Jan 8, 2015, 11:55:26 AM (10 years ago)

1) Updating the classif application to introduce a "store" task in each cluster.
2) Updating the convol application to use the new sbt_barrier_init() prototype.

3 edited


  • soft/giet_vm/applications/classif/Makefile

    r457 r488  
    1 APP_NAME=router
    33USE+= stdio.o
  • soft/giet_vm/applications/classif/classif.py

    r473 r488  
    1212#  The mapping of tasks on processors is the following:
    1313#  - one "load" task per cluster,
    14 #  - (nprocs-1) "analyse" task per cluster.
     14#  - one "store" task per cluster,
     15#  - (nprocs-2) "analyse" task per cluster.
    1516#  The mapping of virtual segments on the clusters is the following:
    1617#    - The code vsegs are replicated on all clusters.
    2526#    - nprocs    : number of processors per cluster
    27 #  WARNING: The target architecture cannot contain more than (4*4) clusters
    28 #            and must contain at least 2 processors per cluster.
     28#  WARNING: The target architecture cannot contain less
     29#           than 3 processors per cluster.
    3839    y_width   = mapping.y_width
    40     assert (nprocs >= 2)
     41    assert (nprocs >= 3)
    4243    # define vsegs base & size
    100101                    task_index = 0
    101102                    task_name  = 'load_%d_%d_%d' %(x,y,p)           
     103                elif  ( p== 1 ):                            # task store
     104                    task_index = 1
     105                    task_name  = 'store_%d_%d_%d' %(x,y,p)           
    102106                else :                                      # task analyse
    103                     task_index = 1
     107                    task_index = 2
    104108                    task_name  = 'analyse_%d_%d_%d' % (x,y,p)
  • soft/giet_vm/applications/classif/main.c

    r480 r488  
    1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    22// File   : main.c   (for classif application)
    33// Date   : november 2014
    44// author : Alain Greiner
    5 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    66// This multi-threaded application takes a stream of Gigabit Ethernet packets,
    77// and makes packet analysis and classification, based on the source MAC address.
    8 // It uses the NIC peripheral, and the distributed kernel chbuf filled by the CMA
    9 // component to consume packets on the Gigabit Ethernet port.
     8// It uses the NIC peripheral, and the distributed kernel chbufs accessed by the CMA
     9// component to receive and send packets on the Gigabit Ethernet port.
    1111// This application is described as a TCG (Task and Communication Graph) containing
    12 // - one "load" task per cluster.
    13 // - from one to three "analyse" tasks per cluster.
    14 // In each cluster, the "load" task communicates with the local "analyse" tasks through
     12// (N+2) tasks per cluster:
     13// - one "load" task
     14// - N "analyse" tasks
     15// - one "store" task
     16// The 4 Kbytes containers are diributed (N+2 containers per cluster):
     17// - one RX container (part of the kernel rx_chbuf), in the kernel heap.
     18// - one TX container (part of the kernel tx-chbuf), in the kernel heap.
     19// - N working containers (one per analysis task), in the user heap.
     20// In each cluster, the "load", analysis" and "store" tasks communicates through
     21// three local MWMR fifos:
     22// - fifo_l2a : tranfer a full container from "load" to "analyse" task.
     23// - fifo_a2s : transfer a full container from "analyse" to "store" task.
     24// - fifo_s2l : transfer an empty container from "store" to "load" task.
     25// For each fifo, one item is a 32 bits word defining the index of an
     26// available working container.
     27// The pointers on the working containers, and the pointers on the MWMR fifos
     28// are global arrays stored in cluster[0][0].
    1529// a local MWMR fifo containing NB_PROCS_MAX containers (one item = one container).
    1630// The MWMR fifo descriptors array is defined as a global variable in cluster[0][0].
    2034//   the barrier between all "load" tasks. Other "load" tasks are waiting on the
    2135//   global_sync synchronisation variable.
    22 // - In each cluster[x][y], the "load" task allocates the MWMR fifo descriptor and
    23 //   the data buffer in the local heap, and initializes the MWMR descriptor.
