#ifndef morpheo_behavioural_core_multi_execute_loop_execute_loop_multi_execute_unit_execute_unit_load_store_unit_Types_h #define morpheo_behavioural_core_multi_execute_loop_execute_loop_multi_execute_unit_execute_unit_load_store_unit_Types_h /* * $Id: Types.h 104 2009-01-21 21:53:13Z rosiere $ * * [ Description ] * */ #include "Behavioural/include/Types.h" #include "Common/include/ToString.h" #include "Common/include/FromString.h" #include "Common/include/ErrorMorpheo.h" #include namespace morpheo { namespace behavioural { namespace core { namespace multi_execute_loop { namespace execute_loop { namespace multi_execute_unit { namespace execute_unit { namespace load_store_unit { #define DCACHE_REQ_IS_LOAD(x) (x<<1) #define DCACHE_REQ_IS_STORE(x) ((x<<1)|1) #define DCACHE_RSP_IS_LOAD(x) ((x&1)==0) #define DCACHE_RSP_IS_STORE(x) ((x&1)==1) typedef enum { NO_SPECULATIVE_LOAD //each load wait all previous store before the data cache access ,SPECULATIVE_LOAD_ACCESS //each load wait all previous store before the commiting ,SPECULATIVE_LOAD_COMMIT //each load commit the result before the end of dependence's check //,SPECULATIVE_LOAD_BYPASS //each load bypass the result before the end of dependence's check } Tspeculative_load_t; typedef enum { SELECT_STORE_QUEUE, SELECT_LOAD_QUEUE , SELECT_LOAD_QUEUE_SPECULATIVE } Tselect_queue_t; // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Store Queue // ---------------------------------------------------------- typedef enum { STORE_QUEUE_EMPTY //entry is empty ,STORE_QUEUE_NO_VALID_NO_SPECULATIVE //entry is the top of rob, and operation isn't arrive ,STORE_QUEUE_VALID_SPECULATIVE //entry is arrive and wait the top of rob ,STORE_QUEUE_VALID_NO_SPECULATIVE //entry is ok, can be access at a dcache port. ,STORE_QUEUE_COMMIT //entry have access at dcache } Tstore_queue_state_t; class Tstore_queue_entry_t { public : Tstore_queue_state_t _state ; public : Tcontext_t _context_id ; public : Tcontext_t _front_end_id ; public : Tcontext_t _ooo_engine_id ; public : Tpacket_t _packet_id ; public : Toperation_t _operation ; public : Tlsq_ptr_t _load_queue_ptr_write; public : Tdcache_address_t _address ; public : Tgeneral_data_t _wdata ; //public : Tcontrol_t _write_rd ; //public : Tgeneral_address_t _num_reg_rd ; public : Texception_t _exception ; friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream& os, const Tstore_queue_entry_t & x) { return os << " * state : " << x._state << std::endl << " * packet : " << toString(x._packet_id) << std::endl << " * context, front_end, ooo_engine_id : " << toString(x._context_id) << " - " << toString(x._front_end_id) << " - " << toString(x._ooo_engine_id) << std::endl << " * operation : " << toString(x._operation) << std::endl << " * load_ptr : " << toString(x._load_queue_ptr_write) << std::endl << " * exception : " << toString(x._exception) << std::endl << std::hex << " * address : " << toString(x._address)<< std::endl << " * wdata : " << toString(x._wdata) << std::endl << std::dec; } }; // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Speculative_Access Queue // ---------------------------------------------------------- typedef enum { SPECULATIVE_ACCESS_QUEUE_EMPTY //entry is empty ,SPECULATIVE_ACCESS_QUEUE_WAIT_CACHE //entry is valid and can access at the dcache ,SPECULATIVE_ACCESS_QUEUE_WAIT_LOAD_QUEUE //entry wait an empty slot in load queue } Tspeculative_access_queue_state_t; class Tspeculative_access_queue_entry_t { public : Tspeculative_access_queue_state_t _state ; public : Tcontext_t _context_id ; public : Tcontext_t _front_end_id ; public : Tcontext_t _ooo_engine_id ; public : Tpacket_t _packet_id ; public : Toperation_t _operation ; public : Tlsq_ptr_t _load_queue_ptr_write ; public : Tlsq_ptr_t _store_queue_ptr_write; public : Tdcache_address_t _address ; public : Tcontrol_t _write_rd ; public : Tgeneral_address_t _num_reg_rd ; public : Texception_t _exception ; friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream& os, const Tspeculative_access_queue_entry_t & x) { return os << " * state : " << x._state << std::endl << " * packet : " << toString(x._packet_id) << std::endl << " * context, front_end, ooo_engine_id : " << toString(x._context_id) << " - " << toString(x._front_end_id) << " - " << toString(x._ooo_engine_id) << std::endl << " * operation : " << toString(x._operation) << std::endl << " * load, store ptr_write : " << toString(x._load_queue_ptr_write) << " - " << toString(x._store_queue_ptr_write) << std::endl << " * exception : " << toString(x._exception) << std::endl << std::hex << " * address : " << toString(x._address)<< std::endl << std::dec << " * write_rd, num_reg_rd : " << toString(x._write_rd) << " - " << toString(x._num_reg_rd)<< std::endl; } }; // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Load Queue // ---------------------------------------------------------- // HAVE_DCACHE_RSP MUST_CHECK STD::DECOD_BARRIER // OPERATION_MEMORY_LOAD X X - // OPERATION_MEMORY_LOCK - - - // OPERATION_MEMORY_INVALIDATE - - X // OPERATION_MEMORY_PREFETCH - - - // OPERATION_MEMORY_FLUSH - - X // OPERATION_MEMORY_SYNCHRONIZATION X - X #define have_dcache_rsp(x) (is_operation_memory_load(x) or (x==OPERATION_MEMORY_SYNCHRONIZATION)) #define must_check(x) (is_operation_memory_load(x)) typedef enum { LOAD_QUEUE_EMPTY //entry is empty ,LOAD_QUEUE_WAIT_CHECK //entry must wait the respons and check dependence with store ,LOAD_QUEUE_WAIT //entry must wait the respons ,LOAD_QUEUE_COMMIT_CHECK //entry must check dependence and can commit speculative ,LOAD_QUEUE_CHECK //entry must check dependence with store ,LOAD_QUEUE_COMMIT //entry must commit the instruction } Tload_queue_state_t; class