/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File : xml_parser.c // Date : 14/04/2012 // Author : alain greiner // Copyright (c) UPMC-LIP6 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This program translate a "map.xml" source file to a binary file "map.bin" that // can be directly loaded in the boot ROM and used by the GIET-VM operating system. // // This map.xml file contains : // 1) the multi-cluster/multi-processors hardware architecture description // 2) the various multi-threaded software applications // 3) the mapping directives bor both the tasks and the virtual segments. // The corresponding C structures are defined in the "mapping_info.h" file. // // This program also generates the "hard_config.h" and the "giet_vsegs.ld" files, // required to compile the GIET-VM code. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_CLUSTERS 1024 #define MAX_PSEGS 4096 #define MAX_VSPACES 1024 #define MAX_TASKS 4096 #define MAX_MWMRS 4096 #define MAX_VSEGS 4096 #define MAX_VOBJS 8192 #define MAX_PROCS 1024 #define MAX_IRQS 8192 #define MAX_COPROCS 4096 #define MAX_CP_PORTS 8192 #define MAX_PERIPHS 8192 #define XML_PARSER_DEBUG 0 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // global variables used to store and index the data structures /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mapping_header_t * header; mapping_cluster_t * cluster[MAX_CLUSTERS]; // cluster array mapping_pseg_t * pseg[MAX_PSEGS]; // pseg array mapping_vspace_t * vspace[MAX_VSPACES]; // vspace array mapping_vseg_t * vseg[MAX_VSEGS]; // vseg array mapping_vobj_t * vobj[MAX_VOBJS]; // vobj array mapping_task_t * task[MAX_TASKS]; // task array mapping_proc_t * proc[MAX_PROCS]; // proc array mapping_irq_t * irq[MAX_IRQS]; // irq array mapping_coproc_t * coproc[MAX_COPROCS]; // coproc array mapping_cp_port_t * cp_port[MAX_CP_PORTS]; // coproc port array mapping_periph_t * periph[MAX_PERIPHS]; // peripheral array // Index for the various arrays unsigned int cluster_index = 0; unsigned int vspace_index = 0; unsigned int global_index = 0; unsigned int pseg_index = 0; unsigned int proc_index = 0; unsigned int proc_loc_index = 0; unsigned int irq_index = 0; unsigned int irq_loc_index = 0; unsigned int coproc_index = 0; unsigned int coproc_loc_index = 0; unsigned int cp_port_index = 0; unsigned int cp_port_loc_index = 0; unsigned int periph_index = 0; unsigned int periph_loc_index = 0; unsigned int vseg_index = 0; unsigned int vseg_loc_index = 0; unsigned int task_index = 0; unsigned int task_loc_index = 0; unsigned int vobj_index = 0; unsigned int vobj_loc_index = 0; unsigned int vobj_count = 0; ///////////////////////// // found peripheral ///////////////////////// char found_timer = 0; char found_icu = 0; char found_xicu = 0; char found_dma = 0; ////////////////////////////////// //needed to generate map_config.ld ////////////////////////////////// unsigned int cluster_y = 0; unsigned int cluster_x = 0; unsigned int nb_proc_max = 0; // max number of processors per cluster unsigned int nb_timer_channel_max = 0; // max number of user timer unsigned int nb_dma_channel_max = 0; unsigned int nb_tty_channel = 0; unsigned int nb_ioc_channel = 0; unsigned int nb_nic_channel = 0; unsigned int io_mmu_active = 0; unsigned int use_xicu = 0xFFFFFFFF; ////////////////////////////////// //needed to generate giet_vseg.ld ////////////////////////////////// //kernel and boot code unsigned int kernel_code_base = 0x80000000; /* kernel code */ unsigned int kernel_data_base = 0x80010000; /* system cacheable data */ unsigned int kernel_uncdata_base = 0x80080000; /* system uncacheable data */ unsigned int kernel_init_base = 0x80090000; /* system init entry */ unsigned int boot_code_base = 0xBFC00000; /* boot code */ unsigned int boot_stack_base = 0xBFC08000; /* boot temporary stack */ unsigned int boot_mapping_base = 0xBFC0C000; /* mapping_info blob */ //periphs unsigned int tim_base_offset = 0xFFFFFFFF; unsigned int tty_base_offset = 0xFFFFFFFF; unsigned int dma_base_offset = 0xFFFFFFFF; unsigned int ioc_base_offset = 0xFFFFFFFF; unsigned int nic_base_offset = 0xFFFFFFFF; unsigned int fbf_base_offset = 0xFFFFFFFF; unsigned int icu_base_offset = 0xFFFFFFFF; unsigned int gcd_base_offset = 0xFFFFFFFF; unsigned int iob_base_offset = 0xFFFFFFFF; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This arrray is useful to build a temporary list of vobj references. // The struct vobj_ref_s is formed by a vspace_name and a vobj_name. // This array is used to set the attribute vobj_id of a cp_port // once all the vspace have been parsed. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct vobj_ref_s { char vspace_name[32]; char vobj_name[32]; } vobj_ref_t; vobj_ref_t * cp_port_vobj_ref[MAX_CP_PORTS]; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// unsigned int getIntValue(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, const char * attributeName, unsigned int * ok) { unsigned int value = 0; unsigned int i; char c; char * string = (char *) xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(reader, (const xmlChar *) attributeName); if (string == NULL) { // missing argument *ok = 0; return 0; } else { if ((string[0] == '0') && ((string[1] == 'x') || (string[1] == 'X'))) { // Hexa for (i = 2 ; (string[i] != 0) && (i < 10) ; i++) { c = string[i]; if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) { value = (value << 4) + string[i] - 48; } else if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f')) { value = (value << 4) + string[i] - 87; } else if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F')) { value = (value << 4) + string[i] - 55; } else { *ok = 0; return 0; } } } else { // Decimal for (i = 0; (string[i] != 0) && (i < 9); i++) { c = string[i]; if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) value = (value * 10) + string[i] - 48; else { *ok = 0; return 0; } } } *ok = 1; return value; } } // end getIntValue() /////////////////////////////////////////////// char * getStringValue(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, const char * attributeName, unsigned int * ok) { char * string = (char *) xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(reader, (const xmlChar *) attributeName); if (string == NULL) { // missing argument *ok = 0; return NULL; } else { //we read only string smaller than 32 byte if (strlen(string) > 32) { printf("[XML ERROR] all strings must be less than 32 bytes\n"); exit(1); } *ok = 1; return string; } } // end getStringValue() /////////////////////////////////////// int getPsegId(unsigned int cluster_id, char * pseg_name) { unsigned int pseg_id; unsigned int pseg_min = cluster[cluster_id]->pseg_offset; unsigned int pseg_max = pseg_min + cluster[cluster_id]->psegs; for (pseg_id = pseg_min; pseg_id < pseg_max; pseg_id++) { if (strcmp(pseg[pseg_id]->name, pseg_name) == 0) { return pseg_id; } } return -1; } //////////////////////////////////////////// int getVspaceId(char * vspace_name) { unsigned int vspace_id; for (vspace_id = 0; vspace_id < vspace_index; vspace_id++) { if (!strcmp(vspace[vspace_id]->name, vspace_name)) { return vspace_id; } } return -1; } //////////////////////////////////////////// int getVobjLocId(unsigned int vspace_id, char * vobj_name, unsigned int vspace_max) { unsigned int vobj_id; unsigned int vobj_min = vspace[vspace_id]->vobj_offset; unsigned int vobj_max = vobj_min + vspace_max; for (vobj_id = vobj_min; vobj_id < vobj_max; vobj_id++) { if (strcmp(vobj[vobj_id]->name, vobj_name) == 0) { return (vobj_id - vobj_min); } } return -1; } ///////////////////////////////////////// void taskNode(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { unsigned int ok; unsigned int value; char * str; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT) { return; } if (task_index >= MAX_TASKS) { printf("[XML ERROR] The number of tasks is larger than %d\n", MAX_TASKS); } #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" task %d\n", task_loc_index); #endif task[task_index] = (mapping_task_t *) malloc(sizeof(mapping_task_t)); ////////// get name attribute str = getStringValue(reader, "name", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" name = %s\n", str); #endif strncpy( task[task_index]->name, str, 31 ); } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing attribute for task (%d,%d)\n", vspace_index, task_loc_index); exit(1); } ///////// get clusterid attribute value = getIntValue(reader, "clusterid", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" clusterid = %x\n", value); #endif if (value >= header->clusters) { printf("[XML ERROR] too large for task (%d,%d)\n", vspace_index, task_loc_index); exit(1); } task[task_index]->clusterid = value; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing attribute for task (%d,%d)\n", vspace_index, task_loc_index); exit(1); } ////////// get proclocid attribute value = getIntValue(reader, "proclocid", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" proclocid = %x\n", value); #endif if (value >= cluster[task[task_index]->clusterid]->procs) { printf("[XML ERROR] too large for task (%d,%d)\n", vspace_index, task_loc_index); exit(1); } task[task_index]->proclocid = value; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing attribute for task (%d,%d)\n", vspace_index, task_loc_index); exit(1); } ////////// get stackname attribute str = getStringValue(reader, "stackname" , &ok); if (ok) { int index = getVobjLocId(vspace_index, str , vobj_loc_index); if (index >= 0) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" stackname = %s\n", str); printf(" stackid = %d\n", index); #endif task[task_index]->vobjlocid = index; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing for task (%d,%d)\n", vspace_index, task_loc_index); exit(1); } } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing for task (%d,%d)\n", vspace_index, task_loc_index); exit(1); } ////////// get startid attribute value = getIntValue(reader, "startid", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" startid = %x\n", value); #endif task[task_index]->startid = value; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing attribute for task (%d,%d)\n", vspace_index, task_loc_index); exit(1); } /////////// get usetty attribute (optionnal : 0 if missing) value = getIntValue(reader, "usetty", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" usetty = %x\n", value); #endif task[task_index]->use_tty = value; } else { task[task_index]->use_tty = 0; } /////////// get usenic attribute (optionnal : 0 if missing) value = getIntValue(reader, "usenic", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" usenic = %x\n", value); #endif task[task_index]->use_nic = value; } else { task[task_index]->use_nic = 0; } /////////// get usetimer attribute (optionnal : 0 if missing) value = getIntValue(reader, "usetimer", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" usetimer = %x\n", value); #endif task[task_index]->use_timer = value; } else { task[task_index]->use_timer = 0; } /////////// get usefbdma attribute (optionnal : 0 if missing) value = getIntValue(reader, "usefbdma", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" usefbdma = %x\n", value); #endif task[task_index]->use_fbdma = value; } else { task[task_index]->use_fbdma = 0; } task_index++; task_loc_index++; } // end taskNode() ////////////////////////////////////////// void vobjNode(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { unsigned int ok; unsigned int value; char * str; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT) { return; } if (vobj_index >= MAX_VOBJS) { printf("[XML ERROR] The number of vobjs is larger than %d\n", MAX_VSEGS); exit(1); } #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" vobj %d\n", vobj_loc_index); #endif vobj[vobj_index] = (mapping_vobj_t *) malloc(sizeof(mapping_vobj_t)); ///////// get name attribute str = getStringValue(reader, "name", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" name = %s\n", str); #endif strncpy(vobj[vobj_index]->name, str, 31); } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing attribute for vobj (%d,%d)\n", vseg_index, vobj_loc_index); exit(1); } //////// get type attribute str = getStringValue(reader, "type", &ok); #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" type = %s\n", str); #endif if (ok && (strcmp(str, "ELF") == 0)) { vobj[vobj_index]->type = VOBJ_TYPE_ELF; //check that this vobj is the first in vseg if (vobj_count != 0) { printf("[XML ERROR] an ELF vobj must be alone in a vseg (%d,%d)\n", vspace_index, vobj_loc_index); exit(1); } } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "BLOB") == 0)) { vobj[vobj_index]->type = VOBJ_TYPE_BLOB; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "PTAB") == 0)) { vobj[vobj_index]->type = VOBJ_TYPE_PTAB; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "PERI") == 0)) { vobj[vobj_index]->type = VOBJ_TYPE_PERI; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "MWMR") == 0)) { vobj[vobj_index]->type = VOBJ_TYPE_MWMR; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "LOCK") == 0)) { vobj[vobj_index]->type = VOBJ_TYPE_LOCK; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "BUFFER") == 0)) { vobj[vobj_index]->type = VOBJ_TYPE_BUFFER; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "BARRIER") == 0)) { vobj[vobj_index]->type = VOBJ_TYPE_BARRIER; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "CONST") == 0)) { vobj[vobj_index]->type = VOBJ_TYPE_CONST; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "MEMSPACE") == 0)) { vobj[vobj_index]->type = VOBJ_TYPE_MEMSPACE; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing attribute for vobj (%d,%d)\n", vspace_index, vobj_loc_index); exit(1); } ////////// get length attribute value = getIntValue(reader, "length", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" length = %d\n", value); #endif vobj[vobj_index]->length = value; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing attribute for vobj (%d,%d)\n", vspace_index, vobj_loc_index); exit(1); } ////////// get align attribute (optional : 0 if missing) value = getIntValue(reader, "align", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" align = %d\n", value); #endif vobj[vobj_index]->align = value; } else { vobj[vobj_index]->align = 0; } ////////// get binpath attribute (optional : '\0' if missing) str = getStringValue(reader, "binpath", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" binpath = %s\n", str); #endif strncpy(vobj[vobj_index]->binpath, str, 63); } else { vobj[vobj_index]->binpath[0] = '\0'; } ////////// get init attribute (mandatory for mwmr and barrier) value = getIntValue(reader, "init", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" init = %d\n", value); #endif vobj[vobj_index]->init = value; } else { if ((vobj[vobj_index]->type == VOBJ_TYPE_MWMR) || (vobj[vobj_index]->type == VOBJ_TYPE_BARRIER) || (vobj[vobj_index]->type == VOBJ_TYPE_CONST)) { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing attribute for vobj (%d,%d). \ All MWMR or BARRIER vobj must have a init value \n", vspace_index, vobj_loc_index); exit(1); } vobj[vobj_index]->init = 0; } vobj_index++; vobj_count++; vobj_loc_index++; } // end vobjNode() ////////////////////////////////////////// void vsegNode(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { unsigned int ok; unsigned int value; char * str; vobj_count = 0; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT) { return; } if (vseg_index >= MAX_VSEGS) { printf("[XML ERROR] The number of vsegs is larger than %d\n", MAX_VSEGS); exit(1); } #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" vseg %d\n", vseg_loc_index); #endif vseg[vseg_index] = (mapping_vseg_t *) malloc(sizeof(mapping_vseg_t)); ////////// set vobj_offset attributes vseg[vseg_index]->vobj_offset = vobj_index; #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" vobj_offset = %d\n", vobj_index); #endif ///////// get name attribute str = getStringValue(reader, "name", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" name = %s\n", str); #endif strncpy( vseg[vseg_index]->name, str, 31); } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing attribute for vseg (%d,%d)\n", vspace_index, vseg_loc_index); exit(1); } ////////// get ident attribute (optional : 0 if missing) value = getIntValue(reader, "ident", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" ident = %d\n", value); #endif vseg[vseg_index]->ident = value; } else { vseg[vseg_index]->ident = 0; } /////////// get vbase attribute value = getIntValue(reader, "vbase", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" vbase = 0x%x\n", value); #endif vseg[vseg_index]->vbase = value; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing attribute for vseg (%d,%d)\n", vspace_index, vseg_loc_index); exit(1); } ////////// get clusterid and psegname attributes value = getIntValue(reader, "clusterid", &ok); if (ok == 0) { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing for vseg %d\n", vseg_loc_index); exit(1); } str = getStringValue(reader, "psegname", &ok); if (ok == 0) { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing for vseg %d\n", vseg_loc_index); exit(1); } /////////// set psegid field int index = getPsegId(value, str); if (index >= 0) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" clusterid = %d\n", value); printf(" psegname = %s\n", str); printf(" psegid = %d\n", index); #endif vseg[vseg_index]->psegid = index; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] pseg not found for vseg %d / clusterid = %d / psegname = %s\n", vseg_loc_index, value, str ); exit(1); } //////// get mode attribute str = getStringValue(reader, "mode", &ok); #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" mode = %s\n", str); #endif if (ok && (strcmp(str, "CXWU") == 0)) { vseg[vseg_index]->mode = 0xF; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "CXW_") == 0)) { vseg[vseg_index]->mode = 0xE; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "CX_U") == 0)) { vseg[vseg_index]->mode = 0xD; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "CX__") == 0)) { vseg[vseg_index]->mode = 0xC; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "C_WU") == 0)) { vseg[vseg_index]->mode = 0xB; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "C_W_") == 0)) { vseg[vseg_index]->mode = 0xA; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "C__U") == 0)) { vseg[vseg_index]->mode = 0x9; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "C___") == 0)) { vseg[vseg_index]->mode = 0x8; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "_XWU") == 0)) { vseg[vseg_index]->mode = 0x7; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "_XW_") == 0)) { vseg[vseg_index]->mode = 0x6; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "_X_U") == 0)) { vseg[vseg_index]->mode = 0x5; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "_X__") == 0)) { vseg[vseg_index]->mode = 0x4; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "__WU") == 0)) { vseg[vseg_index]->mode = 0x3; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "__W_") == 0)) { vseg[vseg_index]->mode = 0x2; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "___U") == 0)) { vseg[vseg_index]->mode = 0x1; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "____") == 0)) { vseg[vseg_index]->mode = 0x0; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing attribute for vseg (%d,%d)\n", vspace_index, vseg_loc_index); exit(1); } ////////// get vobjs in vseg int status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); while (status == 1) { const char * tag = (const char *) xmlTextReaderConstName(reader); if (strcmp(tag, "vobj") == 0 ) { vobjNode(reader); } else if (strcmp(tag, "#text" ) == 0 ) { } else if (strcmp(tag, "#comment") == 0 ) { } else if (strcmp(tag, "vseg") == 0 ) { vseg[vseg_index]->vobjs = vobj_count; vseg_index++; vseg_loc_index++; return; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] Unknown tag %s", tag); exit(1); } status = xmlTextReaderRead (reader); } } // end vsegNode() ////////////////////////////////////////// void vspaceNode(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { char * str; unsigned int ok; vobj_loc_index = 0; vseg_loc_index = 0; task_loc_index = 0; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT) { return; } // checking source file consistency if (vspace_index >= header->vspaces) { printf("[XML ERROR] The vspace index is too large : %d\n", vspace_index); exit(1); } #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf("\n vspace %d\n", vspace_index); #endif vspace[vspace_index] = (mapping_vspace_t *) malloc(sizeof(mapping_vspace_t)); ////////// get name attribute str = getStringValue(reader, "name", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" name = %s\n", str); #endif strncpy(vspace[vspace_index]->name, str, 31); } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing attribute for vspace %d\n", vspace_index); exit(1); } ////////// set vseg_offset and task_offset attributes vspace[vspace_index]->vseg_offset = vseg_index; vspace[vspace_index]->vobj_offset = vobj_index; vspace[vspace_index]->task_offset = task_index; #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" vseg_offset = %d\n", vseg_index); printf(" vobj_offset = %d\n", vobj_index); printf(" task_offset = %d\n", task_index); #endif ////////// get startname attribute str = getStringValue(reader, "startname", &ok); if (ok) { //used after parsing the vobjs } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing attribute for vspace %s\n", vspace[vspace_index]->name); exit(1); } int status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); while (status == 1) { const char * tag = (const char *) xmlTextReaderConstName(reader); if (strcmp(tag, "vseg") == 0 ) { vsegNode(reader); } else if (strcmp(tag, "task") == 0 ) { taskNode(reader); } else if (strcmp(tag, "#text") == 0 ) { } else if (strcmp(tag, "#comment") == 0 ) { } else if (strcmp(tag, "vspace") == 0 ) { vspace[vspace_index]->vobjs = vobj_loc_index; vspace[vspace_index]->tasks = task_loc_index ; vspace[vspace_index]->vsegs = vseg_loc_index ; // get index of the vobj containing the start vector int index = getVobjLocId(vspace_index, str , vobj_loc_index); if (index == -1) { printf("[XML ERROR] vobj containing start vector not found in vspace %s\n", vspace[vspace_index]->name); exit(-1); } else { vspace[vspace_index]->start_offset = index; #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" startname = %s\n", str); printf(" startid = %d\n", index); printf(" end vspace %d\n\n", vspace_index); #endif } // checking startid values for all tasks in vspace int task_id; int task_min = vspace[vspace_index]->task_offset; int task_max = task_min + vspace[vspace_index]->tasks; for (task_id = task_min; task_id < task_max; task_id++) { if (task[task_id]->startid >= vspace[vspace_index]->tasks) { printf("[XML ERROR] too large for task (%d,%d)\n", vspace_index, task_id ); exit(1); } } vspace_index++; return; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] Unknown tag %s", tag); exit(1); } status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); } } // end vspaceNode() /////////////////////////////////////////// void cpPortNode(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { char * str; unsigned int ok; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT) { return; } if (cp_port_index >= MAX_CP_PORTS) { printf("[XML ERROR] The number of ports (for coprocs) is larger than %d\n", MAX_CP_PORTS); } #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf("\n port %d\n", cp_port_index); #endif cp_port[cp_port_index] = (mapping_cp_port_t *) malloc(sizeof(mapping_cp_port_t)); cp_port_vobj_ref[cp_port_index] = (vobj_ref_t *) malloc(sizeof(vobj_ref_t)); ///////// get direction attribute str = getStringValue(reader, "direction", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" direction = %s\n", str); #endif if (strcmp(str, "TO_COPROC") == 0) { cp_port[cp_port_index]->direction = PORT_TO_COPROC; } else if (strcmp(str, "FROM_COPROC") == 0) { cp_port[cp_port_index]->direction = PORT_FROM_COPROC; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal for cp_port %d in cluster %d\n", cp_port_index, cluster_index); exit(1); } } else { printf("[XML ERROR] missing for cp_port %d in cluster %d\n", cp_port_index, cluster_index); exit(1); } /////////// get vspacename attribute str = getStringValue(reader, "vspacename", &ok); #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" vspacename = %s\n", str); #endif if (ok) { strncpy(cp_port_vobj_ref[cp_port_index]->vspace_name, str, 31); } else { printf("[XML ERROR] missing for cp_port %d in cluster %d\n", cp_port_index, cluster_index); exit(1); } /////////// get vobjname attribute str = getStringValue(reader, "vobjname", &ok); #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" vobjname = %s\n", str); #endif if (ok) { strncpy(cp_port_vobj_ref[cp_port_index]->vobj_name, str, 31); } else { printf("[XML ERROR] missing for cp_port %d in cluster %d\n", cp_port_index, cluster_index); exit(1); } cp_port_index++; cp_port_loc_index++; } // end cpPortNode() /////////////////////////////////////////// void periphNode(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { char * str; unsigned int value; unsigned int ok; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT) { return; } if (periph_index >= MAX_PERIPHS) { printf("[XML ERROR] The number of periphs is larger than %d\n", MAX_PERIPHS); } #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf("\n periph %d\n", periph_index); #endif periph[periph_index] = (mapping_periph_t *) malloc(sizeof(mapping_periph_t)); ///////// get channels attribute (optionnal : 1 if missing) value = getIntValue(reader, "channels", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" channels = %d\n", value); #endif periph[periph_index]->channels = value; } else { periph[periph_index]->channels = 1; } /////////// get psegname attribute str = getStringValue(reader, "psegname", &ok); if (ok == 0) { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing for coproc %d in cluster %d\n", coproc_index, cluster_index); exit(1); } /////////// set psegid attribute int index = getPsegId(cluster_index, str); if (index >= 0) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" clusterid = %d\n", cluster_index); printf(" psegname = %s\n", str); printf(" psegid = %d\n", index); #endif periph[periph_index]->psegid = index; assert(pseg[index]->type == PSEG_TYPE_PERI && "peripheral psegname attribute must refer to a pseg of type PERI" ); } else { printf("[XML ERROR] pseg not found for periph %d / clusterid = %d / psegname = %s\n", periph_loc_index, cluster_index, str ); exit(1); } /////////// get type attribute str = getStringValue(reader, "type", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" type = %s\n", str); #endif unsigned int error = 0; // The TTY, IOC, NIC, FBF and IOB peripherals cannot be replicated // one per architecture if (strcmp(str, "IOC") == 0) { periph[periph_index]->type = PERIPH_TYPE_IOC; if (header->ioc_clusterid == 0xFFFFFFFF) { header->ioc_clusterid = cluster_index; } else { error = 1; } ioc_base_offset = pseg[periph[periph_index]->psegid]->base; nb_ioc_channel = periph[periph_index]->channels; } else if (strcmp(str, "TTY") == 0) { periph[periph_index]->type = PERIPH_TYPE_TTY; if (header->tty_clusterid == 0xFFFFFFFF) { header->tty_clusterid = cluster_index; } else { error = 1; } tty_base_offset = pseg[periph[periph_index]->psegid]->base; nb_tty_channel = periph[periph_index]->channels; } else if (strcmp(str, "FBF") == 0) { periph[periph_index]->type = PERIPH_TYPE_FBF; if (header->fbf_clusterid == 0xFFFFFFFF) { header->fbf_clusterid = cluster_index; } else { error = 1; } fbf_base_offset = pseg[periph[periph_index]->psegid]->base; } else if (strcmp(str, "NIC") == 0) { periph[periph_index]->type = PERIPH_TYPE_NIC; if (header->nic_clusterid == 0xFFFFFFFF) { header->nic_clusterid = cluster_index; } else { error = 1; } nic_base_offset = pseg[periph[periph_index]->psegid]->base; nb_nic_channel = periph[periph_index]->channels; } else if (strcmp(str, "IOB") == 0) { periph[periph_index]->type = PERIPH_TYPE_IOB; iob_base_offset = pseg[periph[periph_index]->psegid]->base; if (io_mmu_active) { error = 1; } io_mmu_active = 1; } // The TIM, ICU, XICU, DMA and IOB