Changes between Version 23 and Version 24 of kernel_syscalls

Dec 27, 2014, 8:08:14 PM (10 years ago)



  • kernel_syscalls

    v23 v24  
    109109Return -1 if no CMA channel allocated to the calling task, or if user buffers not aligned on a word boundary.
    111  === 3) int '''_sys_fbf_cma_display'''( unsigned int index ) ===
     111 === 3) int '''_sys_fbf_cma_display'''( unsigned int buffer_index ) ===
    112112This function is used in conjunction with the _fbf_cma_start() function, and must be called each time a new user buffer is available for display, to set the user buffer status in the chbuf descriptor.
    113 The '''buffer'''  argument define the user buffer index (0 => buf0 / not 0 => buf1).
     113The '''buffer_index'''  argument define the user buffer index (0 => buf0 / not 0 => buf1).
    114114It makes the following actions if the IO Bridge component is used:
    1151151. it makes an INVAL request for the channel descriptor, before testing the source buffer status, because it is modified in XRAM by the CMA component.
    1161162. it makes a SYNC request for the source user buffer before activating the CMA  transfer, because the data will be read from XRAM by the CMA component.
    1171173. it makes a SYNC request for the channel descriptor after modification of the SRC and DST status, because these descriptors will be read from XRAM by the CMA component.
    118 Return 0 in case of success.
    119 Return -1 if no CMA channel allocated to the calling task.
     118Return 0 in case of success. Return -1 if no CMA channel allocated to the calling task.
    121120 === 4) int '''_sys_fbf_cma_stop'''() ===