/* * $Id: Parameters.cpp 112 2009-03-18 22:36:26Z rosiere $ * * [ Description ] * */ #include "Behavioural/Core/Multi_Front_end/Front_end/Prediction_unit/Direction/Meta_Predictor/include/Parameters.h" #include "Behavioural/include/Allocation.h" namespace morpheo { namespace behavioural { namespace core { namespace multi_front_end { namespace front_end { namespace prediction_unit { namespace direction { namespace meta_predictor { #undef FUNCTION #define FUNCTION "Meta_Predictor::Parameters" Parameters::Parameters (uint32_t nb_inst_predict , uint32_t nb_inst_update , uint32_t size_address , bool have_bht [3], uint32_t bht_size_shifter [3], uint32_t bht_nb_shifter [3], bool have_pht [3], uint32_t pht_size_counter [3], uint32_t pht_nb_counter [3], uint32_t pht_size_address_share [3], bool is_toplevel) { log_begin(Meta_Predictor,FUNCTION); _nb_inst_predict = nb_inst_predict ; _nb_inst_update = nb_inst_update ; _size_address = size_address ; for (uint32_t i=0; i<3; ++i) { _have_bht [i] = have_bht [i]; _bht_size_shifter [i] = (_have_bht [i])?bht_size_shifter [i]:0; _bht_nb_shifter [i] = (_have_bht [i])?bht_nb_shifter [i]:0; _have_pht [i] = have_pht [i]; _pht_size_counter [i] = (_have_pht [i])?pht_size_counter [i]:0; _pht_nb_counter [i] = (_have_pht [i])?pht_nb_counter [i]:0; _pht_size_address_share [i] = (_have_bht[i] and _have_pht [i])?pht_size_address_share [i]:0; } test(); _have_meta_predictor = (_have_bht [2] or _have_pht [2]); _nb_predictor = (_have_meta_predictor)?3:1; ALLOC1(_predictor_update_on_prediction,bool , _nb_predictor); ALLOC1(_predictor_size_history ,uint32_t, _nb_predictor); // All predictor can update on prediction .... for (uint32_t i=0; i<_nb_predictor; ++i) _predictor_update_on_prediction [i] = true; // ... But the selector prediction can't if (_have_meta_predictor) _predictor_update_on_prediction [_nb_predictor-1] = false; // // All predictor can't update on prediction .... // for (uint32_t i=0; i<_nb_predictor; ++i) // _predictor_update_on_prediction [i] = false; _param_two_level_branch_predictor = new morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_front_end::front_end::prediction_unit::direction::meta_predictor::two_level_branch_predictor::Parameters * [_nb_predictor]; for (uint32_t i=0; i<_nb_predictor; ++i) { _param_two_level_branch_predictor [i] = new morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_front_end::front_end::prediction_unit::direction::meta_predictor::two_level_branch_predictor::Parameters (_nb_inst_predict , _nb_inst_update , _size_address , _have_bht [i], _bht_size_shifter [i], _bht_nb_shifter [i], _have_pht [i], _pht_size_counter [i], _pht_nb_counter [i], _pht_size_address_share [i], _predictor_update_on_prediction [i] ); _predictor_size_history [i] = _param_two_level_branch_predictor [i]->_size_history; } _param_glue = new morpheo::behavioural::core::multi_front_end::front_end::prediction_unit::direction::meta_predictor::meta_predictor_glue::Parameters ( _nb_inst_predict , _nb_inst_update , _nb_predictor , _predictor_size_history , _predictor_update_on_prediction ); _size_history = _param_glue->_size_history; if (is_toplevel) { copy(); } log_end(Meta_Predictor,FUNCTION); }; // #undef FUNCTION // #define FUNCTION "Meta_Predictor::Parameters (copy)" // Parameters::Parameters (Parameters & param) // { // log_begin(Meta_Predictor,FUNCTION); // test(); // log_end(Meta_Predictor,FUNCTION); // }; #undef FUNCTION #define FUNCTION "Meta_Predictor::~Parameters" Parameters::~Parameters (void) { log_begin(Meta_Predictor,FUNCTION); DELETE1(_param_two_level_branch_predictor, _nb_predictor); DELETE1(_predictor_size_history , _nb_predictor); DELETE1(_predictor_update_on_prediction , _nb_predictor); log_end(Meta_Predictor,FUNCTION); }; #undef FUNCTION #define FUNCTION "Meta_Predictor::copy" void Parameters::copy (void) { log_begin(Meta_Predictor,FUNCTION); COPY(_param_glue); for (uint32_t i=0; i<_nb_predictor; ++i) COPY(_param_two_level_branch_predictor [i]); log_end(Meta_Predictor,FUNCTION); }; }; // end namespace meta_predictor }; // end namespace direction }; // end namespace prediction_unit }; // end namespace front_end }; // end namespace multi_front_end }; // end namespace core }; // end namespace behavioural }; // end namespace morpheo