Version 1 (modified by 10 years ago) (diff) | ,
The barrier.c and barrier.h files define a synchronisation service between several tasks sharing the same address space in a parallel multi-tasks application.
There is actually two types of barriers:
- The "giet_barrier_t" is a simple sense-reversing barrier. It can be safely used several times (in a loop for example),
but it does not scale, and should not be used when the number of expected tasks is larger than few tens. The available functions are:
- barrier_init( giet_barrier_t * barrier, unsigned int ntasks )‘‘‘
- barrier_wait( giet_barrier_t * barrier )
- The giet_sbt_barrier_t" can be used in multi-clusters architectures, and is implemented as a physically distributed Sliced-Binary-Tree (SBT).
To use this distributed barrier, some placement constraints must be respected:
- The number of tasks must be a power of 2.
- There is one task per processor in a given cluster.
- The involved clusters form a mesh[X][Y] where (X = Y) or (x = 2*Y)
- The lower left involved cluster is cluster(0,0)
Neither the barrier_init(), nor the barrier_wait() function require a syscall. For both types of barriers, the barrier initialisation should be done by one single task.