peripherals can be replicated in several clusters // one per cluster else if (strcmp(str, "TIM") == 0 ) { periph[periph_index]->type = PERIPH_TYPE_TIM; if (found_timer) { error = 1; } found_timer = 1; if (tim_base_offset == 0xFFFFFFFF) { tim_base_offset = pseg[ periph[periph_index]->psegid ]->base; } if (nb_timer_channel_max < periph[periph_index]->channels) { nb_timer_channel_max = periph[periph_index]->channels; } } else if (strcmp(str, "ICU") == 0) { periph[periph_index]->type = PERIPH_TYPE_ICU; if (found_icu) { error = 1; } found_icu = 1; if (icu_base_offset == 0xFFFFFFFF) { icu_base_offset = pseg[periph[periph_index]->psegid]->base; } } else if (strcmp(str, "XICU") == 0) { periph[periph_index]->type = PERIPH_TYPE_XICU; if (found_xicu) { error = 1; } found_xicu = 1; //'icu' since we can't have both xicu and icu in an arch if (icu_base_offset == 0xFFFFFFFF) { icu_base_offset = pseg[ periph[periph_index]->psegid ]->base; } if (nb_timer_channel_max == 0) { nb_timer_channel_max = 32; } } else if (strcmp(str, "DMA") == 0) { periph[periph_index]->type = PERIPH_TYPE_DMA; if (found_dma) { error = 1; } found_dma = 1; if (dma_base_offset == 0xFFFFFFFF) { dma_base_offset = pseg[periph[periph_index]->psegid]->base; } if (nb_dma_channel_max < periph[periph_index]->channels) { nb_dma_channel_max = periph[periph_index]->channels; } } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal for peripheral %d in cluster %d\n", periph_loc_index, cluster_index); exit(1); } if (error) { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal for peripheral %d in cluster %d\n", periph_loc_index, cluster_index); exit(1); } } else { printf("[XML ERROR] missing for peripheral %d in cluster %d\n", periph_loc_index, cluster_index); exit(1); } periph_index++; periph_loc_index++; cluster[cluster_index]->periphs++; } // end periphNode ///////////////////////////////////////// void coprocNode(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { char * str; unsigned int ok; cp_port_loc_index = 0; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT) { return; } if (coproc_index >= MAX_COPROCS) { printf("[XML ERROR] The number of coprocs is larger than %d\n", MAX_COPROCS); } #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf("\n coproc %d\n", coproc_index); #endif coproc[coproc_index] = (mapping_coproc_t *) malloc(sizeof(mapping_coproc_t)); /////////// get name attribute str = getStringValue(reader, "name", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" name = %s\n", str); #endif strncpy(coproc[coproc_index]->name, str, 31); } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing for coproc %d in cluster %d\n", coproc_index, cluster_index); exit(1); } /////////// get psegname attribute str = getStringValue(reader, "psegname", &ok); if (ok == 0) { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing for coproc %d in cluster %d\n", coproc_index, cluster_index); exit(1); } /////////// set psegid attribute int index = getPsegId(cluster_index, str); if (index >= 0) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" clusterid = %d\n", cluster_index); printf(" psegname = %s\n", str); printf(" psegid = %d\n", index); #endif coproc[coproc_index]->psegid = index; assert(pseg[index]->type == PSEG_TYPE_PERI && "coproc psegname attribute must refer to a pseg of type PERI" ); } else { printf("[XML ERROR] pseg not found for coproc %d / clusterid = %d / psegname = %s\n", coproc_index, cluster_index, str ); exit(1); } ////////// set port_offset coproc[coproc_index]->port_offset = cp_port_index; #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" port_offset = %d\n", cp_port_index); #endif int status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); while (status == 1) { const char * tag = (const char *) xmlTextReaderConstName(reader); if (strcmp(tag, "port") == 0 ) { cpPortNode(reader); } else if (strcmp(tag, "#text") == 0 ) { } else if (strcmp(tag, "#comment") == 0 ) { } else if (strcmp(tag, "coproc") == 0 ) { coproc[coproc_index]->ports = cp_port_loc_index; cluster[cluster_index]->coprocs++; coproc_loc_index++; coproc_index++; return; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] Unknown tag %s", tag); exit(1); } status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); } } // end coprocNode() /////////////////////////////////////// void irqNode(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { unsigned int ok; unsigned int value; char * str; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT) { return; } if (irq_index >= MAX_IRQS) { printf("[XML ERROR] The number of irqs is larger than %d\n", MAX_IRQS); } #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" irq %d\n", irq_loc_index); #endif irq[irq_index] = (mapping_irq_t *) malloc(sizeof(mapping_irq_t)); ///////// get type attribute str = getStringValue(reader, "type", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" type = %s\n", str); #endif if (strcmp(str, "HARD") == 0 ) { irq[irq_index]->type = 0; } else if (strcmp(str, "SOFT") == 0 ) { irq[irq_index]->type = 1; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] undefined IRQ for processor %d in cluster %d\n", cluster_index, proc_loc_index); exit(1); } } else { printf("[XML ERROR] missing IRQ for processor %d in cluster %d\n", cluster_index, proc_loc_index); exit(1); } ///////// get icuid attribute value = getIntValue(reader, "icuid", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" icuid = %d\n", value); #endif irq[irq_index]->icuid = value; if (value >= 32) { printf("[XML ERROR] IRQ too large for processor %d in cluster %d\n", cluster_index, proc_loc_index); exit(1); } } else { printf("[XML ERROR] missing IRQ for processor %d in cluster %d\n", cluster_index, proc_loc_index); exit(1); } ///////// get isr attribute str = getStringValue(reader, "isr", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" isr = %s\n", str); #endif if (strcmp(str, "ISR_SWITCH" ) == 0) { irq[irq_index]->isr = ISR_SWITCH; } else if (strcmp(str, "ISR_IOC" ) == 0) { irq[irq_index]->isr = ISR_IOC; } else if (strcmp(str, "ISR_DMA" ) == 0) { irq[irq_index]->isr = ISR_DMA; } else if (strcmp(str, "ISR_TTY" ) == 0) { irq[irq_index]->isr = ISR_TTY; } else if (strcmp(str, "ISR_TIMER" ) == 0) { irq[irq_index]->isr = ISR_TIMER; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal IRQ for processor %d in cluster %d\n", cluster_index, proc_loc_index); exit(1); } #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" isrnum = %d\n", irq[irq_index]->isr); #endif } else { printf("[XML ERROR] missing IRQ for processor %d in cluster %d\n", cluster_index, proc_loc_index); exit(1); } ///////// get channel attribute (optionnal : 0 if missing) value = getIntValue(reader, "channel", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" channel = %d\n", value); #endif irq[irq_index]->channel = value; } else { irq[irq_index]->channel = 0; } irq_index++; irq_loc_index++; } // end irqNode ///////////////////////////////////////// void procNode(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { unsigned int ok; unsigned int value; irq_loc_index = 0; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT) { return; } if (proc_index >= MAX_PROCS) { printf("[XML ERROR] The number of procs is larger than %d\n", MAX_PROCS); } #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf("\n proc %d\n", proc_index); #endif proc[proc_index] = (mapping_proc_t *) malloc(sizeof(mapping_proc_t)); /////////// get index attribute (optional) value = getIntValue(reader, "index", &ok); if (ok && (value != proc_loc_index)) { printf("[XML ERROR] wrong proc index / expected value is %d", proc_loc_index); exit(1); } ////////// set irq_offset attribute proc[proc_index]->irq_offset = irq_index; #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" irq_offset = %d\n", irq_index); #endif int status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); while (status == 1) { const char * tag = (const char *) xmlTextReaderConstName(reader); if (strcmp(tag, "irq") == 0) { irqNode(reader); } else if (strcmp(tag, "#text") == 0) { } else if (strcmp(tag, "#comment") == 0) { } else if (strcmp(tag, "proc") == 0) { proc[proc_index]->irqs = irq_loc_index; cluster[cluster_index]->procs++; proc_loc_index++; proc_index++; return; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] Unknown tag %s", tag); exit(1); } status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); } } // end procNode() ////////////////////////////////////////// void psegNode(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { unsigned int ok; unsigned int value; char * str; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT) { return; } if (pseg_index >= MAX_PSEGS) { printf("[XML ERROR] The number of psegs is larger than %d\n", MAX_PSEGS); exit(1); } #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" pseg %d\n", pseg_index); #endif pseg[pseg_index] = (mapping_pseg_t *) malloc(sizeof(mapping_pseg_t)); /////// get name attribute str = getStringValue(reader, "name", &ok); #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" name = %s\n", str); #endif if (ok) { strncpy(pseg[pseg_index]->name, str, 31); } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing for pseg %d in cluster %d\n", pseg_index, cluster_index); exit(1); } //////// get type attribute str = getStringValue(reader, "type", &ok); #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" type = %s\n", str); #endif if (ok && (strcmp(str, "RAM" ) == 0)) { pseg[pseg_index]->type = PSEG_TYPE_RAM; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "ROM" ) == 0)) { pseg[pseg_index]->type = PSEG_TYPE_ROM; } else if (ok && (strcmp(str, "PERI") == 0)) { pseg[pseg_index]->type = PSEG_TYPE_PERI; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing for pseg %s in cluster %d\n", pseg[pseg_index]->name, cluster_index); exit(1); } //////// get base attribute value = getIntValue(reader, "base", &ok); #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" base = 0x%x\n", value); #endif if (ok) { pseg[pseg_index]->base = value; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing for pseg %s in cluster %d\n", pseg[pseg_index]->name, cluster_index); exit(1); } //////// get length attribute value = getIntValue(reader, "length", &ok); #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" length = 0x%x\n", value); #endif if (ok) { pseg[pseg_index]->length = value; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing for pseg %s in cluster %d\n", pseg[pseg_index]->name, cluster_index); exit(1); } //////// set cluster attribute pseg[pseg_index]->cluster = cluster_index; pseg_index++; cluster[cluster_index]->psegs++; } // end psegNode() ///////////////////////////////////////////// void clusterNode(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { unsigned int ok; unsigned int value; cluster[cluster_index] = (mapping_cluster_t *) malloc(sizeof(mapping_cluster_t)); //initialise all variables //they will be incremented by *Node() functions //FIXME: calloc? cluster[cluster_index]->psegs = 0; cluster[cluster_index]->procs = 0; cluster[cluster_index]->coprocs = 0; cluster[cluster_index]->periphs = 0; //initialise global variables //TODO: delete those three proc_loc_index = 0; coproc_loc_index = 0; periph_loc_index = 0; // for replicated periph found_timer = 0; found_icu = 0; found_xicu = 0; found_dma = 0; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT) { return; } // checking source file consistency if (cluster_index >= header->clusters) { printf("[XML ERROR] The cluster index is too large : %d\n", cluster_index); exit(1); } #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" cluster %d\n", cluster_index); #endif /////////// check cluster index attribute (optional) value = getIntValue(reader, "index", &ok); if (ok && (value != cluster_index)) { printf("[XML ERROR] wrong cluster index / expected value is %d", cluster_index); exit(1); } ////////// set offsets cluster[cluster_index]->pseg_offset = pseg_index; cluster[cluster_index]->proc_offset = proc_index; cluster[cluster_index]->coproc_offset = coproc_index; cluster[cluster_index]->periph_offset = periph_index; #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" pseg_offset = %d\n", pseg_index); printf(" proc_offset = %d\n", proc_index); printf(" coproc_offset = %d\n", coproc_index); printf(" periph_offset = %d\n", coproc_index); #endif ////////// get psegs, procs, coprocs and periphs int status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); while (status == 1) { const char * tag = (const char *) xmlTextReaderConstName(reader); if (strcmp(tag, "pseg") == 0) psegNode(reader); else if (strcmp(tag, "proc") == 0) procNode(reader); else if (strcmp(tag, "coproc") == 0) coprocNode(reader); else if (strcmp(tag, "periph") == 0) periphNode(reader); else if (strcmp(tag, "#text") == 0) { } else if (strcmp(tag, "#comment") == 0) { } else if (strcmp(tag, "cluster") == 0) { if (use_xicu == 0xFFFFFFFF) { use_xicu = found_xicu; } ////////////////// peripherals checks //////////////////// if ((found_timer && use_xicu) || (!found_timer && !use_xicu)) { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing timer peripheral in cluster %d\n", cluster_index); exit(1); } if ((found_icu && use_xicu) || (!found_icu && !use_xicu)) { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing icu peripheral in cluster %d\n", cluster_index); exit(1); } if (!found_xicu && use_xicu) { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing dma peripheral in cluster %d\n", cluster_index); exit(1); } if (!found_dma) { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing dma peripheral in cluster %d\n", cluster_index); exit(1); } if (nb_proc_max < cluster[cluster_index]->procs) { nb_proc_max = cluster[cluster_index]->procs; } #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" psegs = %d\n", cluster[cluster_index]->psegs); printf(" procs = %d\n", cluster[cluster_index]->procs); printf(" coprocs = %d\n", cluster[cluster_index]->coprocs); printf(" periphs = %d\n", cluster[cluster_index]->periphs); printf(" end cluster %d\n", cluster_index); #endif cluster_index++; return; } status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); } } // end