Tload_queue_entry_t { public : Tload_queue_state_t _state ; public : Tcontext_t _context_id ; public : Tcontext_t _front_end_id ; public : Tcontext_t _ooo_engine_id ; public : Tpacket_t _packet_id ; public : Toperation_t _operation ; public : Tlsq_ptr_t _store_queue_ptr_write; public : Tdcache_address_t _address ; public : Tdcache_address_t _check_hit_byte ; public : Tcontrol_t _check_hit ; public : Tdcache_address_t _shift ; public : Tcontrol_t _is_load_signed ; public : Taccess_t _access_size ; public : Tgeneral_data_t _rdata ; public : Tcontrol_t _write_rd ; public : Tgeneral_address_t _num_reg_rd ; public : Texception_t _exception ; friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream& os, const Tload_queue_entry_t & x) { return os << " * state : " << x._state << std::endl << " * packet : " << toString(x._packet_id) << std::endl << " * context, front_end, ooo_engine_id : " << toString(x._context_id) << " - " << toString(x._front_end_id) << " - " << toString(x._ooo_engine_id) << std::endl << " * operation : " << toString(x._operation) << std::endl << " * store_queue_ptr_write : " << toString(x._store_queue_ptr_write) << std::endl << " * exception : " << toString(x._exception) << std::endl << " * check_hit, check_hit_byte : " << toString(x._check_hit) << " - " << toString(x._check_hit_byte) << std::endl << std::hex << " * address : " << toString(x._address)<< std::endl << " * rdata : " << toString(x._rdata) << std::endl << std::dec << " * write_rd, num_reg_rd : " << toString(x._write_rd) << " - " << toString(x._num_reg_rd)<< std::endl; } }; }; // end namespace load_store_unit }; // end namespace execute_unit }; // end namespace multi_execute_unit }; // end namespace execute_loop }; // end namespace multi_execute_loop }; // end namespace core }; // end namespace behavioural template<> inline std::string toString(const morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::Tspeculative_load_t& x) { switch (x) { case morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::NO_SPECULATIVE_LOAD : return "no_speculative_load" ; break; case morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::SPECULATIVE_LOAD_ACCESS : return "speculative_load_access"; break; case morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::SPECULATIVE_LOAD_COMMIT : return "speculative_load_commit"; break; // case morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::SPECULATIVE_LOAD_BYPASS : return "speculative_load_bypass"; break; default : return "" ; break; } }; template<> inline morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::Tspeculative_load_t fromString(const std::string& x) { if ( (x.compare("0") == 0) or (x.compare("no_speculative_load") == 0)) return morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::NO_SPECULATIVE_LOAD; if ( (x.compare("1") == 0) or (x.compare("speculative_load_access") == 0)) return morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::SPECULATIVE_LOAD_ACCESS; if ( (x.compare("2") == 0) or (x.compare("speculative_load_commit") == 0)) return morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::SPECULATIVE_LOAD_COMMIT; // if ( (x.compare("3") == 0) or // (x.compare("speculative_load_bypass") == 0)) // return morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::SPECULATIVE_LOAD_BYPASS; throw (ErrorMorpheo (" : Unknow string : \""+x+"\"")); }; template<> inline std::string toString(const morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::Tstore_queue_state_t& x) { switch (x) { case morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::STORE_QUEUE_EMPTY : return "empty" ; break; case morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::STORE_QUEUE_NO_VALID_NO_SPECULATIVE : return "no_valid_no_speculative"; break; case morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::STORE_QUEUE_VALID_SPECULATIVE : return "valid_speculative" ; break; case morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::STORE_QUEUE_VALID_NO_SPECULATIVE : return "valid_no_speculative" ; break; case morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::STORE_QUEUE_COMMIT : return "commit" ; break; default : return "" ; break; } }; template<> inline std::string toString(const morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::Tspeculative_access_queue_state_t& x) { switch (x) { case morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::SPECULATIVE_ACCESS_QUEUE_EMPTY : return "empty" ; break; case morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::SPECULATIVE_ACCESS_QUEUE_WAIT_CACHE : return "wait_cache" ; break; case morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::SPECULATIVE_ACCESS_QUEUE_WAIT_LOAD_QUEUE : return "wait_load_queue"; break; default : return "" ; break; } }; template<> inline std::string toString(const morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::Tload_queue_state_t& x) { switch (x) { case morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::LOAD_QUEUE_EMPTY : return "empty" ; break; case morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::LOAD_QUEUE_WAIT_CHECK : return "wait_check" ; break; case morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::LOAD_QUEUE_WAIT : return "wait" ; break; case morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::LOAD_QUEUE_COMMIT_CHECK : return "commit_check"; break; case morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::LOAD_QUEUE_CHECK : return "check" ; break; case morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_execute_loop::execute_loop::multi_execute_unit::execute_unit::load_store_unit::LOAD_QUEUE_COMMIT : return "commit" ; break; default : return "" ; break; } }; }; // end namespace morpheo #endif