/* -*- c++ -*- * * SOCLIB_LGPL_HEADER_BEGIN * * This file is part of SoCLib, GNU LGPLv2.1. * * SoCLib is free software; you can redistribute vSO and/or modify vSO * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 of the License. * * SoCLib is distributed in the hope that vSO will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with SoCLib; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * * SOCLIB_LGPL_HEADER_END * * Copyright (c) UPMC, Lip6, SoC * Mohamed Lamine KARAOUI , 2012 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "exception.h" #include "memo.h" //#define MOVER_DEBUG MeMo::MeMo( const std::string &filename, const size_t pageSize) :m_path(filename), m_pathHandler(filename), m_ginit(false), m_generator(new elfpp::object()) { PSeg::setPageSize(pageSize); /* loading map_info blob */ m_data = std::malloc(bin_size(m_path)); if ( !m_data ) throw exception::RunTimeError("malloc failed... No memory space"); m_size = load_bin(m_path, m_data); /* checking signature */ mapping_header_t* header = (mapping_header_t*)m_data; //assert((IN_MAPPING_SIGNATURE == header->signature) and "wrong signature"); if((IN_MAPPING_SIGNATURE != header->signature)) { std::cout << "wrong signature " << std::hex <signature << ", should be:"<< IN_MAPPING_SIGNATURE << std::endl; exit(1); } #ifdef MOVER_DEBUG std::cout << "Binary file path: " << m_path << std::endl; print_mapping_info(m_data); #endif buildMap(m_data); #ifdef MOVER_DEBUG std::cout << "parsing done" << std::endl ; #endif #ifdef MOVER_DEBUG print_mapping(); std::cout << *this << std::endl; #endif m_psegh.check(); #ifdef MOVER_DEBUG std::cout << "checking done" << std::endl ; #endif } void MeMo::print( std::ostream &o ) const { std::cout << "All sections:" << std::endl; FOREACH( sect, m_generator->get_section_table() ) { assert(&*sect != NULL); std::cout << *sect << std::endl; } } void MeMo::print_mapping() const { std::cout << m_psegh << std::endl; } elfpp::section* MeMo::get_sect_by_addr(elfpp::object *loader, unsigned int addr) { FOREACH( sect, loader->get_section_table() ) { assert(&*sect != NULL); elfpp::sh_flags_e eflags = sect->get_flags(); if ( !(eflags & elfpp::SHF_ALLOC) ) continue; if(sect->get_load_address() == addr) //load_addr ? { return (&*sect); } } return NULL; } void MeMo::buildSoft(const std::string &filename) { if(!m_ginit) throw exception::RunTimeError(std::string("Can't get generator! ") ); m_generator->write(filename); } /* Load the content of filename in buffer, and send the size */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// size_t MeMo::load_bin(std::string filename, void* buffer) { #ifdef MOVER_DEBUG std::cout << "Trying to load the binary blob from file '" << filename << "'" << std::endl; #endif std::ifstream input(filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary|std::ios_base::in); if ( ! input.good() ) throw exception::RunTimeError(std::string("Can't open the file: ") + filename); input.seekg( 0, std::ifstream::end ); size_t size = input.tellg(); input.seekg( 0, std::ifstream::beg ); if ( !buffer ) throw exception::RunTimeError("Empty buffer!"); input.read( (char*)buffer, size ); input.close(); return size; } /* get the size of the content of the filename */ ////////////////////////////////////////// size_t MeMo::bin_size(std::string filename) { #ifdef MOVER_DEBUG std::cout << "Trying to get the size of the binary blob '" << filename << "'" << std::endl; #endif std::ifstream input(filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary|std::ios_base::in); if ( ! input.good() ) throw exception::RunTimeError(std::string("Can't open the file: ") + filename); input.seekg( 0, std::ifstream::end ); size_t size = input.tellg(); input.seekg( 0, std::ifstream::beg ); input.close(); return size; } ///////////// MeMo::~MeMo() { //std::cout << "Deleted MeMo " << *this << std::endl; //std::free(m_data);//should be done by the elfpp driver since we passed the pointer std::map::iterator l; for(l = m_loaders.begin(); l != m_loaders.end(); l++) { delete (*l).second; } //delete