Changes between Version 118 and Version 119 of library_stdio

Sep 25, 2015, 12:02:34 PM (9 years ago)



  • library_stdio

    v118 v119  
    8282 === 7) int '''giet_pthread_pause'''( char* vspace , pthread_t trdid ) ===
    83 This function is an extension to the POSIX standard. It deschedules and deactivates immediately the thread identified by the <vspace> and <trdid> arguments. The target thread goes to the ''blocked'' state, and will not be scheduled until the thread is reactivated by the giet_pthread_resume() function. The thread context (including the resources dynamically allocated to the thread) is not modified.
     83This function is an extension to the POSIX standard. It deactivates the thread identified by the <vspace> and <trdid> arguments. The target thread goes to the ''blocked'' state at the next context switch, and will not be scheduled until the thread is reactivated by the giet_pthread_resume() function. The thread context (including the resources dynamically allocated to the thread) is not modified.
    8484 * '''vspace''' : vspace name.
    8585 * '''trdid''' : thread identifier in vspace.
    8989 === 8) int '''get_pthread_resume'''( char* vspace , pthread_t trdid ) ===
    90 This function is an extension to the POSIX standard. It  reactivates a thread identified by the <vspace> and <trdid> arguments, that was descheduled by the gift_pthread_pause() function. The target thread goes to the ''runable'' state, and can be rescheduled at the next context switch to resume execution.
     90This function is an extension to the POSIX standard. It  reactivates a thread identified by the <vspace> and <trdid> arguments, that was descheduled by the giet_pthread_pause() function. The target thread goes to the ''runable'' state, and can be rescheduled at the next context switch to resume execution.
    9191 * '''vspace''' : vspace name.
    9292 * '''trdid''' : thread identifier in vspace.