define SYSCALL_ILLEGAL_XY_ARGUMENTS (-20) #define SYSCALL_OUT_OF_KERNEL_HEAP_MEMORY (-21) #define SYSCALL_ADDRESS_NON_ALIGNED (-22) #define SYSCALL_ADDRESS_NON_USER_ACCESSIBLE (-23) #define SYSCALL_MISSING_INITIALISATION (-24) #define SYSCALL_SHARED_PERIPHERAL_BUSY (-25) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Command values for the giet_pthread_control() syscall // These define must be synchronized with values in the sys_handler.h file //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define THREAD_CMD_PAUSE 0 #define THREAD_CMD_RESUME 1 #define THREAD_CMD_CONTEXT 2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NULL pointer definition //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define NULL (void *)0 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This generic C function is used to implement all system calls. // It writes the system call arguments in the proper registers, // and tells GCC what has been modified by system call execution. // Returns -1 to signal an error. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static inline int sys_call( int call_no, int arg_0, int arg_1, int arg_2, int arg_3 ) { register int reg_no_and_output asm("v0") = call_no; register int reg_a0 asm("a0") = arg_0; register int reg_a1 asm("a1") = arg_1; register int reg_a2 asm("a2") = arg_2; register int reg_a3 asm("a3") = arg_3; asm volatile( "syscall" : "+r" (reg_no_and_output), /* input/output argument */ "+r" (reg_a0), "+r" (reg_a1), "+r" (reg_a2), "+r" (reg_a3), "+r" (reg_no_and_output) : /* input arguments */ : "memory", /* These persistant registers will be saved on the stack by the * compiler only if they contain relevant data. */ "at", "v1", "ra", "t0", "t1", "t2", "t3", "t4", "t5", "t6", "t7", "t8", "t9" ); return (volatile int)reg_no_and_output; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MIPS32 related system calls ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern void giet_proc_xyp( unsigned int* cluster_x, unsigned int* cluster_y, unsigned int* lpid ); extern unsigned int giet_proctime(); extern unsigned int giet_rand(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Threads related system calls ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef unsigned int pthread_t; typedef unsigned int pthread_attr_t; extern int giet_pthread_create( pthread_t* trdid, pthread_attr_t* attr, void* function, void* ptr ); extern void giet_pthread_exit( void* string ); extern int giet_pthread_join( pthread_t trdid, void** ptr ); extern int giet_pthread_kill( pthread_t thread_id, int signal ); extern void giet_pthread_yield(); extern void giet_pthread_assert( unsigned int condition, char* string ); extern void giet_pthread_control( unsigned int command, char* vspace_name, char* thread_name ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Application related system calls ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern int giet_kill_application( char* name ); extern int giet_exec_application( char* name ); extern void giet_applications_status( char* name ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Coprocessors related system calls ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // this structure is used by the giet_coproc_channel_init() // system call to specify the communication channel parameters. typedef struct giet_coproc_channel { unsigned int channel_mode; // MWMR / DMA_IRQ / DMA_NO_IRQ unsigned int buffer_size; // memory buffer size unsigned int buffer_vaddr; // memory buffer virtual address unsigned int status_vaddr; // MWMR status virtual address (12 bytes) unsigned int lock_vaddr; // MWMR lock virtual address (64 bytes) } giet_coproc_channel_t; extern void giet_coproc_alloc( unsigned int cluster_xy, unsigned int coproc_type, unsigned int* coproc_info ); extern void giet_coproc_release( unsigned int cluster_xy, unsigned int coproc_type ); extern void giet_coproc_channel_init( unsigned int cluster_xy, unsigned int coproc_type, unsigned int channel, giet_coproc_channel_t* desc ); extern void giet_coproc_run( unsigned int cluster_xy, unsigned int coproc_type ); extern void giet_coproc_completed( unsigned int cluster_xy, unsigned int coproc_type ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TTY device related system calls ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern void giet_tty_alloc( unsigned int shared ); extern void giet_tty_printf( char* format, ... ); extern void giet_tty_getc( char* byte ); extern void giet_tty_gets( char* buf, unsigned int bufsize ); extern void giet_tty_getw( unsigned int* val ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TIMER device related system calls ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern void giet_timer_alloc(); extern void giet_timer_start( unsigned int period ); extern void giet_timer_stop(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Frame buffer device related system calls ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern void giet_fbf_size(); extern void giet_fbf_alloc(); extern void giet_fbf_cma_alloc( unsigned int nbufs ); extern void giet_fbf_cma_init_buf( unsigned int index, void* buf_vbase, void* sts_vaddr ); extern void giet_fbf_cma_start(); extern void giet_fbf_cma_check( unsigned int buffer ); extern void giet_fbf_cma_display( unsigned int buffer ); extern void giet_fbf_cma_stop(); extern void giet_fbf_sync_read( unsigned int offset, void* buffer, unsigned int length ); extern void giet_fbf_sync_write( unsigned int offset, void* buffer, unsigned int length ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NIC related system calls ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern void giet_nic_rx_alloc( unsigned int xmax, unsigned int ymax ); extern void giet_nic_tx_alloc( unsigned int xmax, unsigned int ymax ); extern void giet_nic_rx_start(); extern void giet_nic_tx_start(); extern void giet_nic_rx_move( void* buffer ); extern void giet_nic_tx_move( void* buffer ); extern void giet_nic_rx_stop(); extern void giet_nic_tx_stop(); extern void giet_nic_rx_stats(); extern void giet_nic_tx_stats(); extern void giet_nic_rx_clear(); extern void giet_nic_tx_clear(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FAT related system calls ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern int giet_fat_open( char* pathname, unsigned int flags ); extern int giet_fat_close( unsigned int fd_id ); extern int giet_fat_file_info( unsigned int fd_id, fat_file_info_t* info ); extern int giet_fat_read( unsigned int fd_id, void* buffer, unsigned int count ); extern int giet_fat_write( unsigned int fd, void* buffer, unsigned int count ); extern int giet_fat_lseek( unsigned int fd, unsigned int offset, unsigned int whence ); extern int giet_fat_remove( char* pathname, unsigned int should_be_dir ); extern int giet_fat_rename( char* old_path, char* new_path ); extern int giet_fat_mkdir( char* pathname ); extern int giet_fat_opendir( char* pathname ); extern int giet_fat_closedir( unsigned int fd_id ); extern int giet_fat_readdir( unsigned int fd_id, fat_dirent_t* entry ); extern int giet_fat_fprintf( unsigned int fd_id, char* format, ... ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Miscelaneous system calls ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern void giet_procs_number( unsigned int* x_size, unsigned int* y_size, unsigned int* nprocs ); extern void giet_vobj_get_vbase( char* vspace_name, char* vobj_name, unsigned int* vobj_vaddr); extern void giet_vobj_get_length( char* vspace_name, char* vobj_name, unsigned int* vobj_vaddr); extern void giet_heap_info( unsigned int* vaddr, unsigned int* length, unsigned int x, unsigned int y ); extern void giet_get_xy( void* ptr, unsigned int* px, unsigned int* py ); #endif // Local Variables: // tab-width: 4 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)) // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: // vim: filetype=c:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4