m_generator; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // various mapping_info data structure access functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mapping_cluster_t* MeMo::get_cluster_base( mapping_header_t* header ) { return (mapping_cluster_t*) ((char*)header + MAPPING_HEADER_SIZE); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mapping_pseg_t* MeMo::get_pseg_base( mapping_header_t* header ) { return (mapping_pseg_t*) ((char*)header + MAPPING_HEADER_SIZE + MAPPING_CLUSTER_SIZE*header->clusters); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mapping_vspace_t* MeMo::get_vspace_base( mapping_header_t* header ) { return (mapping_vspace_t*) ((char*)header + MAPPING_HEADER_SIZE + MAPPING_CLUSTER_SIZE*header->clusters + MAPPING_PSEG_SIZE*header->psegs); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mapping_vseg_t* MeMo::get_vseg_base( mapping_header_t* header ) { return (mapping_vseg_t*) ((char*)header + MAPPING_HEADER_SIZE + MAPPING_CLUSTER_SIZE*header->clusters + MAPPING_PSEG_SIZE*header->psegs + MAPPING_VSPACE_SIZE*header->vspaces); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mapping_vobj_t* MeMo::get_vobj_base( mapping_header_t* header ) { return (mapping_vobj_t*) ((char*)header + MAPPING_HEADER_SIZE + MAPPING_CLUSTER_SIZE*header->clusters + MAPPING_PSEG_SIZE*header->psegs + MAPPING_VSPACE_SIZE*header->vspaces + MAPPING_VSEG_SIZE*header->vsegs); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // print the content of the mapping_info data structure //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MeMo::print_mapping_info(void* desc) { mapping_header_t* header = (mapping_header_t*)desc; mapping_pseg_t* pseg = get_pseg_base( header );; mapping_vspace_t* vspace = get_vspace_base ( header );; mapping_vseg_t* vseg = get_vseg_base ( header ); mapping_vobj_t* vobj = get_vobj_base ( header ); // header std::cout << std::hex << "mapping_info" << std::dec << std::endl << " + signature = " << header->signature << std::endl << " + name = " << header->name << std::endl << " + clusters = " << header->clusters << std::endl << " + psegs = " << header->psegs << std::endl << " + vspaces = " << header->vspaces << std::endl << " + globals = " << header->globals << std::endl << " + vsegs = " << header->vsegs << std::endl << " + vobjs = " << header->vsegs << std::endl << " + tasks = " << header->tasks << std::endl; // psegs for ( size_t pseg_id = 0 ; pseg_id < header->psegs ; pseg_id++ ) { std::cout << "pseg " << pseg[pseg_id].name << std::hex << std::endl << " + base = " << pseg[pseg_id].base << std::endl << " + length = " << pseg[pseg_id].length << std::endl ; } // globals for ( size_t vseg_id = 0 ; vseg_id < header->globals ; vseg_id++ ) { std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "global vseg " << vseg[vseg_id].name << std::hex << std::endl << " + vbase = " << vseg[vseg_id].vbase << std::endl << " + length = " << vseg[vseg_id].length << std::endl << " + mode = " << (size_t)vseg[vseg_id].mode << std::endl << " + ident = " << (bool)vseg[vseg_id].ident << std::endl << " + psegname = " << pseg[vseg[vseg_id].psegid].name << std::endl; for( size_t vobj_id = vseg[vseg_id].vobj_offset ; vobj_id < vseg[vseg_id].vobj_offset + vseg[vseg_id].vobjs ; vobj_id++ ) { std::cout << "\t vobj " << vobj[vobj_id].name << std::endl << "\t + index = " << std::dec << vobj_id << std::endl << "\t + type = " << vobj[vobj_id].type << std::endl << "\t + length = " << vobj[vobj_id].length << std::endl << "\t + align = " << vobj[vobj_id].align << std::endl << "\t + binpath = " << vobj[vobj_id].binpath << std::endl << "\t + init = " << vobj[vobj_id].init << std::endl; } } // vspaces for ( size_t vspace_id = 0 ; vspace_id < header->vspaces ; vspace_id++ ) { std::cout << "***vspace " << vspace[vspace_id].name << std::endl << " + vsegs = " << vspace[vspace_id].vsegs << std::endl << " + vobjs = " << vspace[vspace_id].vobjs << std::endl << " + tasks = " << vspace[vspace_id].tasks << std::endl; for ( size_t vseg_id = vspace[vspace_id].vseg_offset ; vseg_id < (vspace[vspace_id].vseg_offset + vspace[vspace_id].vsegs) ; vseg_id++ ) { std::cout << "\t vseg " << vseg[vseg_id].name << std::endl << "\t + vbase = " << vseg[vseg_id].vbase << std::endl << "\t + length = " << vseg[vseg_id].length << std::endl << "\t + mode = " << (size_t)vseg[vseg_id].mode << std::endl << "\t + ident = " << (bool)vseg[vseg_id].ident << std::endl << "\t + psegname = " << pseg[vseg[vseg_id].psegid].name << std::endl; for(size_t vobj_id = vseg[vseg_id].vobj_offset ; vobj_id < vseg[vseg_id].vobj_offset + vseg[vseg_id].vobjs ; vobj_id++ ) { std::cout << "\t\t vobj " << vobj[vobj_id].name << std::endl << "\t\t + index = " << std::dec << vobj_id << std::endl << "\t\t + type = " << vobj[vobj_id].type << std::endl << "\t\t + length = " << vobj[vobj_id].length << std::endl << "\t\t + align = " << vobj[vobj_id].align << std::endl << "\t\t + binpath = " << vobj[vobj_id].binpath << std::endl << "\t\t + init = " << vobj[vobj_id].init << std::endl; } } } } // end print_mapping_info() ////////////////////////////////////////// void MeMo::vseg_map( mapping_vseg_t* vseg) { mapping_vobj_t* vobj = get_vobj_base( (mapping_header_t*) m_data ); PSeg *ps = &(m_psegh.get(vseg->psegid));// get physical segment pointer(PSegHandler::get) elfpp::section* sect = NULL; size_t cur_vaddr; size_t cur_paddr; bool first = true; bool aligned = false; VSeg *vSO = new VSeg; vSO->m_name = std::string(vseg->name); vSO->m_vma = vseg->vbase; vSO->m_lma = ps->nextLma(); cur_vaddr = vseg->vbase; cur_paddr = ps->nextLma(); mapping_vobj_t* cur_vobj; size_t simple_size = 0; //for debug #ifdef MOVER_DEBUG std::cout << "--------------------vseg_map "<< vseg->name <<"---------------------" << std::endl; #endif for ( size_t vobj_id = vseg->vobj_offset ; vobj_id < (vseg->vobj_offset + vseg->vobjs) ; vobj_id++ ) { cur_vobj = &vobj[vobj_id]; #ifdef MOVER_DEBUG std::cout << std::hex << "current vobj("<< vobj_id <<"): " << cur_vobj->name << " (" <vaddr << ")" << " size: "<< cur_vobj->length << " type: " << cur_vobj->type << std::endl; #endif if(cur_vobj->type == VOBJ_TYPE_BLOB) { size_t blob_size; std::string filePath(m_pathHandler.getFullPath(std::string(cur_vobj->binpath))); #ifdef MOVER_DEBUG std::cout << std::hex << "Handling: " << filePath << " ..." << std::endl; #endif if(!filePath.compare(m_path)) //local blob: map_info { #ifdef MOVER_DEBUG std::cout << "Found the vseg of the mapping info" << std::endl; #endif blob_size = this->m_size; assert((blob_size >0) and "MAPPING INFO file is empty !?"); } else { #ifdef MOVER_DEBUG std::cout << "Found an BLOB vseg" << std::endl; #endif blob_size = bin_size(filePath); } /**creating a new section */ sect = new elfpp::section(*m_generator, elfpp::SHT_PROGBITS); sect->set_name(std::string(cur_vobj->name)); sect->set_flags(elfpp::SHF_ALLOC | elfpp::SHF_WRITE); sect->set_size(blob_size);//do the malloc for the get_content fonction assert(sect->get_content());//check allocation if(!filePath.compare(m_path)) //local blob: map_info //memcpy(sect->get_content(), m_data, sect->get_size()); /* this way the modification of the elf size are propageted to the giet */ sect->set_content(this->m_data); else load_bin(filePath, sect->get_content()); if(blob_size > cur_vobj->length) { std::cout << std::hex << "!!! Warning, specified blob type vobj ("<< cur_vobj->name <<") size is "<< cur_vobj->length << ", the actual size is " << blob_size << " !!!" <length = blob_size;//set the true size of this BLOB vobj vSO->m_file = filePath; vSO->m_loadable = true; } else if(cur_vobj->type == VOBJ_TYPE_ELF) { if(!first) throw exception::RunTimeError(std::string("elf vobj type, must be placed first in a vseg")); size_t elf_size; std::string filePath(m_pathHandler.getFullPath(std::string(cur_vobj->binpath))); #ifdef MOVER_DEBUG std::cout << "Handling: " << filePath << " ..." << std::endl; std::cout << "Found an ELF vseg" << std::endl; #endif if(m_loaders.count(filePath) == 0 ) m_loaders[filePath] = new elfpp::object(filePath); elfpp::object* loader = m_loaders[filePath];//TODO:free!? sect = get_sect_by_addr(loader, cur_vaddr); assert(sect and "No section