#ifndef morpheo_behavioural_core_multi_execute_loop_execute_loop_multi_read_unit_read_unit_reservation_station_Reservation_station_h #define morpheo_behavioural_core_multi_execute_loop_execute_loop_multi_read_unit_read_unit_reservation_station_Reservation_station_h /* * $Id: Reservation_station.h 82 2008-05-01 16:48:45Z rosiere $ * * [ Description ] * */ #ifdef SYSTEMC #include "systemc.h" #endif #include #include "Common/include/ToString.h" #include "Common/include/Debug.h" #ifndef SYSTEMC_VHDL_COMPATIBILITY #include "Behavioural/Generic/Queue_Control/include/Queue_Control.h" #endif #include "Behavioural/Core/Multi_Execute_loop/Execute_loop/Multi_Read_unit/Read_unit/Reservation_station/include/Parameters.h" #include "Behavioural/Core/Multi_Execute_loop/Execute_loop/Multi_Read_unit/Read_unit/Reservation_station/include/Types.h" #ifdef STATISTICS #include "Behavioural/include/Stat.h" #endif #include "Behavioural/include/Component.h" #ifdef VHDL #include "Behavioural/include/Vhdl.h" #endif #include "Behavioural/include/Usage.h" namespace morpheo { namespace behavioural { namespace core { namespace multi_execute_loop { namespace execute_loop { namespace multi_read_unit { namespace read_unit { namespace reservation_station { class Reservation_station #if SYSTEMC : public sc_module #endif { // -----[ fields ]---------------------------------------------------- // Parameters protected : const std::string _name; protected : const Parameters * _param; private : const Tusage_t _usage; #ifdef STATISTICS public : Stat * _stat; #endif public : Component * _component; private : Interfaces * _interfaces; #ifdef SYSTEMC // ~~~~~[ Interface ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Interface public : SC_CLOCK * in_CLOCK ; public : SC_IN (Tcontrol_t) * in_NRESET ; // ~~~~~[ Interface "insert" ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ public : SC_IN (Tcontrol_t ) * in_INSERT_VAL ; public : SC_OUT(Tcontrol_t ) * out_INSERT_ACK ; public : SC_IN (Tcontext_t ) * in_INSERT_CONTEXT_ID ; public : SC_IN (Tcontext_t ) * in_INSERT_FRONT_END_ID ; public : SC_IN (Tcontext_t ) * in_INSERT_OOO_ENGINE_ID ; public : SC_IN (Tpacket_t ) * in_INSERT_ROB_ID ; public : SC_IN (Toperation_t ) * in_INSERT_OPERATION ; public : SC_IN (Ttype_t ) * in_INSERT_TYPE ; public : SC_IN (Tlsq_ptr_t ) * in_INSERT_STORE_QUEUE_PTR_WRITE; public : SC_IN (Tlsq_ptr_t ) * in_INSERT_LOAD_QUEUE_PTR_WRITE ; public : SC_IN (Tcontrol_t ) * in_INSERT_HAS_IMMEDIAT ; public : SC_IN (Tgeneral_data_t ) * in_INSERT_IMMEDIAT ; //public : SC_IN (Tcontrol_t ) * in_INSERT_READ_RA ; public : SC_IN (Tgeneral_address_t) * in_INSERT_NUM_REG_RA ; public : SC_IN (Tcontrol_t ) * in_INSERT_DATA_RA_VAL ; public : SC_IN (Tgeneral_data_t ) * in_INSERT_DATA_RA ; //public : SC_IN (Tcontrol_t ) * in_INSERT_READ_RB ; public : SC_IN (Tgeneral_address_t) * in_INSERT_NUM_REG_RB ; public : SC_IN (Tcontrol_t ) * in_INSERT_DATA_RB_VAL ; public : SC_IN (Tgeneral_data_t ) * in_INSERT_DATA_RB ; //public : SC_IN (Tcontrol_t ) * in_INSERT_READ_RC ; public : SC_IN (Tspecial_address_t) * in_INSERT_NUM_REG_RC ; public : SC_IN (Tcontrol_t ) * in_INSERT_DATA_RC_VAL ; public : SC_IN (Tspecial_data_t ) * in_INSERT_DATA_RC ; public : SC_IN (Tcontrol_t ) * in_INSERT_WRITE_RD ; public : SC_IN (Tgeneral_address_t) * in_INSERT_NUM_REG_RD ; public : SC_IN (Tcontrol_t ) * in_INSERT_WRITE_RE ; public : SC_IN (Tspecial_address_t) * in_INSERT_NUM_REG_RE ; // ~~~~~[ Interface "retire" ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ public : SC_OUT(Tcontrol_t ) ** out_RETIRE_VAL ; public : SC_IN (Tcontrol_t ) ** in_RETIRE_ACK ; public : SC_OUT(Tcontext_t ) ** out_RETIRE_CONTEXT_ID ; public : SC_OUT(Tcontext_t ) ** out_RETIRE_FRONT_END_ID ; public : SC_OUT(Tcontext_t ) ** out_RETIRE_OOO_ENGINE_ID ; public : SC_OUT(Tpacket_t ) ** out_RETIRE_ROB_ID ; public : SC_OUT(Toperation_t ) ** out_RETIRE_OPERATION ; public : SC_OUT(Ttype_t ) ** out_RETIRE_TYPE ; public : SC_OUT(Tlsq_ptr_t ) ** out_RETIRE_STORE_QUEUE_PTR_WRITE; public : SC_OUT(Tlsq_ptr_t ) ** out_RETIRE_LOAD_QUEUE_PTR_WRITE ; public : SC_OUT(Tcontrol_t ) ** out_RETIRE_HAS_IMMEDIAT ; public : SC_OUT(Tgeneral_data_t ) ** out_RETIRE_IMMEDIAT ; public : SC_OUT(Tgeneral_data_t ) ** out_RETIRE_DATA_RA ; public : SC_OUT(Tgeneral_data_t ) ** out_RETIRE_DATA_RB ; public : SC_OUT(Tspecial_data_t ) ** out_RETIRE_DATA_RC ; public : SC_OUT(Tcontrol_t ) ** out_RETIRE_WRITE_RD ; public : SC_OUT(Tgeneral_address_t) ** out_RETIRE_NUM_REG_RD ; public : SC_OUT(Tcontrol_t ) ** out_RETIRE_WRITE_RE ; public : SC_OUT(Tspecial_address_t) ** out_RETIRE_NUM_REG_RE ; // ~~~~~[ Interface "gpr_write" ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ public : SC_IN (Tcontrol_t ) ** in_GPR_WRITE_VAL ; // val and ack public : SC_IN (Tcontext_t ) ** in_GPR_WRITE_OOO_ENGINE_ID; public : SC_IN (Tgeneral_address_t) ** in_GPR_WRITE_NUM_REG ; public : SC_IN (Tgeneral_data_t ) ** in_GPR_WRITE_DATA ; // ~~~~~[ Interface "spr_write" ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ public : SC_IN (Tcontrol_t ) ** in_SPR_WRITE_VAL ; // val and ack public : SC_IN (Tcontext_t ) ** in_SPR_WRITE_OOO_ENGINE_ID; public : SC_IN (Tspecial_address_t) ** in_SPR_WRITE_NUM_REG ; public : SC_IN (Tspecial_data_t ) ** in_SPR_WRITE_DATA ; // ~~~~~[ Interface "bypass_write" ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ public : SC_IN (Tcontext_t ) ** in_BYPASS_WRITE_OOO_ENGINE_ID ; public : SC_IN (Tcontrol_t ) ** in_BYPASS_WRITE_GPR_VAL ; public : SC_IN (Tgeneral_address_t) ** in_BYPASS_WRITE_GPR_NUM_REG ; // RD public : SC_IN (Tgeneral_data_t ) ** in_BYPASS_WRITE_GPR_DATA ; public : SC_IN (Tcontrol_t ) ** in_BYPASS_WRITE_SPR_VAL ; public : SC_IN (Tspecial_address_t) ** in_BYPASS_WRITE_SPR_NUM_REG ; // RE public : SC_IN (Tspecial_data_t ) ** in_BYPASS_WRITE_SPR_DATA ; // ~~~~~[ Interface "bypass_memory" ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ public : SC_IN (Tcontrol_t ) ** in_BYPASS_MEMORY_VAL ; public : SC_IN (Tcontext_t ) ** in_BYPASS_MEMORY_OOO_ENGINE_ID; public : SC_IN (Tgeneral_address_t) ** in_BYPASS_MEMORY_NUM_REG ; public : SC_IN (Tgeneral_data_t ) ** in_BYPASS_MEMORY_DATA ; // ~~~~~[ Component ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // ~~~~~[ Register ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // ~~~~~[ Internal ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #ifdef SYSTEMC_VHDL_COMPATIBILITY protected : bool * _queue_valid; protected : uint32_t internal_INSERT_SLOT; #else protected : morpheo::behavioural::generic::queue_control::Queue_Control * _queue_control; #endif protected : Treservation_station_entry_t * _queue; protected : Tcontrol_t internal_INSERT_ACK; protected : Tcontrol_t * internal_RETIRE_VAL; protected : uint32_t * internal_RETIRE_SLOT; #endif // -----[ methods ]--------------------------------------------------- #ifdef SYSTEMC SC_HAS_PROCESS (Reservation_station); #endif public : Reservation_station ( #ifdef SYSTEMC sc_module_name name, #else string name, #endif #ifdef STATISTICS morpheo::behavioural::Parameters_Statistics * param_statistics, #endif Parameters * param, morpheo::behavioural::Tusage_t usage ); public : ~Reservation_station (void); #ifdef SYSTEMC private : void allocation (void); private : void deallocation (void); public : void transition (void); public : void genMoore (void); #endif #ifdef STATISTICS public : void statistics_declaration (morpheo::behavioural::Parameters_Statistics * param_statistics); #endif #if VHDL public : void vhdl (void); private : void vhdl_declaration (Vhdl * & vhdl); private : void vhdl_body (Vhdl * & vhdl); #endif #if defined(STATISTICS) or defined(VHDL_TESTBENCH) private : void end_cycle (void); #endif }; }; // end namespace reservation_station }; // end namespace read_unit }; // end namespace multi_read_unit }; // end namespace execute_loop }; // end namespace multi_execute_loop }; // end namespace core }; // end namespace behavioural }; // end namespace morpheo #endif