
Version 2 (modified by alain, 10 years ago) (diff)


GIET-VM / XCU Driver

The xcu_driver.c and xcu_driver.h files define the XCU driver.

The vci_xcu component is an extended interrupt controller, available in the SoCLib components library, and supporting three types of interrupts:

  • HWI : HardWare? Interrupts (from hardware peripherals)
  • PTI : Programmable Timer Interrupts (contained in the XCU component)
  • WTI : Write Trigered Interrupts (from software, or from a PIC controller)

The GIET-VM uses three 32 entries interrupt vectors (one interrupt vector for each interrupt type).

The CXU component is a replicated peripheral: it must exist one XCU per cluster, and each one can contain several channels: The number of XICU channels is equal to NB_PROCS_MAX, because there is one private XCU channel per processor in a cluster.

The virtual base address of the segment associated to the component is:


The SEG_XCU_BASE and PERI_CLUSTER_INCREMENT values must be defined in the hard_config.h file.

The addressable registers map is defined here.

void _xcu_set_mask( unsigned int cluster_xy, unsigned int channel, unsigned int mask, unsigned int irq_type )

This function set the mask register for the IRQ type defined by "irq_type", and for the channel identified by the "cluster_xy" and "channel" arguments. All '1' bits are set / all '0' bits are not modified.

void _xcu_get_index( unsigned int cluster_xy, unsigned int channel, unsigned int * index, unsigned int * irq_type )

This function returns the index and the type of the highest priority active interrupt:

  1. active PTI (Timer Interrupt),
  2. active HWI (Hardware Interrupt),
  3. active WTI (Software Interrupt)

void _xcu_send_wti( unsigned int cluster_xy, unsigned int wti_index, unsigned int wdata )

This function writes the wdata value in the mailbox defined by the cluster_xy and wti_inde arguments.

void _xcu_get_wti_value( unsigned int cluster_xy, unsigned int wti_index, unsigned int * value )

This function returns the value contained in a WTI mailbox defined by the cluster_xy and wti_index arguments. This value is written in the value argument, and the corresponding WTI is acknowledged.

void _xcu_get_wti_address( unsigned int wti_index, unsigned int * address )

This function returns the physical address of the WTI mailbox in cluster [0][0], defined by the wti_index argument, in the address argument. It is used by the GIET to configurate the IOPIC component. There is no access to a specific XCU component in a specific cluster.

void _xcu_timer_start( unsigned int cluster_xy, unsigned int pti_index, unsigned int period )

This function activates a timer contained in XCU by writing in the proper register the period value.

void _xcu_timer_stop( unsigned int cluster_xy, unsigned int pti_index ) ==

This function desactivates a timer in XCU component by writing in the proper register.

unsigned int _xcu_timer_reset_irq( unsigned int cluster_xy, unsigned int pti_index )

This function acknowlegge a timer interrupt in XCU component by reading in the proper XCU register. It is used by both the isr_switch() for a system timer, or by the _isr_timer() for an user timer.

void _xcu_timer_reset_cpt( unsigned int cluster_xy, unsigned int pti_index )

This function resets a timer counter. To do so, it read in the TIMER_PERIOD register, and rewrite the same value in the same register, what causes the count to restart. This function is called during a context switch (user or preemptive).