= GIET-VM / TTY0 access functions = [[PageOutline]] The [source:soft/giet_vm/giet_common/tty0.c tty0.c] and [source:soft/giet_vm/giet_common/tty0.h tty0.h] files define the functions used to access the kernel terminal TTY[0]. They are prefixed by "_" to remind that they can only be executed by a processor in kernel mode. === void '''_puts'''( char* string ) === Displays a ''string'' on kernel TTY0. This function does NOT take the TTY0 lock. === void '''_putx'''( unsigned int value ) === Displays a 32 bits word as an hexadecimal string on kernel TTY0. This function does NOT take the TTY0 lock. === void '''_putl'''( unsigned long long value ) === Displays a 64 bits word as an hexadecimal string on kernel TTY0. This function does NOT take the TTY0 lock. === void '''_putd'''( unsigned int value ) === Displays a 32 bits word as an decimal string on kernel TTY0. This function does NOT take the TTY0 lock. === void '''_getc'''( char* byte ) === This blocking function uses a polling strategy on the TTY0 status register to get a single character. === void '''_printf'''( char* format, ... ) === This function displays a formated string on TTY0, after taking the SBT lock to get exclusive access. Only the following formats are supported: * %s : character string (0 terminated) * %x : hexadecimal representation for an unsigned int (32 bits) * %l : hexadecimal representation for an unsigned long long (64 bits) * %d : decimal representation for a signed int (32 bits) === void '''_nolock_printf( char* format, ... ) === THis function display a formated string on TTY0, without taking any lock for exclusive access.