#ifdef SYSTEMC /* * $Id$ * * [ Description ] * */ #include "Behavioural/Core/Multi_Front_end/Front_end/Prediction_unit/Direction/Meta_Predictor/Meta_Predictor_Glue/include/Meta_Predictor_Glue.h" namespace morpheo { namespace behavioural { namespace core { namespace multi_front_end { namespace front_end { namespace prediction_unit { namespace direction { namespace meta_predictor { namespace meta_predictor_glue { void Meta_Predictor_Glue::genMealy_branch_complete_val (void) { log_printf(FUNC,Meta_Predictor_Glue,"genMealy_branch_complete_val","Begin"); for (uint32_t i=0; i<_param._nb_branch_complete; i++) { Tcontrol_t val = PORT_READ(in_BRANCH_COMPLETE_VAL [i]); Thistory_t history = PORT_READ(in_BRANCH_COMPLETE_HISTORY [i]); Tcontrol_t direction = PORT_READ(in_BRANCH_COMPLETE_DIRECTION [i]); Tcontrol_t predictor_0_direction = (history>>(_param._shift_2-1))&1; Tcontrol_t predictor_1_direction = (history>>(_param._shift_4-1))&1; // Tcontrol_t predictor_2_direction = (history>>(_param._shift_6-1))&1; // log_printf(TRACE,Meta_Predictor_Glue,"genMealy_branch_complete_val","direction_(predictor_0 %d, predictor_1 %d, predictor_2 %d, good %d)", predictor_0_direction, predictor_1_direction, predictor_2_direction, direction); log_printf(TRACE,Meta_Predictor_Glue,"genMealy_branch_complete_val","direction_(predictor_0 %d, predictor_1 %d, good %d)", predictor_0_direction, predictor_1_direction, direction); log_printf(TRACE,Meta_Predictor_Glue,"genMealy_branch_complete_val"," * direction_0 : %d >>(%d-1)",history,_param._shift_2); log_printf(TRACE,Meta_Predictor_Glue,"genMealy_branch_complete_val"," * direction_1 : %d >>(%d-1)",history,_param._shift_4); log_printf(TRACE,Meta_Predictor_Glue,"genMealy_branch_complete_val"," * direction_2 : %d >>(%d-1)",history,_param._shift_6); /* dir_0 dir_1 dir_2 | good_dir || next_dir_2 ------------------+-----------++----------- 0 0 0 | 0 || no change 1 0 0 | 0 || 1 select pred_0 but miss 0 1 0 | 0 || 0 select pred_0 and hit 1 1 0 | 0 || no change 0 0 1 | 0 || no change 1 0 1 | 0 || 1 select pred_1 and hit 0 1 1 | 0 || 0 select pred_1 but miss 1 1 1 | 0 || no change 0 0 0 | 1 || no change 1 0 0 | 1 || 0 select pred_0 and hit 0 1 0 | 1 || 1 select pred_0 but miss 1 1 0 | 1 || no change 0 0 1 | 1 || no change 1 0 1 | 1 || 0 select pred_1 but miss 0 1 1 | 1 || 1 select pred_1 and hit 1 1 1 | 1 || no change next_dir_2 = (good_dir and dir_1) or (not good_dir and dir_0) */ Tcontrol_t branch_complete_predictor_2_val = val and (predictor_0_direction xor predictor_1_direction); Tcontrol_t branch_complete_predictor_2_direction = ( (not direction and predictor_0_direction) or ( direction and predictor_1_direction) ); log_printf(TRACE,Meta_Predictor_Glue,"genMealy_branch_complete_val","branch_complete_predictor_2_( val %d, direction %d)",branch_complete_predictor_2_val, branch_complete_predictor_2_direction); // Modify meta_predictor if have a branch_complete and twice prediction have not predict the same way PORT_WRITE(out_BRANCH_COMPLETE_PREDICTOR_2_DIRECTION [i], branch_complete_predictor_2_direction); PORT_WRITE(out_BRANCH_COMPLETE_PREDICTOR_2_VAL [i], branch_complete_predictor_2_val ); } log_printf(FUNC,Meta_Predictor_Glue,"genMealy_branch_complete_val","End"); }; }; // end namespace meta_predictor_glue }; // end namespace meta_predictor }; // end namespace core }; // end namespace multi_front_end }; // end namespace front_end }; // end namespace prediction_unit }; // end namespace direction }; // end namespace behavioural }; // end namespace morpheo #endif