     36// - In each cluster[x][y], the "load" task allocates the working containers
     37//   and the MWMR fifos descriptors in the local heap.
    2438//   The "analyse" tasks are waiting on the sync[x][y] variables.
     40// Instrumentation results display is done by the "store" task in cluster[0][0]
     41// when all "store" tasks completed the number of clusters specified by the
     42// CONTAINERS_MAX parameter.
    26 // When initialisation is completed, all "load and "analyse" tasks loop on containers:
    27 // 1) The "load" task transfer containers from the kernel chbuf associated to the
    28 //    NIC_RX channel (in cluster[0][0]), to the local MWMR fifo (in cluster[x][y]),
    29 //    after an in termediate copy in a private stack buffer.
    30 //    Each "load" task loads CONTAINERS_MAX containers before exit, and the
    31 //    task in cluster[0,0] displays the results stored in global counters filled
    32 //    by the "analyse" tasks when all "load" tasks reach the barrier.
     44// When initialisation is completed, all tasks loop on containers:
     45// 1) The "load" task get an empty working container from the fifo_s2l,
     46//    transfer one container from the kernel rx_chbuf to this user container,
     47//    and transfer ownership of this container to one "analysis" task by writing
     48//    into the fifo_l2a.   
    34 // 2) The "analyse" task transfer one container from the local MWMR fifo to a private
    35 //    local buffer. It analyse each packet contained in the container, compute the
    36 //    packet type, depending on the source MAC address, and increment the counters.
     50// 2) The "analyse" task get one working container from the fifo_l2a, analyse
     51//    each packet header, compute the packet type (depending on the SRC MAC address),
     52//    increment the correspondint classification counter, and transpose the SRC
     53//    and the DST MAC addresses fot TX tranmission.
    38 // It uses the he following hardware parameters, defined in the hard_config.h file:
     55// 3) The "store" task transfer get a full working container from the fifo_a2s,
     56//    transfer this user container content to the the kernel tx_chbuf,
     57//    and transfer ownership of this empty container to the "load" task by writing
     58//    into the fifo_s2l.   
     60// This application uses the following hardware parameters (hard_config.h file):
    3961// - X_SIZE       : number of clusters in a row
    4062// - Y_SIZE       : number of clusters in a column
    4163// - NB_PROCS_MAX : number of processors per cluster
    42 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    4466#include "stdio.h"
    4971#include "hard_config.h"
    51 #define CONTAINERS_MAX   10
    53 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     73#define CONTAINERS_MAX  5
     74#define VERBOSE_ANALYSE 1
     75#define ANALYSIS_TASKS  (NB_PROCS_MAX - 2)
    5478//    Global variables
    55 // The MWMR channels (descriptors and buffers) are distributed in the clusters,
    56 // but the pointers array is stored in cluster[0][0]
    57 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    59 mwmr_channel_t*  mwmr[X_SIZE][Y_SIZE];        // distributed MWMR fifos pointers
    61 unsigned int     local_sync[X_SIZE][Y_SIZE];  // distributed synchros "load" / "analyse"
    63 unsigned int     global_sync = 0;             // global synchro between "load" tasks
    65 unsigned int     count[16];                   // instrumentation counters
    67 giet_barrier_t   barrier;                     // barrier between "load" (instrumentation)
    69 unsigned int     nic_channel;                 // allocated NIC channel index
     79// The MWMR channels (descriptors and buffers), as well as the working containers
     80// used by the "analysis" tasks are distributed in clusters.
     81// But the pointers on these distributed structures are shared arrays
     82// stored in cluster[0][0].
