/* This file is part of Libelfpp. Libelfpp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Libelfpp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Libelfpp. If not, see . Copyright (c) Alexandre Becoulet */ #ifndef ELFPP_OBJECT_HH_ #define ELFPP_OBJECT_HH_ #include #include #include #include "elfpp.hh" #include "elfpp_bits.hh" namespace elfpp { class section; class symbol; class elf_access; template class elfn_access; /** @short ELF object file class @header elfpp/object */ class object { template friend class elfn_access; friend class section; public: /** Create an empty elf object */ object(e_machine_e machine, ei_class_e word_width = ELFCLASSNONE, ei_data_e byte_order = ELFDATANONE); /** Create a new elf object and load sections from file. */ object(const std::string &filename); /** Create a new elf object */ object(); /** Copy all header fields of obj and set the access_ variable*/ void copy_info(object& obj, size_t word_width = 0); ~object(); /** Parse symbol and relocation tables sections and create associated object representation. Parsed table sections are discarded and will be regenerated when writing elf file. */ void parse_symbol_table(); /** @this creates symbols for all area not covered by a symbol in allocatable sections. */ void create_orphan_symbols(); /** @this loads symbol data from section content to symbol content storage. */ void load_symbol_data(); /** @this update all relocations to be relative to mangled symbols. Sections will be updated from symbol content when writing elf file. */ void set_relative_relocs(); /** Add a new section to object. */ void add_section(section &sec); /** Remove a section from object. */ void remove_section(section &sec); /** Get first section with given name. */ section & get_section(const std::string &name); /** Return section table container. */ inline dpp::linked_list
& get_section_table(); /** Add a new segment to object. */ void add_segment(segment &seg); /** Return section table container. */ inline dpp::linked_list & get_segment_table(); /** Add a new symbol to object. Symbol must be stored per section. Only symbol without associated section must be added to object. */ void add_symbol(symbol &sym); /** Remove a section independent symbol from object. */ void remove_symbol(symbol &sym); /** Get section independent symbol by name. */ inline symbol & get_symbol(const std::string &name); /** Get section independent symbols table. */ inline const sym_tab_map_t & get_symbol_table() const; /** Write elf object to file. Symbol and relocation table may be generated from object representation if available. Sections content are updated with symbols content. */ void write(const std::string &filename); e_machine_e get_machine(); ei_class_e get_word_width(); ei_data_e get_byteorder(); private: void set_relative_relocs(symbol *sym); static ei_class_e get_word_width(e_machine_e machine); static ei_data_e get_byte_order(e_machine_e machine); dpp::linked_list
section_tab_; dpp::linked_list segment_tab_; ei_class_e word_width_; ei_data_e byteorder_; ei_osabi_e os_abi_; uint8_t abi_ver_; e_type_e type_; e_machine_e machine_; elf_access *access_; bool rel_with_addend_; bool generate_symtab_; std::vector
secidx_; std::vector symidx_; uint64_t entry_; unsigned int flags_; sym_tab_map_t sym_tab_; }; } #endif