clusterNode() ////////////////////////////////////////////// void clusterSetNode(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT) { return; } #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf("\n clusters set\n"); #endif int status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); while (status == 1) { const char * tag = (const char *) xmlTextReaderConstName(reader); if (strcmp(tag, "cluster") == 0) { clusterNode(reader); } else if (strcmp(tag, "#text") == 0) { } else if (strcmp(tag, "#comment") == 0) { } else if (strcmp(tag, "clusterset") == 0) { // checking source file consistency if (cluster_index != header->clusters) { printf("[XML ERROR] Wrong number of clusters\n"); exit(1); } if (header->tty_clusterid == 0xFFFFFFFF) { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing tty peripheral"); exit(1); } #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" end cluster set\n\n"); #endif header->psegs = pseg_index; header->procs = proc_index; header->irqs = irq_index; header->coprocs = coproc_index; header->cp_ports = cp_port_index; return; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] Unknown tag in clusterset node : %s",tag); exit(1); } status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); } } // end clusterSetNode() ///////////////////////////////////////////// void globalSetNode(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT) { return; } #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" globals set\n"); #endif int status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); while (status == 1) { const char * tag = (const char *) xmlTextReaderConstName(reader); if (strcmp(tag, "vseg") == 0) { vsegNode(reader); } else if (strcmp(tag, "#text") == 0) { } else if (strcmp(tag, "#comment") == 0) { } else if (strcmp(tag, "globalset") == 0) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" end global set\n\n"); #endif header->globals = vseg_index; vseg_loc_index = 0; return; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] Unknown tag in globalset node : %s",tag); exit(1); } status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); } } // end globalSetNode() ///////////////////////////////////////////// void vspaceSetNode(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT) { return; } #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf("\n vspaces set\n"); #endif int status = xmlTextReaderRead ( reader ); while (status == 1) { const char * tag = (const char *) xmlTextReaderConstName(reader); if (strcmp(tag, "vspace") == 0) { vspaceNode(reader); } else if (strcmp(tag, "#text" ) == 0 ) { } else if (strcmp(tag, "#comment" ) == 0 ) { } else if (strcmp(tag, "vspaceset") == 0 ) { // checking source file consistency if (vspace_index != header->vspaces) { printf("[XML ERROR] Wrong number of vspaces\n"); exit(1); } else { header->vsegs = vseg_index; header->vobjs = vobj_index; header->tasks = task_index; return; } } else { printf("[XML ERROR] Unknown tag in vspaceset node : %s",tag); exit(1); } status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); } } // end globalSetNode() ////////////////////////////////////////// void headerNode(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) { char * name; unsigned int value; unsigned int ok; if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT) { return; } #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf("mapping_info\n"); #endif header = (mapping_header_t *) malloc(sizeof(mapping_header_t)); ////////// get name attribute name = getStringValue(reader, "name", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" name = %s\n", name); #endif strncpy( header->name, name, 31); } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing attribute in header\n"); exit(1); } /////////// get cluster_x attribute cluster_x = getIntValue(reader, "cluster_x", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" cluster_x = %d\n", cluster_x); #endif header->cluster_x = cluster_x; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing attribute in header\n"); exit(1); } /////////// get cluster_y attribute cluster_y = getIntValue(reader, "cluster_y", &ok); if (ok) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" cluster_y = %d\n", cluster_y); #endif header->cluster_y = cluster_y; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing attribute in header\n"); exit(1); } //check the number of cluster value = cluster_x * cluster_y; if (value >= MAX_CLUSTERS) { printf("[XML ERROR] The number of clusters is larger than %d\n", MAX_CLUSTERS); exit(1); } header->clusters = value; #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" clusters = %d\n", value); #endif ///////// get vspaces attribute value = getIntValue(reader, "vspaces", &ok); if (ok) { if (value >= MAX_VSPACES) { printf("[XML ERROR] The number of vspaces is larger than %d\n", MAX_VSPACES); exit(1); } #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf(" vspaces = %d\n", value); #endif header->vspaces = value; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal or missing attribute in mapping\n"); exit(1); } //////// initialise non replicated peripherals cluster_id header->tty_clusterid = 0xFFFFFFFF; header->nic_clusterid = 0xFFFFFFFF; header->ioc_clusterid = 0xFFFFFFFF; header->fbf_clusterid = 0xFFFFFFFF; ///////// set signature header->signature = IN_MAPPING_SIGNATURE; int status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); while (status == 1) { const char * tag = (const char *) xmlTextReaderConstName(reader); if (strcmp(tag, "clusterset") == 0) { clusterSetNode(reader); } else if (strcmp(tag, "globalset") == 0) { globalSetNode(reader); } else if (strcmp(tag, "vspaceset") == 0) { vspaceSetNode(reader); } else if (strcmp(tag, "#text") == 0) { } else if (strcmp(tag, "#comment") == 0) { } else if (strcmp(tag, "mapping_info") == 0) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf("end mapping_info\n"); #endif return; } else { printf("[XML ERROR] Unknown tag in header node : %s\n",tag); exit(1); } status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); } } // end headerNode() /////////////////////////////////////// void BuildTable(int fdout, const char * type, unsigned int nb_elem, unsigned int elem_size, char ** table) { unsigned int i; // write element for (i = 0; i < nb_elem; i++) { if (elem_size != write(fdout, table[i], elem_size)) { printf("function %s: %s(%d) write error \n", __FUNCTION__, type, i); exit(1); } #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf("Building binary: writing %s %d\n", type, i); #endif } } int open_file(const char * file_path) { //open file int fdout = open( file_path, (O_CREAT | O_RDWR), (S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR) ); if (fdout < 0) { perror("open"); exit(1); } //reinitialise the file if (ftruncate(fdout, 0)) { perror("truncate"); exit(1); } //#if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf("%s\n", file_path); //#endif return fdout; } /////////////////////////// void buildBin(const char * file_path) { unsigned int length; int fdout = open_file(file_path); // write header to binary file length = write(fdout, (char *) header, sizeof(mapping_header_t)); if (length != sizeof(mapping_header_t)) { printf("write header error : length = %d \n", length); exit(1); } // write clusters BuildTable(fdout, "cluster", cluster_index, sizeof(mapping_cluster_t), (char **) cluster); // write psegs BuildTable(fdout, "pseg", pseg_index, sizeof(mapping_pseg_t), (char **) pseg); // write vspaces BuildTable(fdout, "vspace", vspace_index, sizeof(mapping_vspace_t), (char **) vspace); // write vsegs BuildTable(fdout, "vseg", vseg_index, sizeof(mapping_vseg_t), (char **) vseg); // write vobjs BuildTable(fdout, "vobj", vobj_index, sizeof(mapping_vobj_t), (char **) vobj); // write tasks array BuildTable(fdout, "task", task_index, sizeof(mapping_task_t), (char **) task); //building procs array BuildTable(fdout, "proc", proc_index, sizeof(mapping_proc_t), (char **) proc); //building irqs array BuildTable(fdout, "irq", irq_index, sizeof(mapping_irq_t), (char **) irq); //building coprocs array BuildTable(fdout, "coproc", coproc_index, sizeof(mapping_coproc_t), (char **) coproc); //building cp_ports array BuildTable(fdout, "cp_port", cp_port_index, sizeof(mapping_cp_port_t),(char **) cp_port); //building periphs array BuildTable(fdout, "periph", periph_index, sizeof(mapping_periph_t), (char **) periph); close(fdout); } // end buildBin() /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // this function set the value the vobj_id fiels of all cp_ports /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void prepareBuild() { unsigned int i; //asign for all cp_ports the correct vspaceid and vobjid for (i = 0; i < cp_port_index; i++) { int vspace_id = getVspaceId(cp_port_vobj_ref[i]->vspace_name); if (vspace_id < 0) { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal for cp_port %d,\n", i); exit(1); } cp_port[i]->vspaceid = vspace_id; int vobj_id = getVobjLocId(vspace_id, cp_port_vobj_ref[i]->vobj_name, vspace[vspace_id]->vobjs); if (vobj_id >= 0) { #if XML_PARSER_DEBUG printf("\ncp_port = %d\n", i); printf(" vspace_name = %s\n", cp_port_vobj_ref[i]->vspace_name); printf(" vobj_name = %s\n", cp_port_vobj_ref[i]->vobj_name); printf(" vobj_index = %d\n", vobj_id); #endif cp_port[i]->vobjlocid = vobj_id; assert((vobj[ vspace[vspace_id]->vobj_offset + vobj_id]->type == VOBJ_TYPE_MWMR) && "coproc ports have to refer to a vobj of type MWMR"); } else { printf("[XML ERROR] illegal for cp_port %d,\n", i); exit(1); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////// void file_write(int fdout, char * towrite) { unsigned int size = strlen(towrite); if (size != write(fdout, towrite, size)) { printf("file_write error"); exit(1); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// void def_int_write(int fdout, char * def, int num) { char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "#define\t %s %d\n", def, num); file_write(fdout, buf); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// void def_hex_write(int fdout, char * def, int num) { char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "#define\t %s 0x%x\n", def, num); file_write(fdout, buf); } /////////////////////////////////////// void genHd(const char * file_path) { int fdout = open_file(file_path); char * prol = " /* Generated from the mapping_info file */\n\n#ifndef _HD_CONFIG_H\n#define _HD_CONFIG_H\n\n"; file_write(fdout, prol); def_int_write(fdout, "CLUSTER_X" , cluster_x); def_int_write(fdout, "CLUSTER_Y" , cluster_y); def_int_write(fdout, "NB_CLUSTERS" , cluster_index); def_hex_write(fdout, "CLUSTER_SIZE" , (((unsigned long long) 1) << 32) / cluster_index); def_int_write(fdout, "NB_PROCS_MAX" , nb_proc_max); def_int_write(fdout, "NB_TIMERS_MAX", nb_timer_channel_max); def_int_write(fdout, "NB_DMAS_MAX" , nb_dma_channel_max); def_int_write(fdout, "NB_TTYS" , nb_tty_channel); def_int_write(fdout, "NB_IOCS" , nb_ioc_channel); def_int_write(fdout, "NB_NICS" , nb_nic_channel); file_write(fdout, "\n"); def_int_write(fdout, "USE_XICU" , use_xicu); def_int_write(fdout, "IOMMU_ACTIVE ", io_mmu_active); char * epil = "\n#endif //_HD_CONFIG_H"; file_write(fdout, epil); close(fdout); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ld_write(int fdout, char * seg, unsigned int addr) { char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "%s = 0x%x;\n", seg, addr); file_write(fdout, buf); } /////////////////////////////////////// void genLd(const char * file_path) { int fdout = open_file(file_path); char * prol = "/* Generated from the mapping_info file */\n\n"; file_write(fdout, prol); //boot ld_write(fdout, "seg_boot_code_base", boot_code_base); ld_write(fdout, "seg_boot_stack_base", boot_stack_base); ld_write(fdout, "seg_mapping_base", boot_mapping_base); //kernel ld_write(fdout, "\nseg_kernel_code_base", kernel_code_base); ld_write(fdout, "seg_kernel_data_base", kernel_data_base); ld_write(fdout, "seg_kernel_uncdata_base", kernel_uncdata_base); ld_write(fdout, "seg_kernel_init_base", kernel_init_base); //peripherals ld_write(fdout, "\nseg_fbf_base", fbf_base_offset); ld_write(fdout, "seg_icu_base", icu_base_offset); ld_write(fdout, "seg_ioc_base", ioc_base_offset); ld_write(fdout, "seg_nic_base", nic_base_offset); ld_write(fdout, "seg_tty_base", tty_base_offset); ld_write(fdout, "seg_dma_base", dma_base_offset); ld_write(fdout, "seg_tim_base", tim_base_offset); ld_write(fdout, "seg_gcd_base", gcd_base_offset); ld_write(fdout, "seg_iob_base", iob_base_offset); close(fdout); } char * buildPath(const char * path, const char * name) { char * res = calloc(strlen(path) + strlen(name) + 1, 1); strcat(res, path); strcat(res, "/"); strcat(res, name); return res; } ///////////////////////////////////// int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { if (argc < 3) { printf("Usage: xml2bin \n"); return 1; } struct stat dir_st; if (stat( argv[2], &dir_st)) { perror("bad path"); exit(1); } if ((dir_st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) == 0) { printf("path is not a dir: %s", argv[2] ); exit(1); } char * map_path = buildPath(argv[2], "map.bin"); char * ld_path = buildPath(argv[2], "giet_vsegs.ld"); char * hd_path = buildPath(argv[2], "hard_config.h"); LIBXML_TEST_VERSION; int status; xmlTextReaderPtr reader = xmlReaderForFile(argv[1], NULL, 0); if (reader != NULL) { status = xmlTextReaderRead (reader); while (status == 1) { const char * tag = (const char *) xmlTextReaderConstName(reader); if (strcmp(tag, "mapping_info") == 0) { headerNode(reader); prepareBuild(); buildBin(map_path); genHd(hd_path); genLd(ld_path); } else { printf("[XML ERROR] Wrong file type: \"%s\"\n", argv[1]); return 1; } status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); } xmlFreeTextReader(reader); if (status != 0) { printf("[XML ERROR] Wrong Syntax in \"%s\" file\n", argv[1]); return 1; } } return 0; } // end main() // Local Variables: // tab-width: 4 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)) // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: // vim: filetype=c:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4