     85// pointers on distributed temp[x][y][n] containers
     86unsigned int*       container[X_SIZE][Y_SIZE][ANALYSIS_TASKS]; 
     88// pointers on distributed mwmr fifos containing : temp[x][y][l] container descriptors
     89mwmr_channel_t*     mwmr_l2a[X_SIZE][Y_SIZE]; 
     90mwmr_channel_t*     mwmr_a2s[X_SIZE][Y_SIZE];
     91mwmr_channel_t*     mwmr_s2l[X_SIZE][Y_SIZE];
     93// local synchros signaling local MWMR fifos initialisation completion
     94unsigned int        local_sync[X_SIZE][Y_SIZE]; 
     96// global synchro signaling global initialisation completion
     97unsigned int        load_sync  = 0;
     98unsigned int        store_sync = 0;
     100// instrumentation counters
     101unsigned int        counter[16];
     103// distributed barriers (between "load" and "store" tasks)
     104giet_sbt_barrier_t  rx_barrier;
     105giet_sbt_barrier_t  tx_barrier;
     107// NIC_RX and NIC_TX channel index
     108unsigned int        nic_rx_channel;
     109unsigned int        nic_tx_channel;
    72112__attribute__ ((constructor)) void load()
     115    // each "load" task get processor identifiers
     116    unsigned int    x;
     117    unsigned int    y;
     118    unsigned int    l;
     119    giet_proc_xyp( &x, &y, &l );
     121    // "load" task[0][0] initialises barrier between load tasks,
     122    // allocates the NIC & CMA RX channels, and start the NIC_CMA RX transfer.
     123    // Other "load" tasks wait completion
     124    if ( (x==0) && (y==0) )
     125    {
     126        giet_shr_printf("\n*** Task load on P[%d][%d][%d] starts at cycle %d\n",
     127                        x , y , l , giet_proctime() );
     129        sbt_barrier_init( &rx_barrier, X_SIZE*Y_SIZE , 1 );
     130        nic_rx_channel = giet_nic_rx_alloc();
     131        giet_nic_rx_start( nic_rx_channel );
     132        load_sync = 1;
     133    }
     134    else
     135    {
     136        while ( load_sync == 0 ) asm volatile ("nop");
     137    }   
     139    // all load tasks allocate containers[x][y][n] (from local heap)
     140    // and register pointers in the local stack
     141    unsigned int   n;
     142    unsigned int*  cont[ANALYSIS_TASKS];
     144    for ( n = 0 ; n < ANALYSIS_TASKS ; n++ )
     145    {
     146        container[x][y][n] = malloc( 4096 );
     147        cont[n]            = container[x][y][n];
     148    }
     150    // all load tasks allocate data buffers for mwmr fifos (from local heap)
     151    unsigned int*  data_l2a = malloc( ANALYSIS_TASKS<<2 );
     152    unsigned int*  data_a2s = malloc( ANALYSIS_TASKS<<2 );
     153    unsigned int*  data_s2l = malloc( ANALYSIS_TASKS<<2 );
     155    // all load tasks allocate mwmr fifos descriptors (from local heap)
     156    mwmr_l2a[x][y] = malloc( sizeof(mwmr_channel_t) );
     157    mwmr_a2s[x][y] = malloc( sizeof(mwmr_channel_t) );
     158    mwmr_s2l[x][y] = malloc( sizeof(mwmr_channel_t) );
     160    // all "load" tasks register local pointers on mwmr fifos in local stack
     161    mwmr_channel_t* fifo_l2a = mwmr_l2a[x][y];
     162    mwmr_channel_t* fifo_a2s = mwmr_a2s[x][y];
     163    mwmr_channel_t* fifo_s2l = mwmr_s2l[x][y];
     165    // all "load" tasks initialise local mwmr fifos descriptors
     166    // ( width = 4 bytes / depth = number of analysis tasks )
     167    mwmr_init( fifo_l2a , data_l2a , 1 , ANALYSIS_TASKS );
     168    mwmr_init( fifo_a2s , data_a2s , 1 , ANALYSIS_TASKS );
     169    mwmr_init( fifo_s2l , data_s2l , 1 , ANALYSIS_TASKS );
     172    // all "load" tasks initialise local containers as empty in fifo_s2l
     173    for ( n = 0 ; n < ANALYSIS_TASKS ; n++ ) mwmr_write( fifo_s2l , &n , 1 );
     175    // each "load" task[x][y] signals mwmr fifos initialisation completion
     176    // to other tasks in same cluster[x][y]
     177    local_sync[x][y] = 1;
     179    // "load" task[0][0] displays status
     180    if ( (x==0) && (y==0) )
