Changes between Version 116 and Version 117 of library_stdio

Sep 25, 2015, 11:12:49 AM (9 years ago)



  • library_stdio

    v116 v117  
    3030 == __Thread related system calls__ ==
    32 The GIET-VM support a subset of the POSIX Threads API.
     32The GIET-VM support a subset of the POSIX Threads API, defined below.
    3334The ''pthread_t'' and ''pthread_attr_t'' types are defined in the [source:soft/giet_vm/giet_libs/stdio.h stdio.h] file.
    3839The ''attr'' argument (pthread attributes) is not supported, and should be set to NULL: The stack size must be defined in the mapping, and the pthread is activated in attached mode. In the current implementation, the ''arg'' argument (argument to be passed to ''function'') is not supported, and should be set to NULL.
    3940The thread identifier stored in the ''buffer'' argument by the kernel is unique in a given space: It is actually build from the 4 following informations : [x,y,p,ltid], where x,y,p are the processor coordinates, and ltid is the thread index in the scheduler.   
    40  * buffer : pointer on a buffer that will contain the activated thread identifier.
    41  * attr :  not supported in the current implementation / must be set to NULL.
    42  * function : pointer on function
    43  * arg : not supported in the current implementation / must be set to NULL.
     41 * '''buffer''' : pointer on a buffer that will contain the activated thread identifier.
     42 * '''attr''' :  not supported in the current implementation / must be set to NULL.
     43 * '''function''' : pointer on function
     44 * '''arg''' : not supported in the current implementation / must be set to NULL.
    4445Return 0 if success.
    4546Return -1  if no matching thread.
    5455It returns only when the thread identified by the <trdid> argument is desactivated.
    5556The <ptr> argument is not supported, and should be set to NULL.
    56  * trdid : unique thread identifier in vspace.
    57  * ptr : not supported.
     57 * '''trdid''' : unique thread identifier in vspace.
     58 * '''ptr''' : not supported.
    5859Return 0 if success.
    5960Return -1  if no matching thread.
    7273The thread calling this function is descheduled and the processor is allocated to another thread. The calling thread is not deactivated and keep in the ''runable'' state.
    74 The following functions define GIET specific extensions to the POSIX threads API.
     75The following functions define various GIET_VM specific extensions to the POSIX threads API.
    7677 === 6) void '''giet_pthread_assert'''( unsigned int condition, char* string ) ===