/* * $Id: Parameters_msg_error.cpp 81 2008-04-15 18:40:01Z rosiere $ * * [ Description ] * */ #include "Behavioural/include/Types.h" #include "Behavioural/Core/Multi_Front_end/Front_end/Prediction_unit/Direction/include/Parameters.h" #include namespace morpheo { namespace behavioural { namespace core { namespace multi_front_end { namespace front_end { namespace prediction_unit { namespace direction { #undef FUNCTION #define FUNCTION "Direction::msg_error" Parameters_test Parameters::msg_error(void) { log_printf(FUNC,Direction,FUNCTION,"Begin"); Parameters_test test ("Direction"); if (_nb_inst_predict == 0) test.error("nb_inst_predict must be > 0."); if (_nb_inst_update == 0) test.error("nb_inst_update must be > 0."); switch (_predictor_scheme) { case PREDICTOR_NEVER_TAKE : case PREDICTOR_ALWAYS_TAKE : case PREDICTOR_STATIC : case PREDICTOR_LAST_TAKE : { break; } case PREDICTOR_COUNTER : case PREDICTOR_LOCAL : case PREDICTOR_GLOBAL : case PREDICTOR_META : case PREDICTOR_CUSTOM : { test.error("Unimplemented predictor_scheme : \""+toString(_predictor_scheme)+"\". (Coming Soon)"); break; } } log_printf(FUNC,Direction,FUNCTION,"End"); return test; }; }; // end namespace direction }; // end namespace prediction_unit }; // end namespace front_end }; // end namespace multi_front_end }; // end namespace core }; // end namespace behavioural }; // end namespace morpheo