     181    giet_shr_printf("\n*** Task load on P[%d,%d,%d] enters main loop at cycle %d\n"
     182                    "      nic_rx_channel = %d / nic_tx_channel = %d\n"
     183                    "      &mwmr_l2a  = %x / &data_l2a  = %x\n"
     184                    "      &mwmr_a2s  = %x / &data_a2s  = %x\n"
     185                    "      &mwmr_s2l  = %x / &data_s2l  = %x\n"
     186                    "      &cont[0]   = %x\n"
     187                    "      x_size = %d / y_size = %d / nprocs = %d\n",
     188                    x , y , l , giet_proctime(),
     189                    nic_rx_channel , nic_tx_channel,
     190                    (unsigned int)fifo_l2a, (unsigned int)data_l2a,
     191                    (unsigned int)fifo_a2s, (unsigned int)data_a2s,
     192                    (unsigned int)fifo_s2l, (unsigned int)data_s2l,
     193                    (unsigned int)cont[0],
     194                    X_SIZE, Y_SIZE, NB_PROCS_MAX );
     196    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     197    // All "load" tasks enter the main loop (on containers)
     198    unsigned int count = 0;     // loaded containers count
     199    unsigned int index;         // available container index
     200    unsigned int* temp;         // pointer on available container
     202    while ( count < CONTAINERS_MAX )
     203    {
     204        // get one empty count index from fifo_s2l
     205        mwmr_read( fifo_s2l , &index , 1 );
     206        temp = cont[index];
     208        // get one count from  kernel rx_chbuf
     209        giet_nic_rx_move( nic_rx_channel, temp );
     211        // get packets number
     212        unsigned int npackets = temp[0] & 0x0000FFFF;
     213        unsigned int nwords   = temp[0] >> 16;
     215        if ( (x==X_SIZE-1) && (y==Y_SIZE-1) )
     216        giet_shr_printf("\n*** Task load on P[%d,%d,%d] get container %d at cycle %d"
     217                        " : %d packets / %d words\n",
     218                        x, y, l, count, giet_proctime(), npackets, nwords );
     220        // put the full count index to fifo_l2a
     221        mwmr_write( fifo_l2a, &index , 1 );
     223        count++;
     224    }
     226    // all "load" tasks synchronise before stats
     227    sbt_barrier_wait( &rx_barrier );
     229    // "load" task[0][0] stops the NIC_CMA RX transfer and displays stats
     230    if ( (x==0) && (y==0) )
     231    {
     232        giet_nic_rx_stop( nic_rx_channel );
     233        giet_nic_rx_stats( nic_rx_channel );
     234    }
     236    // all "load" task exit
     237    giet_exit("Task completed");
     239} // end load()
     243__attribute__ ((constructor)) void store()
    75246    // get processor identifiers
    79250    giet_proc_xyp( &x, &y, &l );
    81     // local buffer to store one container in private stack
    82     unsigned int  temp[1024];
    84     // allocates data buffer for MWMR fifo in local heap
    85     unsigned int*  data = malloc( NB_PROCS_MAX<<12 );
    87     // allocates MWMR fifo descriptor in local heap
    88     mwmr[x][y] = malloc( sizeof(mwmr_channel_t) );
    89     mwmr_channel_t* fifo = mwmr[x][y];
    91     // initialises local MWMR fifo : width = 4kbytes / depth = NB_PROCS_MAX
    92     mwmr_init( fifo , data , 1024 , NB_PROCS_MAX );
    94     // display for cluster[X_SIZE-1][Y_SIZE-1]
    95     if ( (x==X_SIZE-1) && (y==Y_SIZE-1) )
    96     giet_shr_printf("\n*** Task load starts on P[%d,%d,%d] at cycle %d\n"
    97                     "      &mwmr  = %x / &data  = %x / &sync  = %x\n"
    98                     "      x_size = %d / y_size = %d / nprocs = %d\n",
    99                     x , y , l , giet_proctime() ,
    100                     (unsigned int)fifo, (unsigned int)data, (unsigned int)(&local_sync[x][y]),
    101                     X_SIZE, Y_SIZE, NB_PROCS_MAX );
    103     // Task load on cluster[0,0] makes global initialisation:
    104     // - NIC & CMA channels allocation & initialisation.