found"); sect->set_name(std::string(cur_vobj->name)); elf_size = sect->get_size(); assert((elf_size > 0) and "ELF section empty ?"); if(!m_ginit) { /** Initailising the header of the generator from the first binary, ** we suppose that the header is the same for all the binarys **/ m_generator->copy_info(*loader); m_ginit=true; } if(elf_size > cur_vobj->length) { std::cout << "Warning, specified elf type vobj ("<< cur_vobj->name <<") size is "<< cur_vobj->length << ", the actual size is " << elf_size << std::endl; //assert((elf_size < cur_vobj->length) and "elf vobj length smaller than the actual content" );//??? assert((0) and "elf vobj length smaller than the actual content" );//??? } cur_vobj->length = elf_size;//set the true size of this ELF vobj vSO->m_file = filePath; vSO->m_loadable = true; } //aligning the vobj->paddr if necessary // if(cur_vobj->align) { cur_paddr = PSeg::align(cur_paddr, cur_vobj->align); aligned = true; } cur_vaddr += cur_vobj->length; cur_paddr += cur_vobj->length; simple_size += cur_vobj->length; first = false; } assert((cur_vaddr >= vseg->vbase )); assert((cur_paddr >= ps->nextLma() )); vSO->m_length = (cur_paddr - ps->nextLma()); //pageAlign is done by the psegs #ifdef MOVER_DEBUG if(aligned) { std::cout << "vseg base "<< std::hex << ps->nextLma() <<(ps->nextLma()+simple_size) <<" size " << std::dec << simple_size << std::endl; std::cout << "vseg aligned to: base: " << std::hex << ps->nextLma() <<" to "<< std::hex << ps->nextLma()+vSO->m_length<< " size " << std::dec << vSO->m_length << std::endl; } #endif vSO->m_ident = vseg->ident; //should we check that we have the same type for the pseg and vobj? if(ps->type() != VOBJ_TYPE_PERI)//take into acount only vseg who are not of the peri type { //set the lma if ( vseg->ident != 0 ) // identity mapping required ps->addIdent( *vSO ); else ps->add( *vSO ); } if(!sect) return; #ifdef MOVER_DEBUG std::cout << "section: "<< *sect <<"\n seted to: " << (*vSO) << std::endl; #endif sect->set_vaddr((*vSO).lma()); m_generator->add_section(*(new elfpp::section(*sect))); } // end vseg_map() /////////////////////////////// void MeMo::buildMap(void* desc) { mapping_header_t* header = (mapping_header_t*)desc; mapping_cluster_t* cluster = get_cluster_base( header ); mapping_vspace_t* vspace = get_vspace_base( header ); mapping_pseg_t* pseg = get_pseg_base( header ); mapping_vseg_t* vseg = get_vseg_base( header ); // get the psegs #ifdef MOVER_DEBUG std::cout << "\n******* Storing Pseg information *********\n" << std::endl; #endif #ifdef DISTRIBUTED_SCHEDULERS char found; #endif for ( size_t cluster_id = 0 ; cluster_id < header->clusters ; cluster_id++ ) { #ifdef DISTRIBUTED_SCHEDULERS found = 0; #endif for ( size_t pseg_id = cluster[cluster_id].pseg_offset ; pseg_id < cluster[cluster_id].pseg_offset + cluster[cluster_id].psegs ; pseg_id++ ) { //build pseg std::string name(pseg[pseg_id].name); PSeg *ps = new PSeg(name, pseg[pseg_id].base, pseg[pseg_id].length, pseg[pseg_id].type); #ifdef DISTRIBUTED_SCHEDULERS if ( (pseg[pseg_id].type == PSEG_TYPE_RAM) && (found == 0) ) { ps->incNextLma( (cluster[cluster_id].procs << 12) ); found = 1; } if(!found){/* we could imagine a cluster without proc, let the giet choose*/ } #endif m_psegh.m_pSegs.push_back(*ps); } } // map global vsegs #ifdef MOVER_DEBUG std::cout << "\n******* mapping global vsegs *********\n" << std::endl; #endif for ( size_t vseg_id = 0 ; vseg_id < header->globals ; vseg_id++ ) { vseg_map( &vseg[vseg_id]); } // loop on virtual spaces to map private vsegs for (size_t vspace_id = 0 ; vspace_id < header->vspaces ; vspace_id++ ) { #ifdef MOVER_DEBUG std::cout << "\n******* mapping all vsegs of " << vspace[vspace_id].name << " *********\n" << std::endl; #endif for ( size_t vseg_id = vspace[vspace_id].vseg_offset ; vseg_id < (vspace[vspace_id].vseg_offset + vspace[vspace_id].vsegs) ; vseg_id++ ) { vseg_map( &vseg[vseg_id]); } } } // end buildMap() // Local Variables: // tab-width: 4 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)) // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4