= GIET-VM documentation = The GIET_VM is a fully '''static operating system''' for shared address space, many-cores architectures. These architectures are generally NUMA (Non Uniform memory Acces), because the memory is logically shared, but physically distributed, and the main goal of the GIET_VM is to address these NUMA issues. The GIET-VM assumes that there is one physical memory bank, and several processor cores per cluster. Each processor is identified by a composite index [x,y,p] where (x,y) are the cluster coordinates, and p is the local processor index. It is written for the MIPS32 processor. The virtual adresses are on 32 bits and use the (unsigned int) type, but the physicals addresses can have up to 40 bits, and use the (unsigned long long) type. == __A) [wiki:mapping_info Mapping]__ == == __B) [wiki:boot_loader Boot-loader]__ == == __C) [wiki:kernel_init Kernel_init]__ == == __D) [wiki:common_functions Boot & Kernel common functions]__ == == __E) [wiki:kernel_functions Kernel functions]__ == == __F) [wiki:library_stdio System calls]__ == == __G) [wiki:user_libraries User level libraries]__ == == __B) [wiki:peripherals_drivers Peripherals Drivers]__ ==