    105     // - barrier for load tasks initialisation.
    106     // Other load task wait completion.
    107     if ( (x==0) && (y==0) )
    108     {
    109         // get NIC_RX channel
    110         nic_channel = giet_nic_rx_alloc();
    112         // start CMA transfer
    113         giet_nic_rx_start();
    115         // barrier init
    116         barrier_init( &barrier, X_SIZE * Y_SIZE );
    118         global_sync = 1;
     253    // "store" task[0][0] initialises the barrier between all "store" tasks,
     254    // allocates NIC & CMA TX channels, and starts the NIC_CMA TX transfer.
     255    // Other "store" tasks wait completion.
     256    if ( (x==0) && (y==0) )
     257    {
     258        giet_shr_printf("\n*** Task store on P[%d][%d][%d] starts at cycle %d\n",
     259                        x , y , l , giet_proctime() );
     261        sbt_barrier_init( &tx_barrier , X_SIZE*Y_SIZE , 1 );
     262        nic_tx_channel = giet_nic_tx_alloc();
     263        giet_nic_tx_start( nic_tx_channel );
     264        store_sync = 1;
    119265    }
    120266    else
    121267    {
    122         while ( global_sync == 0 ) asm volatile ("nop");
     268        while ( store_sync == 0 ) asm volatile ("nop");
    123269    }   
    125     // "load" task signals MWMR initialisation to "analyse" tasks
    126     local_sync[x][y] = 1;
    128     // main loop (on containers)
    129     unsigned int container = 0;
    130     while ( container < CONTAINERS_MAX )
     271    // all "store" tasks wait mwmr channels initialisation
     272    while ( local_sync[x][y] == 0 ) asm volatile ("nop");
     274    // all "store" tasks register pointers on working containers in local stack
     275    unsigned int   n;
     276    unsigned int*  cont[ANALYSIS_TASKS];
     277    for ( n = 0 ; n < ANALYSIS_TASKS ; n++ )
     278    {
     279        cont[n] = container[x][y][n];
     280    }
     282    // all "store" tasks register pointers on mwmr fifos in local stack
     283    mwmr_channel_t* fifo_l2a = mwmr_l2a[x][y];
     284    mwmr_channel_t* fifo_a2s = mwmr_a2s[x][y];
     285    mwmr_channel_t* fifo_s2l = mwmr_s2l[x][y];
     287    // "store" task[0][0] displays status
     288    if ( (x==0) && (y==0) )
     289    giet_shr_printf("\n*** Task store on P[%d,%d,%d] enters main loop at cycle %d\n"
     290                    "      &mwmr_l2a  = %x\n"
     291                    "      &mwmr_a2s  = %x\n"
     292                    "      &mwmr_s2l  = %x\n"
     293                    "      &cont[0]   = %x\n",
     294                    x , y , l , giet_proctime(),
     295                    (unsigned int)fifo_l2a,
     296                    (unsigned int)fifo_a2s,
     297                    (unsigned int)fifo_s2l,
     298                    (unsigned int)cont[0] );
     301    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     302    // all "store" tasks enter the main loop (on containers)
     303    unsigned int count = 0;     // stored containers count
     304    unsigned int index;         // empty container index
     305    unsigned int* temp;         // pointer on empty container
     307    while ( count < CONTAINERS_MAX )
    131308    {
    132         // get one container from kernel chbuf
    133         giet_nic_rx_move( nic_channel, temp );
     309        // get one working container index from fifo_a2s
     310        mwmr_read( fifo_a2s , &index , 1 );
     311        temp = cont[index];
     313        // put one container to  kernel tx_chbuf
     314        giet_nic_tx_move( nic_tx_channel, temp );
    135316        // get packets number
    139320        if ( (x==X_SIZE-1) && (y==Y_SIZE-1) )
    140         giet_shr_printf("\nTask load on P[%d,%d,%d] get container %d at cycle %d"
     321        giet_shr_printf("\n*** Task store on P[%d,%d,%d] get container %d at cycle %d"
    141322                        " : %d packets / %d words\n",
