/* * $Id: Parameters_msg_error.cpp 81 2008-04-15 18:40:01Z rosiere $ * * [ Description ] * */ #include "Behavioural/include/Types.h" #include "Behavioural/Core/Multi_Front_end/Front_end/Ifetch_unit/Ifetch_queue/include/Parameters.h" #include namespace morpheo { namespace behavioural { namespace core { namespace multi_front_end { namespace front_end { namespace ifetch_unit { namespace ifetch_queue { #undef FUNCTION #define FUNCTION "Ifetch_queue::msg_error" Parameters_test Parameters::msg_error(void) { log_printf(FUNC,Ifetch_queue,FUNCTION,"Begin"); Parameters_test test ("Ifetch_queue"); if (_size_queue == 1) test.warning("To best perfomance, size_queue must be > 1."); // if (not _have_port_queue_ptr) // test.information("They have not port '..._QUEUE_PTR'."); // if (not _have_port_instruction_ptr) // test.information("They have not port '..._INST_IFETCH_PTR'."); // if (not _have_port_branch_update_prediction_id) // test.information("They have not port '..._BRANCH_UPDATE_PREDICTION_ID'."); log_printf(FUNC,Ifetch_queue,FUNCTION,"End"); return test; }; }; // end namespace ifetch_queue }; // end namespace ifetch_unit }; // end namespace front_end }; // end namespace multi_front_end }; // end namespace core }; // end namespace behavioural }; // end namespace morpheo