#include "../include/Cache_OneLevel.h" namespace environnement { namespace cache { namespace cache_onelevel { // Return hit (true) // uncache is to stocke the address on the cache type_rsp_cache_t Cache_OneLevel::access (uint32_t num_port, uint32_t address, uint32_t trdid, type_req_cache_t type, direction_req_cache_t dir) { // std::cout << "" << std::endl // << " * num_port : " << num_port << std::endl // << " * address : " << std::hex << address << std::dec << std::endl // << " * trdid : " << trdid << std::endl // << " * type : " << type << std::endl // << " * direction : " << dir << std::endl; switch (type) { case UNCACHED : return access_uncached (num_port,address,trdid ); break; case INVALIDATE : return access_invalidate (num_port,address,trdid ); break; case FLUSH : return access_flush (num_port,address,trdid ); break; case PREFETCH : // no difference with the simple read cached (have no add a prefetch cache) case CACHED : return access_cached (num_port,address,trdid,dir); break; default : std::cout << " unknow type : " << std::endl; exit(1); break; } } }; }; };