    142                         x, y, l, container, giet_proctime(), npackets, nwords );
    144         // put container to MWMR channel
    145         mwmr_write( fifo, temp, 1 );
    147         container++;
    148     }
    150     // all load tasks synchronise before result display
    151     barrier_wait( &barrier );
    153     // Task load in cluster[0,0] stops NIC and displays results
    154     if ( (x==0) && (y==0) )
    155     {
    156         giet_nic_rx_stop();
     323                        x, y, l, count, giet_proctime(), npackets, nwords );
     325        // put the working container index to fifo_s2l
     326        mwmr_write( fifo_s2l, &index , 1 );
     328        count++;
     329    }
     331    // all "store" tasks synchronise before result display
     332    sbt_barrier_wait( &tx_barrier );
     334    // "store" task[0,0] stops NIC_CMA TX transfer and displays results
     335    if ( (x==0) && (y==0) )
     336    {
     337        giet_nic_tx_stop( nic_tx_channel );
    158339        giet_shr_printf("\n@@@@ Classification Results @@@\n"
    172353                        " - TYPE D : %d packets\n"
    173354                        " - TYPE E : %d packets\n"
    174                         " - TYPE F : %d packets\n",
    175                         count[0x0], count[0x1], count[0x2], count[0x3],
    176                         count[0x4], count[0x5], count[0x6], count[0x7],
    177                         count[0x8], count[0x9], count[0xA], count[0xB],
    178                         count[0xC], count[0xD], count[0xE], count[0xF] );
    180         giet_nic_rx_stats();
    182     }
    184     // all load tasks synchronise before exit
    185     barrier_wait( &barrier );
     355                        " - TYPE F : %d packets\n"
     356                        "    TOTAL = %d packets\n",
     357                        counter[0x0], counter[0x1], counter[0x2], counter[0x3],
     358                        counter[0x4], counter[0x5], counter[0x6], counter[0x7],
     359                        counter[0x8], counter[0x9], counter[0xA], counter[0xB],
     360                        counter[0xC], counter[0xD], counter[0xE], counter[0xF],
     361                        counter[0x0]+ counter[0x1]+ counter[0x2]+ counter[0x3]+
     362                        counter[0x4]+ counter[0x5]+ counter[0x6]+ counter[0x7]+
     363                        counter[0x8]+ counter[0x9]+ counter[0xA]+ counter[0xB]+
     364                        counter[0xC]+ counter[0xD]+ counter[0xE]+ counter[0xF] );
     366        giet_nic_tx_stats( nic_tx_channel );
     367    }
     369    // all "store" task exit
    187370    giet_exit("Task completed");
    189 } // end load()
     372} // end store()
    199383    giet_proc_xyp( &x, &y, &l );
    201     // local buffer to store one container
    202     unsigned int  temp[1024];
    204     // wait MWMR channel initialisation (done by task load)
     385    if ( (x==0) && (y==0) )
     386    {
     387        giet_shr_printf("\n*** Task analyse on P[%d][%d][%d] starts at cycle %d\n",
     388                        x , y , l , giet_proctime() );
     389    }
     391    // all "analyse" tasks wait mwmr channels initialisation
    205392    while ( local_sync[x][y] == 0 ) asm volatile ("nop");
    207     // get pointer on MWMR channel descriptor
    208     mwmr_channel_t* fifo = mwmr[x][y];
    210     // display status for cluster[X_SIZE-1][Y_SIZE-1]
    211     if ( (x==X_SIZE-1) && (y==Y_SIZE-1) )
    212     giet_shr_printf("\n*** Task analyse starts on P[%d,%d,%d] at cycle %d\n"
    213                     "       &mwmr = %x / &sync = %x\n",
     394    // all "analyse" tasks register pointers on working containers in local stack
     395    unsigned int   n;
     396    unsigned int*  cont[ANALYSIS_TASKS];
     397    for ( n = 0 ; n < ANALYSIS_TASKS ; n++ )
     398    {
     399        cont[n] = container[x][y][n];
     400    }
     402    // all "analyse" tasks register pointers on mwmr fifos in local stack
     403    mwmr_channel_t* fifo_l2a = mwmr_l2a[x][y];
     404    mwmr_channel_t* fifo_a2s = mwmr_a2s[x][y];
     406    // "analyse" task[0][0] display status
     407    if ( (x==0) && (y==0) )
     408    giet_shr_printf("\n*** Task analyse on P[%d,%d,%d] enters main loop at cycle %d\n"
     409                    "       &mwmr_l2a = %x\n"
     410                    "       &mwmr_a2s = %x\n"
     411                    "       &cont[0]  = %x\n",
    214412                    x, y, l, giet_proctime(),
    215                     (unsigned int)fifo, (unsigned int)(&local_sync[x][y]) );
    217     // main loop (on containers)
    218     unsigned int nwords;     // number of words in container
    219     unsigned int npackets;   // number of packets in container
    220     unsigned int length;     // number of bytes in current packet
    221     unsigned int word;       // current packet first word in container
    222     unsigned int type;       // current packet type
    223     unsigned int p;          // current packet index
     413                    (unsigned int)fifo_l2a,
     414                    (unsigned int)fifo_a2s,
     415                    (unsigned int)cont[0] );
     417    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     418    // all "analyse" tasks enter the main loop (on containers)
     419    unsigned int  index;           // available container index
     420    unsigned int* temp;            // pointer on available container
     421    unsigned int  nwords;          // number of words in container
     422    unsigned int  npackets;        // number of packets in container
     423    unsigned int  length;          // number of bytes in current packet
     424    unsigned int  first;           // current packet first word in container
     425    unsigned int  type;            // current packet type
     426    unsigned int  p;               // current packet index
     429    unsigned int       verbose_len[10]; // save length for all packets in one container
     430    unsigned long long verbose_dst[10]; // save length for all packets in one container
     431    unsigned long long verbose_src[10]; // save length for all packets in one container
    224434    while ( 1 )
    225435    {
    226         // get one container from MWMR fifo
    227         mwmr_read( fifo, temp, 1 );
    229         // get packets number
     438            for( p = 0 ; p < 10 ; p++ )
     439            {
     440                verbose_len[p] = 0;
     441                verbose_dst[p] = 0;
     442                verbose_src[p] = 0;
     443            }
     445        // get one working container index from fifo_l2a
     446        mwmr_read( fifo_l2a , &index , 1 );
     447        temp = cont[index];
     449        // get packets number and words number
    230450        npackets = temp[0] & 0x0000FFFF;
    231451        nwords   = temp[0] >> 16;
    233         if ( (x==X_SIZE-1) && (y==Y_SIZE-1) )
    234         giet_shr_printf("\nTask analyse on P[%d,%d,%d] get container at cycle %d"
     453        if ( (x==0) && (y==0) )
     454        giet_shr_printf("\n*** Task analyse on P[%d,%d,%d] get container at cycle %d"
    235455                        " : %d packets / %d words\n",
    236456                                                x, y, l, giet_proctime(), npackets, nwords );
    238458        // initialize word index in container
    239         word = 34;
     459        first = 34;
    241461        // loop on packets
    246466            else                   length = temp[1+(p>>1)] & 0x0000FFFF;
    248             // get packet type (source mac address)
    249             type = (temp[word+1] & 0x0000000F);
    251             // increment counter
    252             atomic_increment( &count[type], 1 );
    254             // update word index
    255             if ( length & 0x3 ) word += (length>>2)+1;
    256             else                word += (length>>2);
     468            // compute packet DST and SRC MAC addresses
     469            unsigned int word0 = temp[first];
     470            unsigned int word1 = temp[first + 1];
     471            unsigned int word2 = temp[first + 2];
     473            unsigned long long dst = ((unsigned long long)(word1 & 0xFFFF0000)>>16) |
     474                                     (((unsigned long long)word0)<<16);
     475            unsigned long long src = ((unsigned long long)(word1 & 0x0000FFFF)<<32) |
     476                                     ((unsigned long long)word2);
     478            if ( p < 10 )
     479            {
     480                verbose_len[p] = length;
     481                verbose_dst[p] = dst;
     482                verbose_src[p] = src;
     483            }
     485            // compute type from SRC MAC address and increment counter
     486            type = word1 & 0x0000000F;
     487            atomic_increment( &counter[type], 1 );
     489            // exchange SRC & DST MAC addresses for TX
     490            temp[first]     = ((word1 & 0x0000FFFF)<<16) | ((word2 & 0xFFFF0000)>>16);
     491            temp[first + 1] = ((word2 & 0x0000FFFF)<<16) | ((word0 & 0xFFFF0000)>>16);
     492            temp[first + 2] = ((word0 & 0x0000FFFF)<<16) | ((word1 & 0xFFFF0000)>>16);
     494            // update first word index
     495            if ( length & 0x3 ) first += (length>>2)+1;
     496            else                first += (length>>2);
    257497        }
     500        if ( (x==0) && (y==0) )
     501        giet_shr_printf("\n*** Task analyse on P[%d,%d,%d] completes at cycle %d\n"
     502                        "   - Packet 0 : plen = %d / dst_mac = %l / src_mac = %l\n"
     503                        "   - Packet 1 : plen = %d / dst_mac = %l / src_mac = %l\n"
     504                        "   - Packet 2 : plen = %d / dst_mac = %l / src_mac = %l\n"
     505                        "   - Packet 3 : plen = %d / dst_mac = %l / src_mac = %l\n"
     506                        "   - Packet 4 : plen = %d / dst_mac = %l / src_mac = %l\n"
     507                        "   - Packet 5 : plen = %d / dst_mac = %l / src_mac = %l\n"
     508                        "   - Packet 6 : plen = %d / dst_mac = %l / src_mac = %l\n"
     509                        "   - Packet 7 : plen = %d / dst_mac = %l / src_mac = %l\n"
     510                        "   - Packet 8 : plen = %d / dst_mac = %l / src_mac = %l\n"
     511                        "   - Packet 9 : plen = %d / dst_mac = %l / src_mac = %l\n",
     512                        x , y , l , giet_proctime() ,
     513                        verbose_len[0] , verbose_dst[0] , verbose_src[0] ,
     514                        verbose_len[1] , verbose_dst[1] , verbose_src[1] ,
     515                        verbose_len[2] , verbose_dst[2] , verbose_src[2] ,
     516                        verbose_len[3] , verbose_dst[3] , verbose_src[3] ,
     517                        verbose_len[4] , verbose_dst[4] , verbose_src[4] ,
     518                        verbose_len[5] , verbose_dst[5] , verbose_src[5] ,
     519                        verbose_len[6] , verbose_dst[6] , verbose_src[6] ,
     520                        verbose_len[7] , verbose_dst[7] , verbose_src[7] ,
     521                        verbose_len[8] , verbose_dst[8] , verbose_src[8] ,
     522                        verbose_len[9] , verbose_dst[9] , verbose_src[9] );
     525        // pseudo-random delay
     526        for( p = 0 ; p < (giet_rand()>>4) ; p++ ) asm volatile ("nop");
     528        // put the working container index to fifo_a2s
     529        mwmr_write( fifo_a2s , &index , 1 );
    258530    }
    259531} // end analyse()
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.